path: root/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/ioctl_linux.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/ioctl_linux.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3775 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/ioctl_linux.c b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/ioctl_linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a819970546..000000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/ioctl_linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3775 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-/* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. */
-#include "../include/osdep_service.h"
-#include "../include/drv_types.h"
-#include "../include/wlan_bssdef.h"
-#include "../include/wifi.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_mlme.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_mlme_ext.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_ioctl.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_ioctl_set.h"
-#include "../include/usb_ops.h"
-#include "../include/rtl8188e_hal.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_led.h"
-#include "../include/rtw_iol.h"
-#define SCAN_ITEM_SIZE 768
-#define MAX_CUSTOM_LEN 64
-#define RATE_COUNT 4
-/* combo scan */
-#define WEXT_CSCAN_BUF_LEN 360
-#define WEXT_CSCAN_HEADER "CSCAN S\x01\x00\x00S\x00"
-static u32 rtw_rates[] = {1000000, 2000000, 5500000, 11000000,
- 6000000, 9000000, 12000000, 18000000, 24000000, 36000000,
- 48000000, 54000000};
-void indicate_wx_scan_complete_event(struct adapter *padapter)
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(union iwreq_data));
- wireless_send_event(padapter->pnetdev, SIOCGIWSCAN, &wrqu, NULL);
-void rtw_indicate_wx_assoc_event(struct adapter *padapter)
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(union iwreq_data));
- wrqu.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memcpy(wrqu.ap_addr.sa_data, pmlmepriv->, ETH_ALEN);
- wireless_send_event(padapter->pnetdev, SIOCGIWAP, &wrqu, NULL);
-void rtw_indicate_wx_disassoc_event(struct adapter *padapter)
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(union iwreq_data));
- wrqu.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memset(wrqu.ap_addr.sa_data, 0, ETH_ALEN);
- wireless_send_event(padapter->pnetdev, SIOCGIWAP, &wrqu, NULL);
-static char *translate_scan(struct adapter *padapter,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork,
- char *start, char *stop)
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct iw_event iwe;
- u16 cap;
- __le16 le_tmp;
- u32 ht_ielen = 0;
- char *custom;
- char *p;
- u16 max_rate = 0, rate, ht_cap = false;
- u32 i = 0;
- u8 bw_40MHz = 0, short_GI = 0;
- u16 mcs_rate = 0;
- u8 ss, sq;
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- if (!rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_NONE)) {
- u32 blnGotP2PIE = false;
- /* User is doing the P2P device discovery */
- /* The prefix of SSID should be "DIRECT-" and the IE should contains the P2P IE. */
- /* If not, the driver should ignore this AP and go to the next AP. */
- /* Verifying the SSID */
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.Ssid.Ssid, pwdinfo->p2p_wildcard_ssid, P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN)) {
- u32 p2pielen = 0;
- if (pnetwork->network.Reserved[0] == 2) {/* Probe Request */
- /* Verifying the P2P IE */
- if (rtw_get_p2p_ie(pnetwork->network.IEs, pnetwork->network.IELength, NULL, &p2pielen))
- blnGotP2PIE = true;
- } else {/* Beacon or Probe Respones */
- /* Verifying the P2P IE */
- if (rtw_get_p2p_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &p2pielen))
- blnGotP2PIE = true;
- }
- }
- if (!blnGotP2PIE)
- return start;
- }
- /* AP MAC address */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP;
- iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, pnetwork->network.MacAddress, ETH_ALEN);
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
- /* Add the ESSID */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWESSID;
- = 1;
- = min_t(u16, pnetwork->network.Ssid.SsidLength, 32);
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, pnetwork->network.Ssid.Ssid);
- /* parsing HT_CAP_IE */
- p = rtw_get_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], _HT_CAPABILITY_IE_, &ht_ielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12);
- if (p && ht_ielen > 0) {
- struct ieee80211_ht_cap *pht_capie;
- ht_cap = true;
- pht_capie = (struct ieee80211_ht_cap *)(p + 2);
- memcpy(&mcs_rate, pht_capie->mcs.rx_mask, 2);
- bw_40MHz = (le16_to_cpu(pht_capie->cap_info) &
- IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40) ? 1 : 0;
- short_GI = (le16_to_cpu(pht_capie->cap_info) &
- (IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20 | IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40)) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- /* Add the protocol name */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWNAME;
- if ((rtw_is_cckratesonly_included((u8 *)&pnetwork->network.SupportedRates))) {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bn");
- else
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11b");
- } else if ((rtw_is_cckrates_included((u8 *)&pnetwork->network.SupportedRates))) {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bgn");
- else
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bg");
- } else {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11gn");
- else
- snprintf(, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11g");
- }
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_CHAR_LEN);
- /* Add mode */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE;
- memcpy(&le_tmp, rtw_get_capability_from_ie(pnetwork->network.IEs), 2);
- cap = le16_to_cpu(le_tmp);
- iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_MASTER;
- else
- iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC;
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
- }
- if (pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig < 1)
- pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig = 1;
- /* Add frequency/channel */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ;
- iwe.u.freq.m = rtw_ch2freq(pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig) * 100000;
- iwe.u.freq.e = 1;
- iwe.u.freq.i = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
- /* Add encryption capability */
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWENCODE;
- else
- = 0;
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, pnetwork->network.Ssid.Ssid);
- /*Add basic and extended rates */
- max_rate = 0;
- custom = kzalloc(MAX_CUSTOM_LEN, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!custom)
- return start;
- p = custom;
- p += snprintf(p, MAX_CUSTOM_LEN - (p - custom), " Rates (Mb/s): ");
- while (pnetwork->network.SupportedRates[i] != 0) {
- rate = pnetwork->network.SupportedRates[i] & 0x7F;
- if (rate > max_rate)
- max_rate = rate;
- p += snprintf(p, MAX_CUSTOM_LEN - (p - custom),
- "%d%s ", rate >> 1, (rate & 1) ? ".5" : "");
- i++;
- }
- if (ht_cap) {
- if (mcs_rate & 0x8000)/* MCS15 */
- max_rate = (bw_40MHz) ? ((short_GI) ? 300 : 270) : ((short_GI) ? 144 : 130);
- else if (mcs_rate & 0x0080)/* MCS7 */
- ;
- else/* default MCS7 */
- max_rate = (bw_40MHz) ? ((short_GI) ? 150 : 135) : ((short_GI) ? 72 : 65);
- max_rate = max_rate * 2;/* Mbps/2; */
- }
- iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWRATE;
- iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = 0;
- iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0;
- iwe.u.bitrate.value = max_rate * 500000;
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_PARAM_LEN);
- /* parsing WPA/WPA2 IE */
- {
- u8 *buf;
- u8 *wpa_ie, *rsn_ie;
- u16 wpa_len = 0, rsn_len = 0;
- u8 *p;
- buf = kzalloc(MAX_WPA_IE_LEN, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!buf)
- goto exit;
- wpa_ie = kzalloc(255, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!wpa_ie) {
- kfree(buf);
- goto exit;
- }
- rsn_ie = kzalloc(255, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!rsn_ie) {
- kfree(buf);
- kfree(wpa_ie);
- goto exit;
- }
- rtw_get_sec_ie(pnetwork->network.IEs, pnetwork->network.IELength, rsn_ie, &rsn_len, wpa_ie, &wpa_len);
- if (wpa_len > 0) {
- p = buf;
- memset(buf, 0, MAX_WPA_IE_LEN);
- p += sprintf(p, "wpa_ie =");
- for (i = 0; i < wpa_len; i++)
- p += sprintf(p, "%02x", wpa_ie[i]);
- memset(&iwe, 0, sizeof(iwe));
- iwe.cmd = IWEVCUSTOM;
- = strlen(buf);
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, buf);
- memset(&iwe, 0, sizeof(iwe));
- iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
- = wpa_len;
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, wpa_ie);
- }
- if (rsn_len > 0) {
- p = buf;
- memset(buf, 0, MAX_WPA_IE_LEN);
- p += sprintf(p, "rsn_ie =");
- for (i = 0; i < rsn_len; i++)
- p += sprintf(p, "%02x", rsn_ie[i]);
- memset(&iwe, 0, sizeof(iwe));
- iwe.cmd = IWEVCUSTOM;
- = strlen(buf);
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, buf);
- memset(&iwe, 0, sizeof(iwe));
- iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
- = rsn_len;
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, rsn_ie);
- }
- kfree(buf);
- kfree(wpa_ie);
- kfree(rsn_ie);
- }
