path: root/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw89/coex.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-05wifi: rtw89: coex: add BTC ctrl_info version 7 and related logicChing-Te Ku
2024-03-05wifi: rtw89: coex: add init_info H2C command format version 7Ching-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: To improve Wi-Fi performance while BT is idleChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Translate antenna configuration from ID to stringChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Update RF parameter control setting logicChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Add Bluetooth RSSI level informationChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Set Bluetooth scan low-priority when Wi-Fi link/scanChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Update coexistence policy for Wi-Fi LPSChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Still show hardware grant signal info even Wi-Fi is PSChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Update BTG control related logicChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Add Pre-AGC control to enhance Wi-Fi RX performanceChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Record down Wi-Fi initial mode informationChing-Te Ku
2023-12-20wifi: rtw89: coex: Fix wrong Wi-Fi role info and FDDT parameter membersChing-Te Ku
2023-12-12wifi: rtw89: avoid stringop-overflow warningArnd Bergmann
2023-11-08wifi: rtw89: coex: use struct assignment to replace memcpy() to append TDMA c...Ping-Ke Shih
2023-10-19wifi: rtw89: phy: change naming related BT coexistence functionsChung-Hsuan Hung
2023-10-12wifi: rtw89: coex: add annotation __counted_by() to struct rtw89_btc_btf_set_...Ping-Ke Shih
2023-10-12wifi: rtw89: coex: add annotation __counted_by() for struct rtw89_btc_btf_set...Ping-Ke Shih
2023-08-25wifi: rtw89: call rtw89_chan_get() by vif chanctx if aware of vifZong-Zhe Yang
2023-05-25wifi: rtw89: use flexible array member in rtw89_btc_btf_tlvArnd Bergmann
2023-05-17wifi: rtw89: 8851b: add BT coexistence support functionPing-Ke Shih
2023-04-03wifi: rtw89: coex: Update Wi-Fi Bluetooth coexistence version to 7.0.1Ching-Te Ku
2023-04-03wifi: rtw89: coex: Add report control v5 variationChing-Te Ku
2023-04-03wifi: rtw89: coex: Not to enable firmware report when WiFi is power savingChing-Te Ku
2023-04-03wifi: rtw89: coex: Add LPS protocol radio state for RTL8852BChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add v5 firmware cycle status reportChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add v2 Bluetooth scan infoChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Fix wrong structure assignment at null data reportChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add register monitor report v2 formatChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add traffic TX/RX info and its H2CChing-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add WiFi role info v2Ching-Te Ku
2023-03-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Add more error_map and counter to logChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Update Wi-Fi Bluetooth coexistence version to 7.0.0Ching-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Fix test fail when coexist with raspberryPI A2DP idleChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Correct A2DP exist variable sourceChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Set Bluetooth background scan PTA request priorityChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Refine coexistence logChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Force to update TDMA parameter when radio state changeChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Clear Bluetooth HW PTA counter when radio state changeChing-Te Ku
2023-02-13wifi: rtw89: coex: Update Wi-Fi external control TDMA parameters/tablesChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Change Wi-Fi role info related logic to version separateChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Packet traffic arbitration hardware owner monitorChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: refactor debug log of slot listChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Change firmware steps report to version separateChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Change Wi-Fi Null data report to version separateChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Update WiFi role info H2C reportChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Add v5 firmware control reportChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Change firmware control report to version separateChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Add v4 version firmware cycle reportChing-Te Ku
2023-01-16wifi: rtw89: coex: Rename BTC firmware cycle report by feature versionChing-Te Ku