Allwinner sun9i USB PHY ----------------------- Required properties: - compatible : should be one of * allwinner,sun9i-a80-usb-phy - reg : a list of offset + length pairs - #phy-cells : from the generic phy bindings, must be 0 - phy_type : "hsic" for HSIC usage; other values or absence of this property indicates normal USB - clocks : phandle + clock specifier for the phy clocks - clock-names : depending on the "phy_type" property, * "phy" for normal USB * "hsic_480M", "hsic_12M" for HSIC - resets : a list of phandle + reset specifier pairs - reset-names : depending on the "phy_type" property, * "phy" for normal USB * "hsic" for HSIC Optional Properties: - phy-supply : from the generic phy bindings, a phandle to a regulator that provides power to VBUS. It is recommended to list all clocks and resets available. The driver will only use those matching the phy_type. Example: usbphy1: phy@00a01800 { compatible = "allwinner,sun9i-a80-usb-phy"; reg = <0x00a01800 0x4>; clocks = <&usb_phy_clk 2>, <&usb_phy_clk 10>, <&usb_phy_clk 3>; clock-names = "hsic_480M", "hsic_12M", "phy"; resets = <&usb_phy_clk 18>, <&usb_phy_clk 19>; reset-names = "hsic", "phy"; #phy-cells = <0>; };