- {/* parsing WPS IE */
- uint cnt = 0, total_ielen;
- u8 *wpsie_ptr = NULL;
- uint wps_ielen = 0;
- u8 *ie_ptr = pnetwork->network.IEs + _FIXED_IE_LENGTH_;
- total_ielen = pnetwork->network.IELength - _FIXED_IE_LENGTH_;
- while (cnt < total_ielen) {
- if (rtw_is_wps_ie(&ie_ptr[cnt], &wps_ielen) && (wps_ielen > 2)) {
- wpsie_ptr = &ie_ptr[cnt];
- iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
- = (u16)wps_ielen;
- start = iwe_stream_add_point(info, start, stop, &iwe, wpsie_ptr);
- }
- cnt += ie_ptr[cnt + 1] + 2; /* goto next */
- }
- }
- /* Add quality statistics */
- iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) &&
- is_same_network(&pmlmepriv->, &pnetwork->network)) {
- ss = padapter->recvpriv.signal_strength;
- sq = padapter->recvpriv.signal_qual;
- } else {
- ss = pnetwork->network.PhyInfo.SignalStrength;
- sq = pnetwork->network.PhyInfo.SignalQuality;
- }
- iwe.u.qual.level = (u8)ss;
- iwe.u.qual.qual = (u8)sq; /* signal quality */
- iwe.u.qual.noise = 0; /* noise level */
- start = iwe_stream_add_event(info, start, stop, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
- kfree(custom);
- return start;
-static int wpa_set_auth_algs(struct net_device *dev, u32 value)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- int ret = 0;
- if ((value & AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY) && (value & AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM)) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeAutoSwitch;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Auto;
- } else if (value & AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeShared;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared;
- } else if (value & AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM) {
- if (padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype < Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open;
- }
- } else if (!(value & AUTH_ALG_LEAP)) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- }
- return ret;
-static int wpa_set_encryption(struct net_device *dev, struct ieee_param *param, u32 param_len)
- int ret = 0;
- u32 wep_key_idx, wep_key_len, wep_total_len;
- struct ndis_802_11_wep *pwep = NULL;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv;
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- param->u.crypt.err = 0;
- param->u.crypt.alg[IEEE_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
- if (param_len < (u32)((u8 *)param->u.crypt.key - (u8 *)param) + param->u.crypt.key_len) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (param->sta_addr[0] == 0xff && param->sta_addr[1] == 0xff &&
- param->sta_addr[2] == 0xff && param->sta_addr[3] == 0xff &&
- param->sta_addr[4] == 0xff && param->sta_addr[5] == 0xff) {
- if (param->u.crypt.idx >= WEP_KEYS) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- } else {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (strcmp(param->u.crypt.alg, "WEP") == 0) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _WEP40_;
- wep_key_idx = param->u.crypt.idx;
- wep_key_len = param->u.crypt.key_len;
- if (wep_key_idx > WEP_KEYS)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (wep_key_len > 0) {
- wep_key_len = wep_key_len <= 5 ? 5 : 13;
- wep_total_len = wep_key_len + sizeof(*pwep);
- pwep = kzalloc(wep_total_len, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!pwep)
- goto exit;
- pwep->KeyLength = wep_key_len;
- pwep->Length = wep_total_len;
- if (wep_key_len == 13) {
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP104_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _WEP104_;
- }
- } else {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- pwep->KeyIndex = wep_key_idx;
- pwep->KeyIndex |= 0x80000000;
- memcpy(pwep->KeyMaterial, param->u.crypt.key, pwep->KeyLength);
- if (param->u.crypt.set_tx) {
- if (rtw_set_802_11_add_wep(padapter, pwep) == (u8)_FAIL)
- ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- } else {
- if (wep_key_idx >= WEP_KEYS) {
- ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- goto exit;
- }
- memcpy(&psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[wep_key_idx].skey[0], pwep->KeyMaterial, pwep->KeyLength);
- psecuritypriv->dot11DefKeylen[wep_key_idx] = pwep->KeyLength;
- rtw_set_key(padapter, psecuritypriv, wep_key_idx, 0);
- }
- goto exit;
- }
- if (padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm == dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X) { /* 802_1x */
- struct sta_info *psta, *pbcmc_sta;
- struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE | WIFI_MP_STATE)) { /* sta mode */
- psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, get_bssid(pmlmepriv));
