 * SAMSUNG EXYNOS5410 SoC device tree source
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
 *		http://www.samsung.com
 * SAMSUNG EXYNOS5410 SoC device nodes are listed in this file.
 * EXYNOS5410 based board files can include this file and provide
 * values for board specfic bindings.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include "skeleton.dtsi"
#include <dt-bindings/clock/exynos5410.h>

/ {
	compatible = "samsung,exynos5410", "samsung,exynos5";
	interrupt-parent = <&gic>;

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		CPU0: cpu@0 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
			reg = <0x0>;

		CPU1: cpu@1 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
			reg = <0x1>;

		CPU2: cpu@2 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
			reg = <0x2>;

		CPU3: cpu@3 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a15";
			reg = <0x3>;

	soc: soc {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		combiner: interrupt-controller@10440000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-combiner";
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
			samsung,combiner-nr = <32>;
			reg = <0x10440000 0x1000>;
			interrupts =	<0 0 0>, <0 1 0>, <0 2 0>, <0 3 0>,
					<0 4 0>, <0 5 0>, <0 6 0>, <0 7 0>,
					<0 8 0>, <0 9 0>, <0 10 0>, <0 11 0>,
					<0 12 0>, <0 13 0>, <0 14 0>, <0 15 0>,
					<0 16 0>, <0 17 0>, <0 18 0>, <0 19 0>,
					<0 20 0>, <0 21 0>, <0 22 0>, <0 23 0>,
					<0 24 0>, <0 25 0>, <0 26 0>, <0 27 0>,
					<0 28 0>, <0 29 0>, <0 30 0>, <0 31 0>;

		gic: interrupt-controller@10481000 {
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a15-gic", "arm,cortex-a9-gic";
			#interrupt-cells = <3>;
			reg =	<0x10481000 0x1000>,
				<0x10482000 0x1000>,
				<0x10484000 0x2000>,
				<0x10486000 0x2000>;
			interrupts = <1 9 0xf04>;

		chipid@10000000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-chipid";
			reg = <0x10000000 0x100>;

		mct: mct@101C0000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-mct";
			reg = <0x101C0000 0xB00>;
			interrupt-parent = <&interrupt_map>;
			interrupts = <0>, <1>, <2>, <3>,
				<4>, <5>, <6>, <7>,
				<8>, <9>, <10>, <11>;
			clocks = <&fin_pll>, <&clock CLK_MCT>;
			clock-names = "fin_pll", "mct";

			interrupt_map: interrupt-map {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				#address-cells = <0>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				interrupt-map = <0 &combiner 23 3>,
						<1 &combiner 23 4>,
						<2 &combiner 25 2>,
						<3 &combiner 25 3>,
						<4 &gic 0 120 0>,
						<5 &gic 0 121 0>,
						<6 &gic 0 122 0>,
						<7 &gic 0 123 0>,
						<8 &gic 0 128 0>,
						<9 &gic 0 129 0>,
						<10 &gic 0 130 0>,
						<11 &gic 0 131 0>;

		sysram@02020000 {
			compatible = "mmio-sram";
			reg = <0x02020000 0x54000>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			ranges = <0 0x02020000 0x54000>;

			smp-sysram@0 {
				compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-sysram";
				reg = <0x0 0x1000>;

			smp-sysram@53000 {
				compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-sysram-ns";
				reg = <0x53000 0x1000>;

		clock: clock-controller@10010000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos5410-clock";
			reg = <0x10010000 0x30000>;
			#clock-cells = <1>;

		mmc_0: mmc@12200000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos5250-dw-mshc";
			reg = <0x12200000 0x1000>;
			interrupts = <0 75 0>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_MMC0>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_MMC0>;
			clock-names = "biu", "ciu";
			fifo-depth = <0x80>;
			status = "disabled";

		mmc_1: mmc@12210000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos5250-dw-mshc";
			reg = <0x12210000 0x1000>;
			interrupts = <0 76 0>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_MMC1>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_MMC1>;
			clock-names = "biu", "ciu";
			fifo-depth = <0x80>;
			status = "disabled";

		mmc_2: mmc@12220000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos5250-dw-mshc";
			reg = <0x12220000 0x1000>;
			interrupts = <0 77 0>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_MMC2>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_MMC2>;
			clock-names = "biu", "ciu";
			fifo-depth = <0x80>;
			status = "disabled";

		uart0: serial@12C00000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-uart";
			reg = <0x12C00000 0x100>;
			interrupts = <0 51 0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_UART0>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_UART0>;
			clock-names = "uart", "clk_uart_baud0";
			status = "disabled";

		uart1: serial@12C10000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-uart";
			reg = <0x12C10000 0x100>;
			interrupts = <0 52 0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_UART1>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_UART1>;
			clock-names = "uart", "clk_uart_baud0";
			status = "disabled";

		uart2: serial@12C20000 {
			compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-uart";
			reg = <0x12C20000 0x100>;
			interrupts = <0 53 0>;
			clocks = <&clock CLK_UART2>, <&clock CLK_SCLK_UART2>;
			clock-names = "uart", "clk_uart_baud0";
			status = "disabled";