/* * HDMI driver definition for TI OMAP4 Processor. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _HDMI_H #define _HDMI_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "omapdss.h" #include "dss.h" struct dss_device; /* HDMI Wrapper */ #define HDMI_WP_REVISION 0x0 #define HDMI_WP_SYSCONFIG 0x10 #define HDMI_WP_IRQSTATUS_RAW 0x24 #define HDMI_WP_IRQSTATUS 0x28 #define HDMI_WP_IRQENABLE_SET 0x2C #define HDMI_WP_IRQENABLE_CLR 0x30 #define HDMI_WP_IRQWAKEEN 0x34 #define HDMI_WP_PWR_CTRL 0x40 #define HDMI_WP_DEBOUNCE 0x44 #define HDMI_WP_VIDEO_CFG 0x50 #define HDMI_WP_VIDEO_SIZE 0x60 #define HDMI_WP_VIDEO_TIMING_H 0x68 #define HDMI_WP_VIDEO_TIMING_V 0x6C #define HDMI_WP_CLK 0x70 #define HDMI_WP_AUDIO_CFG 0x80 #define HDMI_WP_AUDIO_CFG2 0x84 #define HDMI_WP_AUDIO_CTRL 0x88 #define HDMI_WP_AUDIO_DATA 0x8C /* HDMI WP IRQ flags */ #define HDMI_IRQ_CORE (1 << 0) #define HDMI_IRQ_OCP_TIMEOUT (1 << 4) #define HDMI_IRQ_AUDIO_FIFO_UNDERFLOW (1 << 8) #define HDMI_IRQ_AUDIO_FIFO_OVERFLOW (1 << 9) #define HDMI_IRQ_AUDIO_FIFO_SAMPLE_REQ (1 << 10) #define HDMI_IRQ_VIDEO_VSYNC (1 << 16) #define HDMI_IRQ_VIDEO_FRAME_DONE (1 << 17) #define HDMI_IRQ_PHY_LINE5V_ASSERT (1 << 24) #define HDMI_IRQ_LINK_CONNECT (1 << 25) #define HDMI_IRQ_LINK_DISCONNECT (1 << 26) #define HDMI_IRQ_PLL_LOCK (1 << 29) #define HDMI_IRQ_PLL_UNLOCK (1 << 30) #define HDMI_IRQ_PLL_RECAL (1 << 31) /* HDMI PLL */ #define PLLCTRL_PLL_CONTROL 0x0 #define PLLCTRL_PLL_STATUS 0x4 #define PLLCTRL_PLL_GO 0x8 #define PLLCTRL_CFG1 0xC #define PLLCTRL_CFG2 0x10 #define PLLCTRL_CFG3 0x14 #define PLLCTRL_SSC_CFG1 0x18 #define PLLCTRL_SSC_CFG2 0x1C #define PLLCTRL_CFG4 0x20 /* HDMI PHY */ #define HDMI_TXPHY_TX_CTRL 0x0 #define HDMI_TXPHY_DIGITAL_CTRL 0x4 #define HDMI_TXPHY_POWER_CTRL 0x8 #define HDMI_TXPHY_PAD_CFG_CTRL 0xC #define HDMI_TXPHY_BIST_CONTROL 0x1C enum hdmi_pll_pwr { HDMI_PLLPWRCMD_ALLOFF = 0, HDMI_PLLPWRCMD_PLLONLY = 1, HDMI_PLLPWRCMD_BOTHON_ALLCLKS = 2, HDMI_PLLPWRCMD_BOTHON_NOPHYCLK = 3 }; enum hdmi_phy_pwr { HDMI_PHYPWRCMD_OFF = 0, HDMI_PHYPWRCMD_LDOON = 1, HDMI_PHYPWRCMD_TXON = 2 }; enum hdmi_core_hdmi_dvi { HDMI_DVI = 0, HDMI_HDMI = 1 }; enum hdmi_packing_mode { HDMI_PACK_10b_RGB_YUV444 = 0, HDMI_PACK_24b_RGB_YUV444_YUV422 = 1, HDMI_PACK_20b_YUV422 = 2, HDMI_PACK_ALREADYPACKED = 7 }; enum hdmi_stereo_channels { HDMI_AUDIO_STEREO_NOCHANNELS = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_STEREO_ONECHANNEL = 1, HDMI_AUDIO_STEREO_TWOCHANNELS = 2, HDMI_AUDIO_STEREO_THREECHANNELS = 3, HDMI_AUDIO_STEREO_FOURCHANNELS = 4 }; enum hdmi_audio_type { HDMI_AUDIO_TYPE_LPCM = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_TYPE_IEC = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_justify { HDMI_AUDIO_JUSTIFY_LEFT = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_sample_order { HDMI_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RIGHT_FIRST = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LEFT_FIRST = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_samples_perword { HDMI_AUDIO_ONEWORD_ONESAMPLE = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_ONEWORD_TWOSAMPLES = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_sample_size_omap { HDMI_AUDIO_SAMPLE_16BITS = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_SAMPLE_24BITS = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_transf_mode { HDMI_AUDIO_TRANSF_DMA = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_TRANSF_IRQ = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_blk_strt_end_sig { HDMI_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIG_STARTEND_ON = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIG_STARTEND_OFF = 1 }; enum hdmi_core_audio_layout { HDMI_AUDIO_LAYOUT_2CH = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_LAYOUT_8CH = 1, HDMI_AUDIO_LAYOUT_6CH = 2 }; enum hdmi_core_cts_mode { HDMI_AUDIO_CTS_MODE_HW = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_CTS_MODE_SW = 1 }; enum hdmi_audio_mclk_mode { HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_128FS = 0, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_256FS = 1, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_384FS = 2, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_512FS = 3, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_768FS = 4, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_1024FS = 5, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_1152FS = 6, HDMI_AUDIO_MCLK_192FS = 7 }; struct hdmi_video_format { enum hdmi_packing_mode packing_mode; u32 y_res; /* Line per panel */ u32 x_res; /* pixel per line */ }; struct hdmi_config { struct videomode vm; struct hdmi_avi_infoframe infoframe; enum hdmi_core_hdmi_dvi hdmi_dvi_mode; }; struct hdmi_audio_format { enum hdmi_stereo_channels stereo_channels; u8 active_chnnls_msk; enum hdmi_audio_type type; enum hdmi_audio_justify justification; enum hdmi_audio_sample_order sample_order; enum hdmi_audio_samples_perword samples_per_word; enum hdmi_audio_sample_size_omap sample_size; enum hdmi_audio_blk_strt_end_sig en_sig_blk_strt_end; }; struct hdmi_audio_dma { u8 transfer_size; u8 block_size; enum hdmi_audio_transf_mode mode; u16 fifo_threshold; }; struct hdmi_core_audio_i2s_config { u8 in_length_bits; u8 justification; u8 sck_edge_mode; u8 vbit; u8 direction; u8 shift; u8 active_sds; }; struct hdmi_core_audio_config { struct hdmi_core_audio_i2s_config i2s_cfg; struct snd_aes_iec958 *iec60958_cfg; bool fs_override; u32 n; u32 cts; u32 aud_par_busclk; enum hdmi_core_audio_layout layout; enum hdmi_core_cts_mode cts_mode; bool use_mclk; enum hdmi_audio_mclk_mode mclk_mode; bool en_acr_pkt; bool en_dsd_audio; bool en_parallel_aud_input; bool en_spdif; }; struct hdmi_wp_data { void __iomem *base; phys_addr_t phys_base; unsigned int version; }; struct hdmi_pll_data { struct dss_pll pll; void __iomem *base; struct platform_device *pdev; struct hdmi_wp_data *wp; }; struct hdmi_phy_features { bool bist_ctrl; bool ldo_voltage; unsigned long max_phy; }; struct hdmi_phy_data { void __iomem *base; const struct hdmi_phy_features *features; u8 lane_function[4]; u8 lane_polarity[4]; }; struct hdmi_core_data { void __iomem *base; bool cts_swmode; bool audio_use_mclk; struct hdmi_wp_data *wp; unsigned int core_pwr_cnt; struct cec_adapter *adap; }; static inline void hdmi_write_reg(void __iomem *base_addr, const u32 idx, u32 val) { __raw_writel(val, base_addr + idx); } static inline u32 hdmi_read_reg(void __iomem *base_addr, const u32 idx) { return __raw_readl(base_addr + idx); } #define REG_FLD_MOD(base, idx, val, start, end) \ hdmi_write_reg(base, idx, FLD_MOD(hdmi_read_reg(base, idx),\ val, start, end)) #define REG_GET(base, idx, start, end) \ FLD_GET(hdmi_read_reg(base, idx), start, end) static inline int hdmi_wait_for_bit_change(void __iomem *base_addr, const u32 idx, int b2, int b1, u32 val) { u32 t = 0, v; while (val != (v = REG_GET(base_addr, idx, b2, b1))) { if (t++ > 10000) return v; udelay(1); } return v; } /* HDMI wrapper funcs */ int