Kernel driver ============== Module parameters ------------------ The exact module parameters available depend on the kernel driver version (see respective `gc_hal_kernel_driver.c`). Important initialisation parameters are, along with the values on a RK2918 device: baseAddress 0 Physical memory base address signal 48 Realtime signal to use for kernel-user communication (only used if USE_NEW_LINUX_SIGNAL) bankSize 16777216 Bank size for video memory allocation (16777216 is the usual value) contiguousBase 0x78000000 Start physical memory address for "contiguous memory" (unified gpu-cpu memory) contiguousSize 0x08000000 Size of "contiguous memory" in bytes. This will be exclusive reserved for the driver from the memory available on the device! registerMemSize 16384 Size of MMIO area registerMemBase 0x10120000 Base address of MMIO area irqLine 41 IRQ line used for signals from GPU major 199 Major device node for /dev/galcore Most important to get right are registerMemSize, registerMemBase and irqLine as these allow the driver to find and communicate with the GPU hardware. They depend on the board, not on the GPU. For example, on a CuBox these settings are: irqLine 42 registerMemBase 0xf1840000 contiguousBase 0x08000000 The `dove` (cubox) driver also has a `gpu_frequency` parameter that sets the AXICLK/GCCLK clock at startup, if compiled with `ENABLE_GPU_CLOCK_BY_DRIVER`. Some devices may need this, although not the CuBox itself (it is disabled in the makefile). In that case your GPU will have an entry `GC` in `/proc/clocks`. On a Freescale i.MX6 (GK802) device the parameters are: irqLine 41 irqLine2D 42 irqLineVG 43 registerMemBase 0x00130000 registerMemBase2D 0x00134000 registerMemBaseVG 0x02204000 registerMemSize 16384 registerMemSize2D 16384 registerMemSizeVG 16384 contiguousBase 0x34000000 contiguousSize 0x0c000000 (192 MB) coreClock 156000000 signal 48 baseAddress 0 Diagnostics ============== There are various ways to get information about the current status of the GPU from user space. One of these is the file /proc/driver/gc, which has the following contents (on dove): Marvell Technology Group Ltd(GC Ver0.8.0.3184-1) DEBUG VERSION idle register: 0xfe, hardware is busy clockControl register: 0x100 print mode: Pid(0) Reset(1) DumpCmdBuf(0) GC memory usage profile: Total reserved video memory: 65535 KB Used video mem: 0 KB contiguous: 0 KB virtual: 0 KB MMU Entries usage(PageCount): Total(32768), Used(0) This shows the value of the idle register (`IDLE_STATE`, 0x0004), along with the clock control register (`CLOCK_CONTROL`, 0x0000), various debug/print flags, and memory usage information. /proc/driver/gc can also be used to control the driver, with various commands (`gc_hal_kernel_driver`). echo xx > /proc/driver/gc printPID Toggle print PID status. powerDebug Toggle power debug status. profile Set profiling settings. hang Toggle hang status. reset2 Reset GPU. memFail <0xFFFFFFFF> Set memory random fail rate. irq <0|1> Enable or disable GC interrupt line. log <0|1|2|3> Set logging verbosity: - `0` print nothing - `1` print error log only - `2` print warning log only - `3` print error and warning info silentReset <0|1> Enable (1) or disable (0) silent reset. dumpCmdBuf <0|1> Enable (1) or disable (0) dump command buffer. dumpall Dump all command buffers (only if kernel compiled with `MRVL_PRINT_CMD_BUFFER`). offidle Toggle power off when idle state. su Turn off device power. re Turn on device power. stress Stress test (enable and disable device power) count times. debug Change debug level. Level is one of: - `NONE` -1 - `ERROR` 0 - `WARNING` 1 - `INFO` 2 - `VERBOSE` 3 Zone is a bitfield consisting of: - OS 1 - HARDWARE 2 - HEAP 4 - KERNEL 8 - VIDMEM 16 - COMMAND 32 - DRIVER 64 - CMODEL 128 - MMU 256 - EVENT 512 - DEVICE 1024 The reply in dmesg will show `INFO`, `WARNING` or `ERROR` as `NONE`. 