AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-12-08Update vmeta to BMMv2HEADv2.0masterRussell King
2013-07-30Update debian changelogRussell King
2013-06-23Clean up vmeta IRQ controlRussell King
2013-06-23Open /dev/vmeta with O_CLOEXECRussell King
2013-06-23Turn on compiler warnings and fix themRussell King
2013-06-23Convert to use bmm_malloc_aligned_phys() APIRussell King
2012-11-23Debian build system fixesRussell King
2012-11-11Convert to use shmem for shared software contextRussell King
2012-11-11Update debian build filesRussell King
2012-10-25Remove casts for physical addressesRussell King
2012-10-23Convert to use bmm_malloc_aligned()Russell King
2012-10-23Update debian build filesRussell King
2012-10-23Add .gitignore to ignore build generated filesRussell King
2012-10-23Remove debian example scripts from debian/ directoryRussell King
2012-10-23Convert to autotoolsRussell King
2012-10-23Makefile should not be executableRussell King
2012-10-23Do not permit undefined references from this libraryRussell King
2012-10-23Major cleanup: rework for miscdevice kernel interfaceRussell King
2012-10-23Add support for /dev/vmeta miscdeviceRussell King
2012-10-23Move user id management into the kernel driverRussell King
2012-10-23Cleanup debug output functionRussell King
2012-10-23Consolidate bmm allocation functionsRussell King
2012-10-20More formatting cleanupsRussell King
2012-10-20Remove spaces before \nRussell King
2012-10-20Provide a common function to setup mapsRussell King
2012-10-20Update get_file_unsg32() to take a format stringRussell King
2012-10-20Constify argument to get_version()Russell King
2012-10-20Consolidate get_mem_size() and get_mem_addr()Russell King
2012-10-20Sanitize vdec_os_api_flush_cache()Russell King
2012-10-20Only memset() _after_ checking the returned pointer for NULL, not beforeRussell King
2012-10-20More useless cast removalRussell King
2012-10-20Remove some unnecessary (void *) casts.Russell King
2012-10-20Fix a whole pile of compiler warningsRussell King
2012-10-20Correctly type kernel_share_va/io_mem_virt_addr/vdec_obj_vaRussell King
2012-10-18Add armhf support to debian control fileRussell King
2012-10-18Fix file modes on source files.Russell King
2012-10-18Formatting cleanups and make unexported functions staticRussell King
2010-12-09dch -iLi Li
2010-12-09fix vmeta get hw obj issue in unit testRaymondWu
2010-12-09Fix pthread memory leakage issue.RaymondWu
2010-12-09vmeta fix virtual memory leakage.RaymondWu
2010-12-07dch -iLi Li
2010-11-24add libvmeta-dev packagesJun Jiang
2010-11-17add debian rules for native build on UbuntuJun Jiang
2010-11-08Fix vmeta segmentation fault in unit test.RaymondWu
2010-11-08Fix cannot enter suspend after playbackRaymondWu
2010-11-08fix camcorder broken issueRaymondWu
2010-10-28fix abnormal exit logicJoseph Lo
2010-10-28vmeta add debug file optionJoseph Lo
2010-10-26update libvmeta to "build-004" versionJoseph Lo