path: root/arch/sparc/include/asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'arch/sparc/include/asm')
12 files changed, 478 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/Kbuild b/arch/sparc/include/asm/Kbuild
index cfc918067f80..0569bfac4afb 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/Kbuild
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/Kbuild
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ generic-y += local64.h
generic-y += mcs_spinlock.h
generic-y += mm-arch-hooks.h
generic-y += module.h
-generic-y += mutex.h
generic-y += preempt.h
generic-y += rwsem.h
generic-y += serial.h
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/hypervisor.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/hypervisor.h
index 666d5ba230d2..73cb8978df58 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/hypervisor.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/hypervisor.h
@@ -2335,6 +2335,348 @@ unsigned long sun4v_vintr_set_target(unsigned long dev_handle,
+/* PCI IOMMU v2 definitions and services
+ *
+ * While the PCI IO definitions above is valid IOMMU v2 adds new PCI IO
+ * definitions and services.
+ *
+ * CTE Clump Table Entry. First level table entry in the ATU.
+ *
+ * pci_device_list
+ * A 32-bit aligned list of pci_devices.
+ *
+ * pci_device_listp
+ * real address of a pci_device_list. 32-bit aligned.
+ *
+ * iotte IOMMU translation table entry.
+ *
+ * iotte_attributes
+ * IO Attributes for IOMMU v2 mappings. In addition to
+ * read, write IOMMU v2 supports relax ordering
+ *
+ * io_page_list A 64-bit aligned list of real addresses. Each real
+ * address in an io_page_list must be properly aligned
+ * to the pagesize of the given IOTSB.
+ *
+ * io_page_list_p Real address of an io_page_list, 64-bit aligned.
+ *
+ * IOTSB IO Translation Storage Buffer. An aligned table of
+ * IOTTEs. Each IOTSB has a pagesize, table size, and
+ * virtual address associated with it that must match
+ * a pagesize and table size supported by the un-derlying
+ * hardware implementation. The alignment requirements
+ * for an IOTSB depend on the pagesize used for that IOTSB.
+ * Each IOTTE in an IOTSB maps one pagesize-sized page.
+ * The size of the IOTSB dictates how large of a virtual
+ * address space the IOTSB is capable of mapping.
+ *
+ * iotsb_handle An opaque identifier for an IOTSB. A devhandle plus
+ * iotsb_handle represents a binding of an IOTSB to a
+ * PCI root complex.
+ *
+ * iotsb_index Zero-based IOTTE number within an IOTSB.
+ */
+/* The index_count argument consists of two fields:
+ * bits 63:48 #iottes and bits 47:0 iotsb_index
+ */
+#define HV_PCI_IOTSB_INDEX_COUNT(__iottes, __iotsb_index) \
+ (((u64)(__iottes) << 48UL) | ((u64)(__iotsb_index)))
+/* pci_iotsb_conf()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: r_addr
+ * ARG2: size
+ * ARG3: pagesize
+ * ARG4: iova
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: iotsb_handle
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, size, iova, or pagesize
+ * EBADALIGN r_addr is not properly aligned
+ * ENORADDR r_addr is not a valid real address
+ * ETOOMANY No further IOTSBs may be configured
+ * EBUSY Duplicate devhandle, raddir, iova combination
+ *
+ * Create an IOTSB suitable for the PCI root complex identified by devhandle,
+ * for the DMA virtual address defined by the argument iova.
+ *
+ * r_addr is the properly aligned base address of the IOTSB and size is the
+ * IOTSB (table) size in bytes.The IOTSB is required to be zeroed prior to
+ * being configured. If it contains any values other than zeros then the
+ * behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * pagesize is the size of each page in the IOTSB. Note that the combination of
+ * size (table size) and pagesize must be valid.
+ *
+ * virt is the DMA virtual address this IOTSB will map.
+ *
+ * If successful, the opaque 64-bit handle iotsb_handle is returned in ret1.
+ * Once configured, privileged access to the IOTSB memory is prohibited and
+ * creates undefined behavior. The only permitted access is indirect via these
+ * services.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_CONF 0x190
+/* pci_iotsb_info()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: r_addr
+ * RET2: size
+ * RET3: pagesize
+ * RET4: iova
+ * RET5: #bound
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle or iotsb_handle
+ *
+ * This service returns configuration information about an IOTSB previously
+ * created with pci_iotsb_conf.
