path: root/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_virt.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-13drm/amdgpu/vcn: custom video info caps for sriovJane Jian
2022-12-15drm/amdgpu: add RAS poison consumption handler for AI SRIOVTao Zhou
2022-11-04drm/amdgpu: Fix type of second parameter in trans_msg() callbackNathan Chancellor
2022-10-17drm/amdgpu: set vm_update_mode=0 as default for Sienna Cichlid in SRIOV caseDanijel Slivka
2022-09-01drm/amdgpu: Support PSP 13.0.10 on SR-IOVHorace Chen
2022-09-01drm/amdgpu: refine virtualization psp fw skip checkHorace Chen
2022-02-16drm/amdgpu: Fix wait for RLCG command completionVictor Skvortsov
2022-01-27drm/amdgpu: add determine passthrough under arm64Victor Zhao
2022-01-25drm/amdgpu: retire rlc callbacks sriov_rreg/wregHawking Zhang
2022-01-25drm/amdgpu: add helper for rlcg indirect reg accessHawking Zhang
2022-01-25drm/amdgpu: add helper to query rlcg reg access flagHawking Zhang
2021-12-16drm/amdgpu: Separate vf2pf work item init from virt data exchangeVictor Skvortsov
2021-05-19drm/amdgpu: Complete multimedia bandwidth interfaceBokun Zhang
2021-04-09drm/amdgpu: indirect register access for nv12 sriovPeng Ju Zhou
2021-04-09drm/amdgpu: indirect register access for nv12 sriovPeng Ju Zhou
2021-04-09drm/amdgpu: Add new PF2VF flags for VF register access methodRohit Khaire
2020-09-25drm/amdgpu: Implement new guest side VF2PF message transaction (v2)Bokun Zhang
2020-09-25drm/amdgpu: Update VF2PF interfaceBokun Zhang
2020-08-24drm/amdgpu: refine codes to avoid reentering GPU recoveryDennis Li
2020-08-14drm/amdgpu: revert "fix system hang issue during GPU reset"Christian König
2020-07-27drm/amdgpu: fix system hang issue during GPU resetDennis Li
2020-07-01drm/amdgpu: support reserve bad page for virt (v3)Stanley.Yang
2020-05-18drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_virt_get_vf_mode helper functionKevin Wang
2020-04-13drm/amdgpu: resume kiq access debugfsYintian Tao
2020-04-13drm/amdgpu: restrict debugfs register access under SR-IOVYintian Tao
2020-04-01drm/amdgpu: introduce new request and its functionMonk Liu
2020-04-01drm/amdgpu: cleanup all virtualization detection routineMonk Liu
2020-04-01drm/amdgpu: amends feature bits for MM bandwidth mgrMonk Liu
2020-03-16drm/amdgpu: revise RLCG access pathMonk Liu
2020-01-22drm/amdgpu: provide a generic function interface for reading/writing register...chen gong
2019-12-11drm/amd/powerplay: enable pp one vf mode for vega10Yintian Tao
2019-08-02drm/amdgpu: cleanup vega10 SRIOV code pathMonk Liu
2019-06-21drm/amdgpu: program for resuming preempted ibJack Xiao
2019-05-24drm/amdgpu: init vega10 SR-IOV reg access modeTrigger Huang
2019-04-10drm/amdgpu: support dpm level modification under virtualization v3Yintian Tao
2018-11-19drm/amd/amdgpu/sriov: Aligned the definition with libgvEmily Deng
2018-11-05drm/amdgpu: cleanup GMC v9 TLB invalidationChristian König
2018-11-05drm/amdgpu: Move csa related code to separate fileRex Zhu
2018-11-05drm/amdgpu: Refine CSA related functionsRex Zhu
2018-11-05drm/amdgpu: Remove useless csa gpu address in vmid0Rex Zhu
2018-02-19drm/amdgpu: move static CSA address to top of address space v2Christian König
2017-12-06drm/amdgpu:free CSA in unified placeMonk Liu
2017-12-04drm/amdgpu:read VRAMLOST from gimMonk Liu
2017-12-04drm/amdgpu:cleanup in_sriov_reset and lock_resetMonk Liu
2017-12-04drm/amdgpu:implement new GPU recover(v3)Monk Liu
2017-12-04drm/amdgpu/virt: add wait_reset virt opspding
2017-12-04drm/amdgpu/virt: add function to check MMIO (v2)pding
2017-10-19drm/amdgpu: SR-IOV data exchange between PF&VFHorace Chen
2017-09-28drm/amdgpu: fix vf error handlingAlex Deucher
2017-08-17drm/amdgpu: cleanup static CSA handlingChristian König