/* * Copyright 2011 Tilera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, GOOD TITLE or * NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * /sys entry support. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Return a string queried from the hypervisor, truncated to page size. */ static ssize_t get_hv_confstr(char *page, int query) { ssize_t n = hv_confstr(query, (unsigned long)page, PAGE_SIZE - 1); n = n < 0 ? 0 : min(n, (ssize_t)PAGE_SIZE - 1) - 1; if (n) page[n++] = '\n'; page[n] = '\0'; return n; } static ssize_t chip_width_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { return sprintf(page, "%u\n", smp_width); } static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(chip_width); static ssize_t chip_height_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { return sprintf(page, "%u\n", smp_height); } static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(chip_height); static ssize_t chip_serial_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { return get_hv_confstr(page, HV_CONFSTR_CHIP_SERIAL_NUM); } static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(chip_serial); static ssize_t chip_revision_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { return get_hv_confstr(page, HV_CONFSTR_CHIP_REV); } static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(chip_revision); static ssize_t type_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { return sprintf(page, "tilera\n"); } static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(type); #define HV_CONF_ATTR(name, conf) \ static ssize_t name ## _show(struct device *dev, \ struct device_attribute *attr, \ char *page) \ { \ return get_hv_confstr(page, conf); \ } \ static DEVICE_ATTR(name, 0444, name ## _show, NULL); HV_CONF_ATTR(version, HV_CONFSTR_HV_SW_VER) HV_CONF_ATTR(config_version, HV_CONFSTR_HV_CONFIG_VER) HV_CONF_ATTR(board_part, HV_CONFSTR_BOARD_PART_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(board_serial, HV_CONFSTR_BOARD_SERIAL_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(board_revision, HV_CONFSTR_BOARD_REV) HV_CONF_ATTR(board_description, HV_CONFSTR_BOARD_DESC) HV_CONF_ATTR(mezz_part, HV_CONFSTR_MEZZ_PART_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(mezz_serial, HV_CONFSTR_MEZZ_SERIAL_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(mezz_revision, HV_CONFSTR_MEZZ_REV) HV_CONF_ATTR(mezz_description, HV_CONFSTR_MEZZ_DESC) HV_CONF_ATTR(cpumod_part, HV_CONFSTR_CPUMOD_PART_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(cpumod_serial, HV_CONFSTR_CPUMOD_SERIAL_NUM) HV_CONF_ATTR(cpumod_revision, HV_CONFSTR_CPUMOD_REV) HV_CONF_ATTR(cpumod_description,HV_CONFSTR_CPUMOD_DESC) HV_CONF_ATTR(switch_control, HV_CONFSTR_SWITCH_CONTROL) static struct attribute *board_attrs[] = { &dev_attr_board_part.attr, &dev_attr_board_serial.attr, &dev_attr_board_revision.attr, &dev_attr_board_description.attr, &dev_attr_mezz_part.attr, &dev_attr_mezz_serial.attr, &dev_attr_mezz_revision.attr, &dev_attr_mezz_description.attr, &dev_attr_cpumod_part.attr, &dev_attr_cpumod_serial.attr, &dev_attr_cpumod_revision.attr, &dev_attr_cpumod_description.attr, &dev_attr_switch_control.attr, NULL }; static struct attribute_group board_attr_group = { .name = "board", .attrs = board_attrs, }; static struct bin_attribute hvconfig_bin; static ssize_t hvconfig_bin_read(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj, struct bin_attribute *bin_attr, char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count) { static size_t size; /* Lazily learn the true size (minus the trailing NUL). */ if (size == 0) size = hv_confstr(HV_CONFSTR_HV_CONFIG, 0, 0) - 1; /* Check and adjust input parameters. */ if (off > size) return -EINVAL; if (count > size - off) count = size - off; if (count) { /* Get a copy of the hvc and copy out the relevant portion. */ char *hvc; size = off + count; hvc = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (hvc == NULL) return -ENOMEM; hv_confstr(HV_CONFSTR_HV_CONFIG, (unsigned long)hvc, size); memcpy(buf, hvc + off, count); kfree(hvc); } return count; } static ssize_t hv_stats_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *page) { int cpu = dev->id; long lotar = HV_XY_TO_LOTAR(cpu_x(cpu), cpu_y(cpu)); ssize_t n = hv_confstr(HV_CONFSTR_HV_STATS, (unsigned long)page, PAGE_SIZE - 1, lotar, 0); n = n < 0 ? 0 : min(n, (ssize_t)PAGE_SIZE - 1); page[n] = '\0'; return n; } static ssize_t hv_stats_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *page, size_t count) { int cpu = dev->id; long lotar = HV_XY_TO_LOTAR(cpu_x(cpu), cpu_y(cpu)); ssize_t n = hv_confstr(HV_CONFSTR_HV_STATS, 0, 0, lotar, 1); return n < 0 ? n : count; } static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(hv_stats); static int hv_stats_device_add(struct device *dev, struct subsys_interface *sif) { int err, cpu = dev->id; if (!cpu_online(cpu)) return 0; err = sysfs_create_file(&dev->kobj, &dev_attr_hv_stats.attr); return err; } static void hv_stats_device_remove(struct device *dev, struct subsys_interface *sif) { int cpu = dev->id; if (cpu_online(cpu)) sysfs_remove_file(&dev->kobj, &dev_attr_hv_stats.attr); } static struct subsys_interface hv_stats_interface = { .name = "hv_stats", .subsys = &cpu_subsys, .add_dev = hv_stats_device_add, .remove_dev = hv_stats_device_remove, }; static int __init create_sysfs_entries(void) { int err = 0; #define create_cpu_attr(name) \ if (!err) \ err = device_create_file(cpu_subsys.dev_root, &dev_attr_##name); create_cpu_attr(chip_width); create_cpu_attr(chip_height); create_cpu_attr(chip_serial); create_cpu_attr(chip_revision); #define create_hv_attr(name) \ if (!err) \ err = sysfs_create_file(hypervisor_kobj, &dev_attr_##name.attr); create_hv_attr(type); create_hv_attr(version); create_hv_attr(config_version); if (!err) err = sysfs_create_group(hypervisor_kobj, &board_attr_group); if (!err) { sysfs_bin_attr_init(&hvconfig_bin); hvconfig_bin.attr.name = "hvconfig"; hvconfig_bin.attr.mode = S_IRUGO; hvconfig_bin.read = hvconfig_bin_read; hvconfig_bin.size = PAGE_SIZE; err = sysfs_create_bin_file(hypervisor_kobj, &hvconfig_bin); } if (!err) { /* * Don't bother adding the hv_stats files on each CPU if * our hypervisor doesn't supply statistics. */ int cpu = raw_smp_processor_id(); long lotar = HV_XY_TO_LOTAR(cpu_x(cpu), cpu_y(cpu)); char dummy; ssize_t n = hv_confstr(HV_CONFSTR_HV_STATS, (unsigned long) &dummy, 1, lotar, 0); if (n >= 0) err = subsys_interface_register(&hv_stats_interface); } return err; } subsys_initcall(create_sysfs_entries);