- if (!psta) {
- ;
- } else {
- if (strcmp(param->u.crypt.alg, "none") != 0)
- psta->ieee8021x_blocked = false;
- if ((padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) ||
- (padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled))
- psta->dot118021XPrivacy = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;
- if (param->u.crypt.set_tx == 1) { /* pairwise key */
- memcpy(psta->dot118021x_UncstKey.skey, param->u.crypt.key, (param->u.crypt.key_len > 16 ? 16 : param->u.crypt.key_len));
- if (strcmp(param->u.crypt.alg, "TKIP") == 0) { /* set mic key */
- memcpy(psta->dot11tkiptxmickey.skey, &param->u.crypt.key[16], 8);
- memcpy(psta->dot11tkiprxmickey.skey, &param->u.crypt.key[24], 8);
- padapter->securitypriv.busetkipkey = false;
- }
- rtw_setstakey_cmd(padapter, (unsigned char *)psta, true);
- } else { /* group key */
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpKey[param->u.crypt.idx].skey, param->u.crypt.key, (param->u.crypt.key_len > 16 ? 16 : param->u.crypt.key_len));
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrptxmickey[param->u.crypt.idx].skey, &param->u.crypt.key[16], 8);
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrprxmickey[param->u.crypt.idx].skey, &param->u.crypt.key[24], 8);
- padapter->securitypriv.binstallGrpkey = true;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpKeyid = param->u.crypt.idx;
- rtw_set_key(padapter, &padapter->securitypriv, param->u.crypt.idx, 1);
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_ING))
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_DONE);
- }
- }
- pbcmc_sta = rtw_get_bcmc_stainfo(padapter);
- if (!pbcmc_sta) {
- ;
- } else {
- /* Jeff: don't disable ieee8021x_blocked while clearing key */
- if (strcmp(param->u.crypt.alg, "none") != 0)
- pbcmc_sta->ieee8021x_blocked = false;
- if ((padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) ||
- (padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled))
- pbcmc_sta->dot118021XPrivacy = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;
- }
- }
- }
- kfree(pwep);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_set_wpa_ie(struct adapter *padapter, char *pie, unsigned short ielen)
- u8 *buf = NULL;
- int group_cipher = 0, pairwise_cipher = 0;
- int ret = 0;
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- if (ielen > MAX_WPA_IE_LEN || !pie) {
- _clr_fwstate_(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_WPS);
- if (!pie)
- return ret;
- else
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (ielen) {
- buf = kmemdup(pie, ielen, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!buf) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (ielen < RSN_HEADER_LEN) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (rtw_parse_wpa_ie(buf, ielen, &group_cipher, &pairwise_cipher, NULL) == _SUCCESS) {
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK;
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.supplicant_ie, &buf[0], ielen);
- }
- if (rtw_parse_wpa2_ie(buf, ielen, &group_cipher, &pairwise_cipher, NULL) == _SUCCESS) {
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK;
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.supplicant_ie, &buf[0], ielen);
- }
- switch (group_cipher) {
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled;
- break;
- case WPA_CIPHER_WEP40:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _WEP40_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- break;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _TKIP_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled;
- break;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _AES_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled;
- break;
- case WPA_CIPHER_WEP104:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _WEP104_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- break;
- }
- switch (pairwise_cipher) {
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled;
- break;
- case WPA_CIPHER_WEP40:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- break;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _TKIP_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled;
- break;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _AES_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled;
- break;
- case WPA_CIPHER_WEP104:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP104_;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- break;
- }
- _clr_fwstate_(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_WPS);
- {/* set wps_ie */
- u16 cnt = 0;
- u8 eid, wps_oui[4] = {0x0, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x04};