+ *
+ * iotsb_handle value 0 may be used with this service to inquire about the
+ * legacy IOTSB that may or may not exist. If the service succeeds, the return
+ * values describe the legacy IOTSB and I/O virtual addresses mapped by that
+ * table. However, the table base address r_addr may contain the value -1 which
+ * indicates a memory range that cannot be accessed or be reclaimed.
+ *
+ * The return value #bound contains the number of PCI devices that iotsb_handle
+ * is currently bound to.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_INFO 0x191
+/* pci_iotsb_unconf()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * RET0: status
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle or iotsb_handle
+ * EBUSY The IOTSB is bound and may not be unconfigured
+ *
+ * This service unconfigures the IOTSB identified by the devhandle and
+ * iotsb_handle arguments, previously created with pci_iotsb_conf.
+ * The IOTSB must not be currently bound to any device or the service will fail
+ *
+ * If the call succeeds, iotsb_handle is no longer valid.
+ */
+/* pci_iotsb_bind()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: pci_device
+ * RET0: status
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, or pci_device
+ * EBUSY A PCI function is already bound to an IOTSB at the same
+ * address range as specified by devhandle, iotsb_handle.
+ *
+ * This service binds the PCI function specified by the argument pci_device to
+ * the IOTSB specified by the arguments devhandle and iotsb_handle.
+ *
+ * The PCI device function is bound to the specified IOTSB with the IOVA range
+ * specified when the IOTSB was configured via pci_iotsb_conf. If the function
+ * is already bound then it is unbound first.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_BIND 0x193
+/* pci_iotsb_unbind()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: pci_device
+ * RET0: status
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, or pci_device
+ * ENOMAP The PCI function was not bound to the specified IOTSB
+ *
+ * This service unbinds the PCI device specified by the argument pci_device
+ * from the IOTSB identified * by the arguments devhandle and iotsb_handle.
+ *
+ * If the PCI device is not bound to the specified IOTSB then this service will
+ * fail with status ENOMAP
+ */
+/* pci_iotsb_get_binding()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: iova
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: iotsb_handle
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, pci_device, or iova
+ * ENOMAP The PCI function is not bound to an IOTSB at iova
+ *
+ * This service returns the IOTSB binding, iotsb_handle, for a given pci_device
+ * and DMA virtual address, iova.
+ *
+ * iova must be the base address of a DMA virtual address range as defined by
+ * the iommu-address-ranges property in the root complex device node defined
+ * by the argument devhandle.
+ */
+/* pci_iotsb_map()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: index_count
+ * ARG3: iotte_attributes
+ * ARG4: io_page_list_p
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: #mapped
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, #iottes,
+ * iotsb_index or iotte_attributes
+ * EBADALIGN Improperly aligned io_page_list_p or I/O page
+ * address in the I/O page list.
+ * ENORADDR Invalid io_page_list_p or I/O page address in
+ * the I/O page list.
+ *
+ * This service creates and flushes mappings in the IOTSB defined by the
+ * arguments devhandle, iotsb.
+ *
+ * The index_count argument consists of two fields. Bits 63:48 contain #iotte
+ * and bits 47:0 contain iotsb_index
+ *
+ * The first mapping is created in the IOTSB index specified by iotsb_index.
+ * Subsequent mappings are created at iotsb_index+1 and so on.
+ *
+ * The attributes of each mapping are defined by the argument iotte_attributes.
+ *
+ * The io_page_list_p specifies the real address of the 64-bit-aligned list of
+ * #iottes I/O page addresses. Each page address must be a properly aligned
+ * real address of a page to be mapped in the IOTSB. The first entry in the I/O
+ * page list contains the real address of the first page, the 2nd entry for the
+ * 2nd page, and so on.
+ *
+ * #iottes must be greater than zero.
+ *
+ * The return value #mapped is the actual number of mappings created, which may
+ * be less than or equal to the argument #iottes. If the function returns
+ * successfully with a #mapped value less than the requested #iottes then the
+ * caller should continue to invoke the service with updated iotsb_index,
+ * #iottes, and io_page_list_p arguments until all pages are mapped.