1 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 Change frequency to 1/x, use `1` to change to full speed. User to kernel interface ======================== At startup, the application connects to galcore device using `open` with the device - `/dev/galcore`, or - `/dev/graphics/galcore` After connecting to the device the entire chunk of contiguous memory, after requesting its address and size, is mapped into user space using `mmap`. The kernel will return addresses in this range when the user space driver allocates contiguous (unified) memory used for communication with the GPU. Ioctl ------- Communication with the kernel driver happens through ioctl calls on the resulting file descriptor. The following request ids are defined: - `IOCTL_GCHAL_INTERFACE` (30000) - `IOCTL_GCHAL_KERNEL_INTERFACE` (30001) - `IOCTL_GCHAL_TERMINATE` (30002) `IOCTL_GCHAL_INTERFACE` is the only one of these that is actually used by the userspace blob. This ioctl is passed one argument which is a pointer to the following structure: typedef struct { void *in_buf; uint32_t in_buf_size; void *out_buf; uint32_t out_buf_size; } vivante_ioctl_data_t; When used by the blob, `in_buf` and `out_buf` point to the same memory address: a `gcsHAL_INTERFACE` structure that is used both for input and output arguments. Command structure ------------------ The `gcsHAL_INTERFACE` (defined in `gc_hal_driver`) is the structure used by the driver to communicate with the kernel. It can be seen as a communication packet with a command opcode and an union with parameters. Depending on the `command` a different field of this union is used. The same structure is used both for input and output arguments. For example, the command `gcvHAL_ALLOCATE_LINEAR_VIDEO_MEMORY` (I will leave off the `gcvHAL_` from now on) uses the fields in `interface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory` to pass in the number of bytes to allocate, but also to pass out the number of bytes actually allocated. What is curious about the ioctl protocol is that the communication structures contains fields that are not used by the kernel at all. There is no good reason why these values would need to be present in kernel-facing structures. The line is blurry sometimes. It also appears that the structure has been designed with platform-independence in mind, and so some of the fields are not used in the Linux drivers such as `status`, `handle`, `pid`. A possibly worthwhile long-term goal would be to clean up the kernel driver interface. This would break compatibility with the Vivante binary blobs, though, so maybe the effort would be better spent building a fully-fledged DRM/DRI infrastructure driver instead. Allocations ------------ Memory management happens in the kernel. Two types of memory are allocated: - Contiguous memory Used for command buffers Allocated with command `ALLOCATE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY` Reserved system memory that is contiguous (not fragmented by MMU) and mapped into GPU memory It looks like the blob driver also allocates a signal for each contigous memory block, how does this get used? - Linear video memory Used for render targets, textures, surfaces, vertex buffers, bitmaps. The type of usage is specified by allocating the memory (see `gceSURF_TYPE` in `gc_hal_enum.h`). Allocated with command `ALLOCATE_LINEAR_VIDEO_MEMORY` Device memory, from one of the pools (default, local, unified or contiguous system memory) The available pools depend on the hardware; many of the devices have no local memory, and simply use a part of system memory as video memory. `LOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY` locks the video memory both - into the GPU memory space so that it can be used by the GPU - into CPU memory so that the application can read/write. It is interesting that these are done by the same call. Command buffers ------------------- Like many other GPUs, the primary means of programming the chip is through a command stream interpreted by a DMA engine. This "Front End" takes care of distributing state changes through the individual