- while (cnt < ielen) {
- eid = buf[cnt];
- if ((eid == _VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE_) && (!memcmp(&buf[cnt + 2], wps_oui, 4))) {
- padapter->securitypriv.wps_ie_len = ((buf[cnt + 1] + 2) < (MAX_WPA_IE_LEN << 2)) ? (buf[cnt + 1] + 2) : (MAX_WPA_IE_LEN << 2);
- memcpy(padapter->securitypriv.wps_ie, &buf[cnt], padapter->securitypriv.wps_ie_len);
- set_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_WPS);
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK))
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_ING);
- cnt += buf[cnt + 1] + 2;
- break;
- } else {
- cnt += buf[cnt + 1] + 2; /* goto next */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- kfree(buf);
- return ret;
-typedef unsigned char NDIS_802_11_RATES_EX[NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES_EX];
-static int rtw_wx_get_name(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u32 ht_ielen = 0;
- char *p;
- u8 ht_cap = false;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct wlan_bssid_ex *pcur_bss = &pmlmepriv->;
- NDIS_802_11_RATES_EX *prates = NULL;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED | WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE)) {
- /* parsing HT_CAP_IE */
- p = rtw_get_ie(&pcur_bss->IEs[12], _HT_CAPABILITY_IE_, &ht_ielen, pcur_bss->IELength - 12);
- if (p && ht_ielen > 0)
- ht_cap = true;
- prates = &pcur_bss->SupportedRates;
- if (rtw_is_cckratesonly_included((u8 *)prates)) {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bn");
- else
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11b");
- } else if (rtw_is_cckrates_included((u8 *)prates)) {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bgn");
- else
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11bg");
- } else {
- if (ht_cap)
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11gn");
- else
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11g");
- }
- } else {
- snprintf(wrqu->name, IFNAMSIZ, "unassociated");
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_freq(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct wlan_bssid_ex *pcur_bss = &pmlmepriv->;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) {
- /* wrqu->freq.m = ieee80211_wlan_frequencies[pcur_bss->Configuration.DSConfig-1] * 100000; */
- wrqu->freq.m = rtw_ch2freq(pcur_bss->Configuration.DSConfig) * 100000;
- wrqu->freq.e = 1;
- wrqu->freq.i = pcur_bss->Configuration.DSConfig;
- } else {
- wrqu->freq.m = rtw_ch2freq(padapter->mlmeextpriv.cur_channel) * 100000;
- wrqu->freq.e = 1;
- wrqu->freq.i = padapter->mlmeextpriv.cur_channel;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_mode(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *b)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- enum ndis_802_11_network_infra networkType;
- int ret = 0;
- ret = rtw_pwr_wakeup(padapter);
- if (ret)
- goto exit;
- if (!padapter->hw_init_completed) {
- ret = -EPERM;
- goto exit;
- }
- switch (wrqu->mode) {
- case IW_MODE_AUTO:
- networkType = Ndis802_11AutoUnknown;
- break;
- networkType = Ndis802_11IBSS;
- break;
- networkType = Ndis802_11APMode;
- break;
- networkType = Ndis802_11Infrastructure;
- break;
- default:
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode(padapter, networkType)) {
- ret = -EPERM;
- goto exit;
- }
- rtw_setopmode_cmd(padapter, networkType);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_mode(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *b)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE))
- wrqu->mode = IW_MODE_INFRA;
- else if ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE)) ||
- (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE)))
- wrqu->mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC;
- else if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE))
- wrqu->mode = IW_MODE_MASTER;
- else
- wrqu->mode = IW_MODE_AUTO;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_pmkid(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 j, blInserted = false;
- int ret = false;
- struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv;
- struct iw_pmksa *pPMK = (struct iw_pmksa *)extra;
- u8 strZeroMacAddress[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- u8 strIssueBssid[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- memcpy(strIssueBssid, pPMK->bssid.sa_data, ETH_ALEN);
- if (pPMK->cmd == IW_PMKSA_ADD) {
- if (!memcmp(strIssueBssid, strZeroMacAddress, ETH_ALEN))
- return ret;
- else
- ret = true;
- blInserted = false;
- /* overwrite PMKID */
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_PMKID_CACHE; j++) {
