// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB // Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. #include "act.h" #include "en/tc_priv.h" #include "en/tc_ct.h" static bool tc_act_can_offload_ct(struct mlx5e_tc_act_parse_state *parse_state, const struct flow_action_entry *act, int act_index, struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr) { bool clear_action = act->ct.action & TCA_CT_ACT_CLEAR; struct netlink_ext_ack *extack = parse_state->extack; if (parse_state->ct && !clear_action) { NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, "Multiple CT actions are not supported"); return false; } return true; } static int tc_act_parse_ct(struct mlx5e_tc_act_parse_state *parse_state, const struct flow_action_entry *act, struct mlx5e_priv *priv, struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr) { bool clear_action = act->ct.action & TCA_CT_ACT_CLEAR; int err; /* It's redundant to do ct clear more than once. */ if (clear_action && parse_state->ct_clear) return 0; err = mlx5_tc_ct_parse_action(parse_state->ct_priv, attr, &attr->parse_attr->mod_hdr_acts, act, parse_state->extack); if (err) return err; if (mlx5e_is_eswitch_flow(parse_state->flow)) attr->esw_attr->split_count = attr->esw_attr->out_count; if (clear_action) { parse_state->ct_clear = true; } else { attr->flags |= MLX5_ATTR_FLAG_CT; flow_flag_set(parse_state->flow, CT); parse_state->ct = true; } return 0; } static int tc_act_post_parse_ct(struct mlx5e_tc_act_parse_state *parse_state, struct mlx5e_priv *priv, struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr) { struct mlx5e_tc_mod_hdr_acts *mod_acts = &attr->parse_attr->mod_hdr_acts; int err; /* If ct action exist, we can ignore previous ct_clear actions */ if (parse_state->ct) return 0; if (parse_state->ct_clear) { err = mlx5_tc_ct_set_ct_clear_regs(parse_state->ct_priv, mod_acts); if (err) { NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(parse_state->extack, "Failed to set registers for ct clear"); return err; } attr->action |= MLX5_FLOW_CONTEXT_ACTION_MOD_HDR; /* Prevent handling of additional, redundant clear actions */ parse_state->ct_clear = false; } return 0; } static bool tc_act_is_multi_table_act_ct(struct mlx5e_priv *priv, const struct flow_action_entry *act, struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr) { if (act->ct.action & TCA_CT_ACT_CLEAR) return false; return true; } struct mlx5e_tc_act mlx5e_tc_act_ct = { .can_offload = tc_act_can_offload_ct, .parse_action = tc_act_parse_ct, .is_multi_table_act = tc_act_is_multi_table_act_ct, .post_parse = tc_act_post_parse_ct, };