modules of the GPU, kicking off primitive rendering, synchronization, and also supports some primitive flow control (branch, call, return). The command stream is submitted to the kernel by means of command buffers. As most important part these structures contain a pointer to contiguous memory (allocated with command `ALLOCATE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY`) where the commands start. Command buffers are built in user space by the driver in a `gcoCMDBUF` structure, then submitted to the kernel with the `COMMIT` command. The following structure fields of `gcoCMDBUF` are used by the kernel: - `object`: marks the type of object (`gcvOBJ_COMMANDBUFFER`) - `physical`: physical address of command buffer - `logical`: logical (user space) address of command buffer - `bytes`: size of command buffer memory block in bytes - `startOffset`: offset at which to start sending command buffer (in bytes) - `offset`: end offset (in bytes) - `free`: number of free bytes in command buffer User signal API ---------------- Command `USER_SIGNAL` is used for synchronization signals between the kernel and userspace driver. Note: the contents in this section only apply as-is if the kernel was *not* compiled with `USE_NEW_LINUX_SIGNAL`. If this flag was set, then a posix real-time signal will be used to notify the process of incoming signals, and the `USER_SIGNAL_WAIT` is a no-op. The subcommands are: - `USER_SIGNAL_CREATE` Create a new signal Inputs: - manualReset If set to gcvTRUE, the `SIGNAL` command must be used with state false to reset the signal. If set to gcvFALSE, the signal automatically resets after waiting for it with `WAIT`. - signalType (more recent dove kernel only), type of signal, appearantly only used for debugging Outputs: id - `USER_SIGNAL_DESTROY` Destroy the signal Inputs: id Outputs: N/A - `USER_SIGNAL_SIGNAL` Signal the signal Inputs: id, state - id Signal id to signal - state If gcvTRUE, the signal will be set to signaled state, if gcvFALSE the signal will be set to nonsignaled state. Outputs: N/A - `USER_SIGNAL_WAIT` Wait on the signal (block current thread) Inputs: - id Signal id to wait for - wait Maximum duration to wait (in milliseconds) Outputs: N/A - `USER_SIGNAL_MAP` Map the signal Inputs: id Outputs: N/A - `USER_SIGNAL_UNMAP` Same as destroy Inputs: id Outputs: N/A This is used to synchronize GPU and CPU. Signals can be scheduled to be signalled/unsignalled when the GPU finished a certain operation (using an Event). They are also used for inter-thread synchronization by the EGL driver. The event queue effectively schedules kernel operations to happen in the future, when the GPU has finished processing the currently committed command buffers. This can be used to implement, for example, a fenced free that will release a buffer as soon as the GPU is finished with it. Event queues are sent to the kernel using the command `HAL_EVENT_COMMIT`. Types of interfaces that can be sent using an event are: - `FREE_NON_PAGED_MEMORY`: free earlier allocated non paged memory - `FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY`: free earier allocated contiguous memory - `FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY`: free earlier allocated video memory - `WRITE_DATA`: write data to memory using `writel` - `UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY`: unlock earlier locked video memory - `SIGNAL`: command from the signal API described in this section - `UNMAP_USER_MEMORY`: unmap earlier mapped user memory Userspace can wait for the signal using `USER_SIGNAL` with subcommand `USER_SIGNAL_WAIT`. Anatomy of a small rendering test ---------------------------------- See `native/replay` tests for details. - Get GPU base address - Get chip identity - Create user signals for synchronization - Query video memory - Allocate contiguous memory A of 0x8000 bytes, physical cdd30b40 logical 484ab000 -> Command buffer queue - Allocate contiguous memory B of 0x8000 bytes, physical