- if (!memcmp(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].Bssid, strIssueBssid, ETH_ALEN)) {
- /* BSSID is matched, the same AP => rewrite with new PMKID. */
- memcpy(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].PMKID, pPMK->pmkid, IW_PMKID_LEN);
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].bUsed = true;
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex = j + 1;
- blInserted = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!blInserted) {
- /* Find a new entry */
- memcpy(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex].Bssid, strIssueBssid, ETH_ALEN);
- memcpy(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex].PMKID, pPMK->pmkid, IW_PMKID_LEN);
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex].bUsed = true;
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex++;
- if (psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex == 16)
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex = 0;
- }
- } else if (pPMK->cmd == IW_PMKSA_REMOVE) {
- ret = true;
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_PMKID_CACHE; j++) {
- if (!memcmp(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].Bssid, strIssueBssid, ETH_ALEN)) {
- /* BSSID is matched, the same AP => Remove this PMKID information and reset it. */
- memset(psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].Bssid, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[j].bUsed = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (pPMK->cmd == IW_PMKSA_FLUSH) {
- memset(&psecuritypriv->PMKIDList[0], 0x00, sizeof(struct rt_pmkid_list) * NUM_PMKID_CACHE);
- psecuritypriv->PMKIDIndex = 0;
- ret = true;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_sens(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- wrqu->sens.value = 0;
- wrqu->sens.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- wrqu->sens.disabled = 1;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_range(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct iw_range *range = (struct iw_range *)extra;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
- u16 val;
- int i;
- wrqu->data.length = sizeof(*range);
- memset(range, 0, sizeof(*range));
- /* Let's try to keep this struct in the same order as in
- * linux/include/wireless.h
- */
- /* TODO: See what values we can set, and remove the ones we can't
- * set, or fill them with some default data.
- */
- /* ~5 Mb/s real (802.11b) */
- range->throughput = 5 * 1000 * 1000;
- /* signal level threshold range */
- /* percent values between 0 and 100. */
- range->max_qual.qual = 100;
- range->max_qual.level = 100;
- range->max_qual.noise = 100;
- range->max_qual.updated = 7; /* Updated all three */
- range->avg_qual.qual = 92; /* > 8% missed beacons is 'bad' */
- /* TODO: Find real 'good' to 'bad' threshol value for RSSI */
- range->avg_qual.level = 178; /* -78 dBm */
- range->avg_qual.noise = 0;
- range->avg_qual.updated = 7; /* Updated all three */
- range->num_bitrates = RATE_COUNT;
- for (i = 0; i < RATE_COUNT && i < IW_MAX_BITRATES; i++)
- range->bitrate[i] = rtw_rates[i];
- range->min_frag = MIN_FRAG_THRESHOLD;
- range->max_frag = MAX_FRAG_THRESHOLD;
- range->pm_capa = 0;
- range->we_version_compiled = WIRELESS_EXT;
- range->we_version_source = 16;
- for (i = 0, val = 0; i < MAX_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) {
- /* Include only legal frequencies for some countries */
- if (pmlmeext->channel_set[i].ChannelNum != 0) {
- range->freq[val].i = pmlmeext->channel_set[i].ChannelNum;
- range->freq[val].m = rtw_ch2freq(pmlmeext->channel_set[i].ChannelNum) * 100000;
- range->freq[val].e = 1;
- val++;
- }
- if (val == IW_MAX_FREQUENCIES)
- break;
- }
- range->num_channels = val;
- range->num_frequency = val;
-/* The following code will proivde the security capability to network manager. */
-/* If the driver doesn't provide this capability to network manager, */
-/* the WPA/WPA2 routers can't be chosen in the network manager. */
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_NONE 0x00
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID 0x01
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_BSSID 0x02
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_CHANNEL 0x04
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_MODE 0x08
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_RATE 0x10
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TYPE 0x20
-#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TIME 0x40
- range->enc_capa = IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA | IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA2 |