+ *
+ * This service must not be used to demap a mapping. In other words, all
+ * mappings must be valid and have one or both of the RW attribute bits set.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * It is implementation-defined whether I/O page real address validity checking
+ * is done at time mappings are established or deferred until they are
+ * accessed.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_MAP 0x196
+/* pci_iotsb_map_one()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: iotsb_index
+ * ARG3: iotte_attributes
+ * ARG4: r_addr
+ * RET0: status
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle,iotsb_handle, iotsb_index
+ * or iotte_attributes
+ * EBADALIGN Improperly aligned r_addr
+ * ENORADDR Invalid r_addr
+ *
+ * This service creates and flushes a single mapping in the IOTSB defined by the
+ * arguments devhandle, iotsb.
+ *
+ * The mapping for the page at r_addr is created at the IOTSB index specified by
+ * iotsb_index with the attributes iotte_attributes.
+ *
+ * This service must not be used to demap a mapping. In other words, the mapping
+ * must be valid and have one or both of the RW attribute bits set.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * It is implementation-defined whether I/O page real address validity checking
+ * is done at time mappings are established or deferred until they are
+ * accessed.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_MAP_ONE 0x197
+/* pci_iotsb_demap()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: iotsb_index
+ * ARG3: #iottes
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: #unmapped
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, iotsb_index or #iottes
+ *
+ * This service unmaps and flushes up to #iottes mappings starting at index
+ * iotsb_index from the IOTSB defined by the arguments devhandle, iotsb.
+ *
+ * #iottes must be greater than zero.
+ *
+ * The actual number of IOTTEs unmapped is returned in #unmapped and may be less
+ * than or equal to the requested number of IOTTEs, #iottes.
+ *
+ * If #unmapped is less than #iottes, the caller should continue to invoke this
+ * service with updated iotsb_index and #iottes arguments until all pages are
+ * demapped.
+ */
+#define HV_FAST_PCI_IOTSB_DEMAP 0x198
+/* pci_iotsb_getmap()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: iotsb_index
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: r_addr
+ * RET2: iotte_attributes
+ * ERRORS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, or iotsb_index
+ * ENOMAP No mapping was found
+ *
+ * This service returns the mapping specified by index iotsb_index from the
+ * IOTSB defined by the arguments devhandle, iotsb.
+ *
+ * Upon success, the real address of the mapping shall be returned in
+ * r_addr and thethe IOTTE mapping attributes shall be returned in
+ * iotte_attributes.
+ *
+ * The return value iotte_attributes may not include optional features used in
+ * the call to create the mapping.
+ */
+/* pci_iotsb_sync_mappings()
+ * ARG0: devhandle
+ * ARG1: iotsb_handle
+ * ARG2: iotsb_index
+ * ARG3: #iottes
+ * RET0: status
+ * RET1: #synced
+ * ERROS: EINVAL Invalid devhandle, iotsb_handle, iotsb_index, or #iottes
+ *
+ * This service synchronizes #iottes mappings starting at index iotsb_index in
+ * the IOTSB defined by the arguments devhandle, iotsb.
+ *
+ * #iottes must be greater than zero.
+ *
+ * The actual number of IOTTEs synchronized is returned in #synced, which may
+ * be less than or equal to the requested number, #iottes.
+ *
+ * Upon a successful return, #synced is less than #iottes, the caller should
+ * continue to invoke this service with updated iotsb_index and #iottes
+ * arguments until all pages are synchronized.