cde41e40 logical 484f0000 -> Spare command buffer queue? - Allocate contiguous memory C of 0x8000 bytes, physical ce699d80 logical 4854b000 -> Spare command buffer queue? - Allocate contiguous memory D of 0x8000 bytes, physical cdd30440 logical 485a4000 -> Spare command buffer queue? - Allocate linear vidmem E of 0x70000 bytes, type `RENDER_TARGET`, node cf85a2e0 Main render target - Allocate linear vidmem F of 0x700 bytes, type `TILE_STATUS`, node d09ab6a8 looks like the tile status is an auxilary structure, of render target size /0x100 rounded up to 0x100 - Lock vidmem E, address 7f4f4100, memory 477e2100 - Lock vidmem F, address 7a003300, memory 422f1300 - Allocate linear vidmem G of 0x38000 bytes, type `DEPTH`, node cf8571b0 Depth surface of main render target - Allocate linear vidmem H of 0x400 bytes, type `TILE_STATUS`, node cf8633a8 Tile status of depth surface - Lock vidmem G, address 7e468000, memory 46756000 - Lock vidmem H, address 7a002900, memory 422f0900 - Allocate linear vidmem I of 0x60000 bytes, type `VERTEX`, node cf85f830 Vertex buffer - Lock vidmem I, address 7c061d80, memory 4434fd80 - Allocate linear vidmem J of 0x4000 bytes, type `RENDER_TARGET`, node cf8633e0 (pool SYSTEM) What is this? (64x64 aux render target?) - Allocate linear vidmem K of 0x100 bytes, type `TILE_STATUS`, node d09a4250 Tile status of J aux render target - Lock vidmem J, address 7f284000, memory 47572000 - Lock vidmem K, address 7a002f00, memory 422f0f00 - Build and commit the command buffer Context switching ================== Clients manage their own context, which is passed to COMMIT preemptively in case a context switch is needed. It appears that context switching is manual. Every process has to keep its own context structure for context switching, and pass this to COMMIT. In case this is needed the kernel will then load the state from the context buffer. The context contains a copy of all state that should be preserved when the context has been switched (when multiple programs are using the GPU). This has the form of a giant command stream buffer, accompanied by a state map (an array of offsets into the command stream buffer for every known state), and the address where to put a link to the main command buffer. The state `FE.VERTEX_ELEMENT_CONFIG` is handled specially: write only the elements that are used, starting from 0x00600 Used fields in `struct _gcoCONTEXT` from the kernel: - `id` [in] This id is used to determine wether to switch context [out] A unique id for the context is generated the first time a COMMIT is done, with context->id==0 - `hint*` only used when `SECURE_USER` is set - `logical` and `bufferSize` (note: `physical` is not used; the dove version of the driver doesn't even have this field in the default configuration) - `pipe2DIndex`: if this is set, "we have to check pipes", and the pipe is set to initialPipe if needed - `entryPipe`: this is the pipe that has to be active on entering the passed command buffer (and that holds at the end of the context buffer) - `initialPipe`: this is the pipe that has to be active on entering the context command buffer - `currentPipe`: this is the pipe that is active after the passed command buffer - `inUse`: value at this address is set to gcvTRUE, to mark the context as used. The context is "used" when a context switch happened. All command buffers are padded with 4 NOPs at the beginning to make place for a PIPE command if needed. At the end of the command buffer must be place for a LINK (1 NOP + padding). The other fields are not used by the kernel, only by the user-space driver internally for various purposes. This makes them uninteresting from a viewpoint of understanding the kernel interface. Profiling =============== To enable profiling, the kernel most have been built with `VIVANTE_PROFILER` enabled in `gc_hal_options.h` or the appropriate `config` file. USE_PROFILER = 1 Vivante also recommends disabling power management features while profiling, USE_POWER_MANAGEMENT = 0 HW profiling registers can be read using the command `READ_ALL_PROFILE_REGISTERS`. There are also the commands `GET_PROFILE_SETTING` and `SET_PROFILE_SETTING`, which set a flag for logging to a file (`vprofiler.xml` by default), but this flag doesn't do anything in the kernel driver, likely it's meant to be read out by the user space driver. This will return a structure `gcsPROFILER_COUNTERS`, defined in `GC_HAL_PROFILER.h`, which has the following timers: Hardware-wise, the memory controller keeps track of these counters in registers `MC_PROFILE_xx_READ`, switched by corresponding bits in registers `MC_PROFILE_CONFIGx`. HW static counters (clock rates). These are never filled in by the kernel, it appears, so will likely contain garbage. gpuClock axiClock shaderClock gpuClockStart gpuClockEnd HW variable counters gpuCyclesCounter gpuTotalRead64BytesPerFrame gpuTotalWrite64BytesPerFrame PE (Pixel engine) pe_pixel_count_killed_by_color_pipe pe_pixel_count_killed_by_depth_pipe pe_pixel_count_drawn_by_color_pipe pe_pixel_count_drawn_by_depth_pipe SH (Shader engine) ps_inst_counter rendered_pixel_counter vs_inst_counter rendered_vertice_counter vtx_branch_inst_counter vtx_texld_inst_counter pxl_branch_inst_counter pxl_texld_inst_counter PA (Primitive assembly) pa_input_vtx_counter pa_input_prim_counter pa_output_prim_counter pa_depth_clipped_counter pa_trivial_rejected_counter pa_culled_counter SE (Setup engine) se_culled_triangle_count se_culled_lines_count RA (Rasterizer) ra_valid_pixel_count ra_total_quad_count ra_valid_quad_count_after_early_z ra_total_primitive_count ra_pipe_cache_miss_counter ra_prefetch_cache_miss_counter ra_eez_culled_counter TX (Texture engine) tx_total_bilinear_requests tx_total_trilinear_requests tx_total_discarded_texture_requests tx_total_texture_requests tx_mem_read_count tx_mem_read_in_8B_count tx_cache_miss_count tx_cache_hit_texel_count tx_cache_miss_texel_count MC (Memory controller) mc_total_read_req_8B_from_pipeline mc_total_read_req_8B_from_IP mc_total_write_req_8B_from_pipeline HI (Host interface) hi_axi_cycles_read_request_stalled hi_axi_cycles_write_request_stalled hi_axi_cycles_write_data_stalled Resetting the GPU ------------------- When the GPU gets stuck, it can be reset with the `RESET` ioctl command. This calls the `gckHARDWARE_Reset` kernel function. Detailed overview of commands ------------------------------ From enum `gceHAL_COMMAND_CODES`. Calls: function within the kernel that is called by the dispatcher upon receiving this command. TODO: input/output arguments. * `QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY` Query the amount of video memory. Calls: gckKERNEL_QueryVideoMemory (see also gckHARDWARE_QueryMemory) * `QUERY_CHIP_IDENTITY` Query chip identity. Calls: gckHARDWARE_QueryChipIdentity * `ALLOCATE_NON_PAGED_MEMORY` Allocate non-paged memory. Calls: gckOS_AllocateNonPagedMemory * `FREE_NON_PAGED_MEMORY` Free non-paged memory. Calls: gckOS_FreeNonPagedMemory * `ALLOCATE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY` Allocate contiguous non-paged memory (used for command buffers). Calls: gckOS_AllocateContiguous * `FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY` Free contiguous non-paged memory. Calls: gckOS_FreeContiguous * `ALLOCATE_VIDEO_MEMORY` Same as `ALLOCATE_LINEAR_VIDEO_MEMORY`, but kernel does enforced alignment. Calls: gckHARDWARE_AlignToTile, gckHARDWARE_ConvertFormat, _AllocateMemory * `ALLOCATE_LINEAR_VIDEO_MEMORY` Allocate video memory of a certain type. The type of memory (gcvSURF_*) is used to determine what memory bank to allocate in (for performance reasons). Walks all required memory pools to allocate the requested amount of video memory. gcvPOOL_VIRTUAL: Virtual memory, allocated using gckVIDMEM_ConstructVirtual gcvPOOL_CONTIGUOUS: Contiguous memory, allocated using gckVIDMEM_ConstructVirtual gcvPOOL_SYSTEM: Contiguous system memory gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL: Internal