path: root/arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-dhcor-som.dtsi
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Diffstat (limited to 'arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-dhcor-som.dtsi')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-dhcor-som.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-dhcor-som.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75486e1b0c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-dhcor-som.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 DH electronics GmbH
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/clock/imx6ul-clock.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/leds/common.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pwm/pwm.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/regulator/dlg,da9063-regulator.h>
+#include "imx6ull.dtsi"
+/ {
+ aliases {
+ /delete-property/ mmc0;
+ /delete-property/ mmc1;
+ };
+ memory@80000000 {
+ /* Appropriate memory size will be filled by U-Boot */
+ reg = <0x80000000 0>;
+ device_type = "memory";
+ };
+&cpu0 {
+ /*
+ * Due to the design as a solderable SOM, there are no capacitors
+ * below the SoC, therefore higher voltages are required.
+ * Due to CPU lifetime consideration of the SoC manufacturer and
+ * the preferred area of operation in the industrial related
+ * environment, set the maximum frequency for each DHCOM i.MX6ULL
+ * to 792MHz, as with the industrial type.
+ */
+ clock-frequency = <792000000>;
+ operating-points = <
+ /* kHz uV */
+ 792000 1250000 /* Voltage increased */
+ 528000 1175000
+ 396000 1025000
+ 198000 950000
+ >;
+ fsl,soc-operating-points = <
+ /* KHz uV */
+ 792000 1250000 /* Voltage increased */
+ 528000 1175000
+ 396000 1175000
+ 198000 1175000
+ >;
+&gpio1 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_spi1_switch>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ /*
+ * Pin SPI_BOOT_FLASH_EN (GPIO 1.9) is a switch for either using the
+ * DHCOM SPI1 interface or accessing the SPI bootflash. Both using
+ * ecspi1, but muxed to different pins. The DHCOM SPI1 interface uses
+ * the pins PAD_LCD_DATA21..23 and the SPI bootflash uses the pins
+ * PAD_CSI_DATA04..07. If the SPI bootflash is enabled the pins for
+ * DHCOM GPIOs N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/U aren't usable anymore, because they
+ * are used for the bus interface to the SPI bootflash. The GPIOs are
+ * disconnected by a buffer which is also controlled via the pin
+ * SPI_BOOT_FLASH_EN. Therefore the access to the bootflash is a
+ * special case and is disabled by setting GPIO 1.9 to high.
+ */
+ spi1-switch-hog {
+ gpio-hog;
+ gpios = <9 0>;
+ output-high;
+ line-name = "spi1-switch";
+ };
+&i2c1 {
+ clock-frequency = <100000>;
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1>;
+ pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_i2c1_gpio>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio";
+ scl-gpios = <&gpio1 28 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN)>;
+ sda-gpios = <&gpio1 29 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN)>;
+ status = "okay";
+ pmic@58 {
+ compatible = "dlg,da9061";
+ reg = <0x58>;
+ onkey {
+ compatible = "dlg,da9061-onkey", "dlg,da9062-onkey";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ regulators {
+ vdd_soc_in_1v4: buck1 {
+ regulator-allowed-modes = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SLEEP>; /* PFM */
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-initial-mode = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SLEEP>;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <1400000>;
+ regulator-name = "vdd_soc_in_1v4";
+ };
+ vcc_3v3: buck2 {
+ regulator-allowed-modes = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SYNC>; /* PWM */
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-initial-mode = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SYNC>;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ regulator-name = "vcc_3v3";
+ };
+ /*
+ * The current DRR3 memory can be supplied with a
+ * voltage of either 1.35V or 1.5V. For reasons of
+ * backward compatibility to only 1.5V DDR3 memory,
+ * the voltage is set to 1.5V.
+ */
+ vcc_ddr_1v35: buck3 {
+ regulator-allowed-modes = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SYNC>; /* PWM */
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-initial-mode = <DA9063_BUCK_MODE_SYNC>;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <1500000>;
+ regulator-name = "vcc_ddr_1v35";
+ };
+ vcc_2v5: ldo1 {
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <2500000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <2500000>;
+ regulator-name = "vcc_2v5";
+ };
+ vdd_snvs_in_3v3: ldo2 {
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+ regulator-name = "vdd_snvs_in_3v3";
+ };
+ vcc_1v8: ldo3 {
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+ regulator-name = "vcc_1v8";
+ };
+ vcc_1v2: ldo4 {
+ regulator-always-on;
+ regulator-boot-on;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <1200000>;
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <1200000>;
+ regulator-name = "vcc_1v2";
+ };
+ };
+ thermal {
+ compatible = "dlg,da9061-thermal", "dlg,da9062-thermal";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ watchdog {
+ compatible = "dlg,da9061-watchdog", "dlg,da9062-watchdog";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ };
+&ocotp {
+ /* Don't get write access by default */
+ read-only;
+&reg_arm {
+ vin-supply = <&vdd_soc_in_1v4>;
+&reg_soc {
+ vin-supply = <&vdd_soc_in_1v4>;
+/* BT on LGA (BT_REG_ON is connected to LGA pin E1) */
+&uart2 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart2>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ uart-has-rtscts;
+ status = "okay";
+ /*
+ * Actually, the maximum speed of the chip is 4MBdps, but there are
+ * limitations that prevent this speed. It hasn't yet been figured out
+ * what the reason for this is. Currently, the maximum speed of 3MBdps
+ * can be used without any problems. If the limitation can be overcome,
+ * the speed can be increased accordingly.
+ */
+ bluetooth: bluetooth {
+ compatible = "brcm,bcm43430a1-bt"; /* muRata 1DX */
+ max-speed = <3000000>;
+ vbat-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
+ vddio-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
+ };
+/* WiFi on LGA (WL_REG_ON is connected to LGA pin E3) */
+&usdhc1 {
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ bus-width = <4>;
+ no-1-8-v;
+ non-removable;
+ keep-power-in-suspend;
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_wifi>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ wakeup-source;
+ status = "okay";
+ brcmf: wifi@1 {
+ compatible = "brcm,bcm43430a1-fmac", "brcm,bcm4329-fmac"; /* muRata 1DX */
+ reg = <1>;
+ };
+&iomuxc {
+ pinctrl_i2c1: i2c1-grp {
+ fsl,pins = <
+ MX6UL_PAD_UART4_TX_DATA__I2C1_SCL 0x4001b8b0
+ MX6UL_PAD_UART4_RX_DATA__I2C1_SDA 0x4001b8b0
+ >;
+ };
+ pinctrl_i2c1_gpio: i2c1-gpio-grp {
+ fsl,pins = <
+ MX6UL_PAD_UART4_TX_DATA__GPIO1_IO28 0x4001b8b0
+ MX6UL_PAD_UART4_RX_DATA__GPIO1_IO29 0x4001b8b0
+ >;
+ };
+ pinctrl_spi1_switch: spi1-switch-grp {
+ fsl,pins = <
+ MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO09__GPIO1_IO09 0x120b0 /* SPI_BOOT_FLASH_EN */
+ >;
+ };
+ pinctrl_uart2: uart2-grp {
+ fsl,pins = <
+ >;
+ };
+ pinctrl_usdhc1_wifi: usdhc1-wifi-grp {
+ fsl,pins = <
+ >;
+ };