+ */
/* Logical Domain Channel services. */
@@ -2993,6 +3335,7 @@ unsigned long sun4v_m7_set_perfreg(unsigned long reg_num,
#define HV_GRP_SDIO 0x0108
#define HV_GRP_SDIO_ERR 0x0109
#define HV_GRP_REBOOT_DATA 0x0110
+#define HV_GRP_ATU 0x0111
#define HV_GRP_M7_PERF 0x0114
#define HV_GRP_NIAG_PERF 0x0200
#define HV_GRP_FIRE_PERF 0x0201
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/iommu_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/iommu_64.h
index cd0d69fa7592..f24f356f2503 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/iommu_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/iommu_64.h
@@ -24,8 +24,36 @@ struct iommu_arena {
unsigned int limit;
+#define ATU_64_SPACE_SIZE 0x800000000 /* 32G */
+/* Data structures for SPARC ATU architecture */
+struct atu_iotsb {
+ void *table; /* IOTSB table base virtual addr*/
+ u64 ra; /* IOTSB table real addr */
+ u64 dvma_size; /* ranges[3].size or OS slected 32G size */
+ u64 dvma_base; /* ranges[3].base */
+ u64 table_size; /* IOTSB table size */
+ u64 page_size; /* IO PAGE size for IOTSB */
+ u32 iotsb_num; /* tsbnum is same as iotsb_handle */
+struct atu_ranges {
+ u64 base;
+ u64 size;
+struct atu {
+ struct atu_ranges *ranges;
+ struct atu_iotsb *iotsb;
+ struct iommu_map_table tbl;
+ u64 base;
+ u64 size;
+ u64 dma_addr_mask;
struct iommu {
struct iommu_map_table tbl;
+ struct atu *atu;
spinlock_t lock;
u32 dma_addr_mask;
iopte_t *page_table;
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/kdebug_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/kdebug_64.h
index 04465de8f3b5..867286bf7b1a 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/kdebug_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/kdebug_64.h
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ enum die_val {
DIE_DEBUG, /* ta 0x70 */
DIE_DEBUG_2, /* ta 0x71 */
+ DIE_BPT, /* ta 0x73 */
+ DIE_SSTEP, /* ta 0x74 */
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/pgtable_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/pgtable_64.h
index 1fb317fbc0b3..314b66851348 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/pgtable_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/pgtable_64.h
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ static inline unsigned long __pmd_page(pmd_t pmd)
#define pgd_page_vaddr(pgd) \
((unsigned long) __va(pgd_val(pgd)))
#define pgd_present(pgd) (pgd_val(pgd) != 0U)
-#define pgd_clear(pgdp) (pgd_val(*(pgd)) = 0UL)
+#define pgd_clear(pgdp) (pgd_val(*(pgdp)) = 0UL)
static inline unsigned long pud_large(pud_t pud)
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_32.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_32.h
index 812fd08f3e62..365d4cb267b4 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_32.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_32.h
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ extern struct task_struct *last_task_used_math;
int do_mathemu(struct pt_regs *regs, struct task_struct *fpt);
#define cpu_relax() barrier()
-#define cpu_relax_lowlatency() cpu_relax()
extern void (*sparc_idle)(void);
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_64.h
index ce2595c89471..6448cfc8292f 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/processor_64.h
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ unsigned long get_wchan(struct task_struct *task);
"nop\n\t" \
".previous" \
::: "memory")
-#define cpu_relax_lowlatency() cpu_relax()
/* Prefetch support. This is tuned for UltraSPARC-III and later.
* UltraSPARC-I will treat these as nops, and UltraSPARC-II has
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/ptrace.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/ptrace.h
index bac6a946ee00..ca57f08bd3db 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/ptrace.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/ptrace.h
@@ -61,7 +61,10 @@ extern union global_cpu_snapshot global_cpu_snapshot[NR_CPUS];
#define force_successful_syscall_return() set_thread_noerror(1)
#define user_mode(regs) (!((regs)->tstate & TSTATE_PRIV))
#define instruction_pointer(regs) ((regs)->tpc)
-#define instruction_pointer_set(regs, val) ((regs)->tpc = (val))
+#define instruction_pointer_set(regs, val) do { \
+ (regs)->tpc = (val); \
+ (regs)->tnpc = (val)+4; \
+ } while (0)
#define user_stack_pointer(regs) ((regs)->u_regs[UREG_FP])
static inline int is_syscall_success(struct pt_regs *regs)
@@ -77,6 +80,36 @@ unsigned long profile_pc(struct pt_regs *);
#define profile_pc(regs) instruction_pointer(regs)
+#define MAX_REG_OFFSET (offsetof(struct pt_regs, magic))
+extern int regs_query_register_offset(const char *name);
+ * regs_get_register() - get register value from its offset
+ * @regs: pt_regs from which register value is gotten
+ * @offset: offset number of the register.
+ *
+ * regs_get_register returns the value of a register whose
+ * offset from @regs. The @offset is the offset of the register
+ * in struct pt_regs. If @offset is bigger than MAX_REG_OFFSET,
+ * this returns 0.
