# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause
%YAML 1.2
$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/phy/microchip,sparx5-serdes.yaml#
$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#

title: Microchip Sparx5 Serdes controller

  - Steen Hegelund <steen.hegelund@microchip.com>
  - Daniel Machon <daniel.machon@microchip.com>

description: |
  The Sparx5 SERDES interfaces share the same basic functionality, but
  support different operating modes and line rates.

  The following list lists the SERDES features:

  * RX Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE)
  * Programmable continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE)
  * Rx variable gain control
  * Rx built-in fault detector (loss-of-lock/loss-of-signal)
  * Adjustable tx de-emphasis (FFE)
  * Tx output amplitude control
  * Supports rx eye monitor
  * Multiple loopback modes
  * Prbs generator and checker
  * Polarity inversion control


  The SERDES6G is a high-speed SERDES interface, which can operate at
  the following data rates:

  * 100 Mbps (100BASE-FX)
  * 1.25 Gbps (SGMII/1000BASE-X/1000BASE-KX)
  * 3.125 Gbps (2.5GBASE-X/2.5GBASE-KX)
  * 5.15625 Gbps (5GBASE-KR/5G-USXGMII)


  The SERDES10G is a high-speed SERDES interface, which can operate at
  the following data rates:

  * 100 Mbps (100BASE-FX)
  * 1.25 Gbps (SGMII/1000BASE-X/1000BASE-KX)
  * 3.125 Gbps (2.5GBASE-X/2.5GBASE-KX)
  * 5 Gbps (QSGMII/USGMII)
  * 5.15625 Gbps (5GBASE-KR/5G-USXGMII)
  * 10 Gbps (10G-USGMII)
  * 10.3125 Gbps (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR/USXGMII)


  The SERDES25G is a high-speed SERDES interface, which can operate at
  the following data rates:

  * 1.25 Gbps (SGMII/1000BASE-X/1000BASE-KX)
  * 3.125 Gbps (2.5GBASE-X/2.5GBASE-KX)
  * 5 Gbps (QSGMII/USGMII)
  * 5.15625 Gbps (5GBASE-KR/5G-USXGMII)
  * 10 Gbps (10G-USGMII)
  * 10.3125 Gbps (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR/USXGMII)
  * 25.78125 Gbps (25GBASE-KR/25GBASE-CR/25GBASE-SR/25GBASE-LR/25GBASE-ER)

  lan969x has ten SERDES10G interfaces that share the same features, operating
  modes and data rates as the equivalent Sparx5 SERDES10G interfaces.

    pattern: "^serdes@[0-9a-f]+$"

      - enum:
          - microchip,sparx5-serdes
          - microchip,lan9691-serdes
      - items:
          - enum:
              - microchip,lan9698-serdes
              - microchip,lan9696-serdes
              - microchip,lan9694-serdes
              - microchip,lan9693-serdes
              - microchip,lan9692-serdes
          - const: microchip,lan9691-serdes

    minItems: 1

    const: 1
    description: |
      - The main serdes input port

    maxItems: 1

  - compatible
  - reg
  - '#phy-cells'
  - clocks

additionalProperties: false

  - |
    serdes: serdes@10808000 {
      compatible = "microchip,sparx5-serdes";
      #phy-cells = <1>;
      clocks = <&sys_clk>;
      reg = <0x10808000 0x5d0000>;