memory gcvPOOL_LOCAL_EXTERNAL: External memory gcvPOOL_DEFAULT: Same as gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL gcvPOOL_LOCAL: Same as gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL gcvPOOL_UNIFIED: Same as gcvPOOL_SYSTEM If there is no available free memory in the requested pool, the pools are tried in the following order, starting from the requested pool type: - gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL - gcvPOOL_LOCAL_EXTERNAL - gcvPOOL_SYSTEM - gcvPOOL_CONTIGUOUS - gcvPOOL_VIRTUAL Calls: gckKERNEL_GetVideoMemoryPool, gckVIDMEM_AllocateLinear * `FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY` Calls: gckVIDMEM_Free * `MAP_MEMORY` Map physical memory into the current process (Physical-to-logical mapping). Calls: gckKERNEL_MapMemory (gckOS_MapMemory) * `UNMAP_MEMORY` Unmap memory mapped with `MAP_MEMORY`. Calls: gckKERNEL_UnmapMemory (gckOS_UnmapMemory) * `MAP_USER_MEMORY` Lock down a user buffer and return an DMA'able address to be used by the hardware to access it. (Logical-to-physical mapping) Calls: gckOS_MapUserMemory * `UNMAP_USER_MEMORY` Unlock a user buffer mapped by `MAP_USER_MEMORY`. Calls: gckOS_UnmapUserMemory * `LOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY` Surface lock. Calls: gckVIDMEM_Lock * `UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY` Surface unlock. Calls: gckVIDMEM_Unlock * `EVENT_COMMIT` Commit an event queue. Calls: gckEVENT_Commit * `USER_SIGNAL` Dispatch depends on the user signal subcommands (refer to section `User signal API`). (if not USE_NEW_LINUX_SIGNAL defined) Calls: gckOS_CreateUserSignal, gckOS_DestroyUserSignal, gckOS_SignalUserSignal, gckOS_WaitUserSignal * `SIGNAL` Used in submitted event queues only (refer to section `User signal API`). Not handled by ioctl dispatcher. * `WRITE_DATA` Used in submitted event queues only (refer to section `User signal API`). Not handled by ioctl handler. * `COMMIT` Commit a command and context buffer. Calls: gckCOMMAND_Commit * `STALL` Stall the command queue. This is equivalent to queueing a `SIGNAL` using `EVENT_COMMIT` then waiting for it using `USER_SIGNAL.WAIT`. Calls: gckCOMMAND_Stall * `READ_REGISTER` Read a GPU register. Only enabled if kernel compiled with `gcdREGISTER_ACCESS_FROM_USER` (which is obviously an security risk, as it allows user-space to read and write arbitrary registers). Calls: gckOS_ReadRegister * `WRITE_REGISTER` Write a GPU register. Only enabled if kernel compiled with `gcdREGISTER_ACCESS_FROM_USER` (which is obviously an security risk, as it allows user-space to read and write arbitrary registers). Calls: gckOS_WriteRegister * `GET_PROFILE_SETTING` Get profile settings. Only available if kernel compiled with `VIVANTE_PROFILER` enabled. Simply copies the "kernel profile filename" to the returned structure from the kernel configuration. * `SET_PROFILE_SETTING` Get profile settings. Only available if kernel compiled with `VIVANTE_PROFILER` enabled. Simply copies the "kernel profile filename" from the passed interface structure into the kernel configuration. * `READ_ALL_PROFILE_REGISTERS` Read all 3D profile registers. Only available if kernel compiled with `VIVANTE_PROFILER` enabled. Calls: gckHARDWARE_QueryProfileRegisters * `PROFILE_REGISTERS_2D` Read all 2D profile registers. Only available if kernel compiled with `VIVANTE_PROFILER` enabled. Calls: gckHARDWARE_ProfileEngine2D * `SET_POWER_MANAGEMENT_STATE` Set the power management state. Calls: gckHARDWARE_SetPowerManagementState * `QUERY_POWER_MANAGEMENT_STATE` Get the power management state. Calls: gckHARDWARE_QueryPowerManagementState / gckHARDWARE_QueryIdle * `GET_BASE_ADDRESS` Get physical base address. Out: - baseAddress: Physical memory address of internal memory. Calls: gckOS_GetBaseAddress * `SET_IDLE` Reserved. Not handled by kernel. * `QUERY_KERNEL_SETTINGS` Get kernel settings. Calls: gckKERNEL_QuerySettings * `RESET` Reset the hardware. Calls: gckHARDWARE_Reset * `MAP_PHYSICAL` Map