+ */
+static inline unsigned long regs_get_register(struct pt_regs *regs,
+ unsigned long offset)
+ if (unlikely(offset >= MAX_REG_OFFSET))
+ return 0;
+ if (offset == PT_V9_Y)
+ return *(unsigned int *)((unsigned long)regs + offset);
+ return *(unsigned long *)((unsigned long)regs + offset);
+/* Valid only for Kernel mode traps. */
+static inline unsigned long kernel_stack_pointer(struct pt_regs *regs)
+ return regs->u_regs[UREG_I6];
#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#else /* (defined(__sparc__) && defined(__arch64__)) */
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/thread_info_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/thread_info_64.h
index 3d7b925f6516..38a24f257b85 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/thread_info_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/thread_info_64.h
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ register struct thread_info *current_thread_info_reg asm("g6");
#define TIF_NEED_RESCHED 3 /* rescheduling necessary */
/* flag bit 4 is available */
#define TIF_UNALIGNED 5 /* allowed to do unaligned accesses */
-/* flag bit 6 is available */
+#define TIF_UPROBE 6 /* breakpointed or singlestepped */
#define TIF_32BIT 7 /* 32-bit binary */
#define TIF_NOHZ 8 /* in adaptive nohz mode */
#define TIF_SECCOMP 9 /* secure computing */
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ register struct thread_info *current_thread_info_reg asm("g6");
+#define _TIF_UPROBE (1<<TIF_UPROBE)
#define _TIF_32BIT (1<<TIF_32BIT)
#define _TIF_NOHZ (1<<TIF_NOHZ)
@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ register struct thread_info *current_thread_info_reg asm("g6");
#define is_32bit_task() (test_thread_flag(TIF_32BIT))
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/topology_64.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/topology_64.h
index 7b4898a36eee..225543000122 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/topology_64.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/topology_64.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <asm/mmzone.h>
+#include <asm/cpudata.h>
static inline int cpu_to_node(int cpu)
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/ttable.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/ttable.h
index 781b9f1dbdc2..82e7df296abc 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/include/asm/ttable.h
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/ttable.h
@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@
#define KPROBES_TRAP(lvl) TRAP_ARG(bad_trap, lvl)
+#define UPROBES_TRAP(lvl) TRAP_ARG(uprobe_trap, lvl)
+#define UPROBES_TRAP(lvl) TRAP_ARG(bad_trap, lvl)
#define KGDB_TRAP(lvl) TRAP_IRQ(kgdb_trap, lvl)
diff --git a/arch/sparc/include/asm/uprobes.h b/arch/sparc/include/asm/uprobes.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f87aae5a908e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sparc/include/asm/uprobes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_UPROBES_H
+#define _ASM_UPROBES_H
+ * User-space Probes (UProbes) for sparc
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Jose E. Marchesi <>
+ * Eric Saint Etienne <>
+ */
+typedef u32 uprobe_opcode_t;
+#define MAX_UINSN_BYTES 4
+#define UPROBE_SWBP_INSN 0x91d02073 /* ta 0x73 */
+#define UPROBE_STP_INSN 0x91d02074 /* ta 0x74 */
+#define ANNUL_BIT (1 << 29)
+struct arch_uprobe {
+ union {
+ u8 insn[MAX_UINSN_BYTES];
+ u32 ixol;
+ };
+struct arch_uprobe_task {
+ u32 saved_tpc;
+ u32 saved_tnpc;
+struct task_struct;
+struct notifier_block;
+extern int arch_uprobe_analyze_insn(struct arch_uprobe *aup, struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr);
+extern int arch_uprobe_pre_xol(struct arch_uprobe *aup, struct pt_regs *regs);
+extern int arch_uprobe_post_xol(struct arch_uprobe *aup, struct pt_regs *regs);
+extern bool arch_uprobe_xol_was_trapped(struct task_struct *tsk);
+extern int arch_uprobe_exception_notify(struct notifier_block *self, unsigned long val, void *data);
+extern void arch_uprobe_abort_xol(struct arch_uprobe *aup, struct pt_regs *regs);
+#endif /* _ASM_UPROBES_H */