path: root/arch/arm/boot/dts/at91-sama5d27_wlsom1_ek.dts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-07ARM: dts: at91: change the key code of the gpio keyLudovic Desroches
2021-01-22ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: remove atmel,wakeup-type referencesClaudiu Beznea
2020-05-15ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Move flx0 definitions in the SoC dtsiTudor Ambarus
2020-03-20ARM: dts: at91: sama5d27_wlsom1_ek: add USB device nodeCristian Birsan
2019-12-09ARM: dts: at91: sama5d27_wlsom1: add SAMA5D27 wlsom1 and wlsom1-ekEugen Hristev