hdmi_wp_video_start(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp); void hdmi_wp_video_stop(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp); void hdmi_wp_dump(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct seq_file *s); u32 hdmi_wp_get_irqstatus(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp); void hdmi_wp_set_irqstatus(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, u32 irqstatus); void hdmi_wp_set_irqenable(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, u32 mask); void hdmi_wp_clear_irqenable(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, u32 mask); int hdmi_wp_set_phy_pwr(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, enum hdmi_phy_pwr val); int hdmi_wp_set_pll_pwr(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, enum hdmi_pll_pwr val); void hdmi_wp_video_config_format(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct hdmi_video_format *video_fmt); void hdmi_wp_video_config_interface(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct videomode *vm); void hdmi_wp_video_config_timing(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct videomode *vm); void hdmi_wp_init_vid_fmt_timings(struct hdmi_video_format *video_fmt, struct videomode *vm, struct hdmi_config *param); int hdmi_wp_init(struct platform_device *pdev, struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, unsigned int version); phys_addr_t hdmi_wp_get_audio_dma_addr(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp); /* HDMI PLL funcs */ void hdmi_pll_dump(struct hdmi_pll_data *pll, struct seq_file *s); int hdmi_pll_init(struct dss_device *dss, struct platform_device *pdev, struct hdmi_pll_data *pll, struct hdmi_wp_data *wp); void hdmi_pll_uninit(struct hdmi_pll_data *hpll); /* HDMI PHY funcs */ int hdmi_phy_configure(struct hdmi_phy_data *phy, unsigned long hfbitclk, unsigned long lfbitclk); void hdmi_phy_dump(struct hdmi_phy_data *phy, struct seq_file *s); int hdmi_phy_init(struct platform_device *pdev, struct hdmi_phy_data *phy, unsigned int version); int hdmi_phy_parse_lanes(struct hdmi_phy_data *phy, const u32 *lanes); /* HDMI common funcs */ int hdmi_parse_lanes_of(struct platform_device *pdev, struct device_node *ep, struct hdmi_phy_data *phy); /* Audio funcs */ int hdmi_compute_acr(u32 pclk, u32 sample_freq, u32 *n, u32 *cts); int hdmi_wp_audio_enable(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, bool enable); int hdmi_wp_audio_core_req_enable(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, bool enable); void hdmi_wp_audio_config_format(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct hdmi_audio_format *aud_fmt); void hdmi_wp_audio_config_dma(struct hdmi_wp_data *wp, struct hdmi_audio_dma *aud_dma); static inline bool hdmi_mode_has_audio(struct hdmi_config *cfg) { return cfg->hdmi_dvi_mode == HDMI_HDMI ? true : false; } /* HDMI DRV data */ struct omap_hdmi { struct mutex lock; struct platform_device *pdev; struct dss_device *dss; struct dss_debugfs_entry *debugfs; struct hdmi_wp_data wp; struct hdmi_pll_data pll; struct hdmi_phy_data phy; struct hdmi_core_data core; struct hdmi_config cfg; struct regulator *vdda_reg; bool core_enabled; struct omap_dss_device output; struct platform_device *audio_pdev; void (*audio_abort_cb)(struct device *dev); int wp_idlemode; bool audio_configured; struct omap_dss_audio audio_config; /* This lock should be taken when booleans below are touched. */ spinlock_t audio_playing_lock; bool audio_playing; bool display_enabled; }; #endif