physical address into handle. Not handled by the kernel on Linux. * `DEBUG` Set debug level and zones. Calls: gckOS_SetDebugLevel / gckOS_SetDebugZones * `CACHE` Flush or invalidate the cache. NOTE: unimplemented on Linux, and also apparently not called by the blob on Linux. In: invalidate: If FALSE, flush the cache (the GPU is going to need the data) if TRUE, flush and invalidate the cache (if the GPU is going to modify the data) process: Process handle Logical belongs to or gcvNULL if Logical belongs to the kernel. logical: Logical address to flush bytes: Size of the address range in bytes to flush Calls: gckOS_CacheInvalidate / gckOS_CacheFlush * `BROADCAST_GPU_STUCK` Broadcast GPU stuck. Calls: gckOS_Broadcast Crash recovery ================ The GPU sometimes crashes when fed with invalid addresses or commands. In these cases it seems like rebooting the device is the only way to get control over the GPU back. However the kernel does appear to contain stuck detection and recovery, which will be researched in this section. Kernel needs to be compiled with `gcdENABLE_TIMEOUT_DETECTION` enabled in `gc_hal_options.h` for this to work. - `gckCOMMAND_Stall` broadcasts `BROADCAST_GPU_STUCK` when the stall times out. - `gckEVENT_Submit` broadcasts GPU stuck when no event IDs are available, and the request time out. This will print the following message: !!FATAL!! GPU Stuck idle=0x%08X axi=0x%08X cmd=0x%08X The contents of the `IDLE_STATE`, `AXI_STATUS` and `DMA_ADDRESS` will be printed and then the function `gckKERNEL_Recovery` is called which tries to recover the GPU from a fatal error. - Try to do a a soft reset (`gckHARDWARE_Reset`) - If not supported, set power management state to `gcvPOWER_OFF_RECOVERY` XXX how to trigger from user space? State deltas ============= The v4 version has abandoned the user-space context approach of the v2 versions, and introduced a new mechanism with state deltas. The kernel now maintains the current values of all 3D states for the userspace-driver connection. A state delta (`gcsSTATE_DELTA`) structure contains new values for a subset of all GPU state addresses defined in the kernel context. User space has to generate a state delta structure before (XXX or after?) every COMMIT to let the kernel know of the changes made in the state buffer. State deltas have a refcount that tracks the number of contexts that are pending update by the state delta. State deltas are not copied from user space until actually needed (due to a context switch). This means that it is possible to keep updating the current state delta *until* the kernel increases it's refcount. When the refcount reaches zero they can be freed. This happens from user space as well. State delta records form a doubly-linked list. They contains an array of modified states (`_gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD`) in `recordArray` which are (address, mask, data) tuples. The mask is normally 0xffffffff which means update the whole state, but partial updates are possible as well by specifying a bitfield. The `vertexElementCount` of the state delta specifies how many vertex elements (state 00800) are used. These need to be handled specifically because they must always all be written, in consecutive order, up to the number of elements actually used (if they are all written, all vertex elements would be enabled). Fields `mapEntryID`, `mapEntryIDSize` and `mapEntryIndex` are not used from kernel space. A context has multiple buffers to prevent (de)allocation overhead; these are stored in a doubly-linked list and used in round-robin fashion. Pseudocode (simplified a lot): COMMIT(Ctx, CmdBuf, NewStateDelta) - If context switch needed ( != - Get current context buffer CurBuf for context Ctx - Merge pending state deltas for context Ctx into CurBuf, and reset pending deltas - Append NewStateDelta to list of pending deltas of all buffers for context Ctx - Send commands in CurBuf to GPU - Send commands in CmdBuf to GPU