- range->scan_capa = IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID | IW_SCAN_CAPA_TYPE |
- return 0;
-/* set bssid flow */
-/* s1. rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode() */
-/* s2. rtw_set_802_11_authentication_mode() */
-/* s3. set_802_11_encryption_mode() */
-/* s4. rtw_set_802_11_bssid() */
-static int rtw_wx_set_wap(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *awrq,
- char *extra)
- uint ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct sockaddr *temp = (struct sockaddr *)awrq;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *phead;
- u8 *dst_bssid, *src_bssid;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode authmode;
- ret = rtw_pwr_wakeup(padapter);
- if (ret)
- goto exit;
- if (!padapter->bup) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (temp->sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- authmode = padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype;
- spin_lock_bh(&queue->lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- pmlmepriv->pscanned = phead->next;
- while (phead != pmlmepriv->pscanned) {
- pnetwork = container_of(pmlmepriv->pscanned, struct wlan_network, list);
- pmlmepriv->pscanned = pmlmepriv->pscanned->next;
- dst_bssid = pnetwork->network.MacAddress;
- src_bssid = temp->sa_data;
- if ((!memcmp(dst_bssid, src_bssid, ETH_ALEN))) {
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode(padapter, pnetwork->network.InfrastructureMode)) {
- ret = -1;
- spin_unlock_bh(&queue->lock);
- goto exit;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&queue->lock);
- rtw_set_802_11_authentication_mode(padapter, authmode);
- /* set_802_11_encryption_mode(padapter, padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus); */
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_bssid(padapter, temp->sa_data)) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_wap(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct wlan_bssid_ex *pcur_bss = &pmlmepriv->;
- wrqu->ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memset(wrqu->ap_addr.sa_data, 0, ETH_ALEN);
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) ||
- check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE) ||
- check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE))
- memcpy(wrqu->ap_addr.sa_data, pcur_bss->MacAddress, ETH_ALEN);
- else
- memset(wrqu->ap_addr.sa_data, 0, ETH_ALEN);
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_mlme(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_mlme *mlme = (struct iw_mlme *)extra;
- if (!mlme)
- return -1;
- switch (mlme->cmd) {
- rtw_set_802_11_disassociate(padapter);
- break;
- rtw_set_802_11_disassociate(padapter);
- break;
- default:
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_scan(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- u8 _status = false;
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct ndis_802_11_ssid ssid[RTW_SSID_SCAN_AMOUNT];
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- ret = rtw_pwr_wakeup(padapter);
- if (ret)
- goto exit;
- if (padapter->bDriverStopped) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (!padapter->bup) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (!padapter->hw_init_completed) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- /* When Busy Traffic, driver do not site survey. So driver return success. */
- /* wpa_supplicant will not issue SIOCSIWSCAN cmd again after scan timeout. */
- /* modify by thomas 2011-02-22. */
- if (pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic) {
- indicate_wx_scan_complete_event(padapter);
- goto exit;
- }
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_UNDER_SURVEY | _FW_UNDER_LINKING)) {
- indicate_wx_scan_complete_event(padapter);
- goto exit;
- }
-/* For the DMP WiFi Display project, the driver won't to scan because */
-/* the pmlmepriv->scan_interval is always equal to 3. */
-/* So, the wpa_supplicant won't find out the WPS SoftAP. */
- if (pwdinfo->p2p_state != P2P_STATE_NONE) {
- rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(pwdinfo, rtw_p2p_state(pwdinfo));
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_SEARCH);
- rtw_p2p_findphase_ex_set(pwdinfo, P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_FULL);
- rtw_free_network_queue(padapter, true);
- }
- memset(ssid, 0, sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_ssid) * RTW_SSID_SCAN_AMOUNT);
- if (wrqu->data.length == sizeof(struct iw_scan_req)) {
- struct iw_scan_req *req = (struct iw_scan_req *)extra;
- if (wrqu->data.flags & IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID) {
- int len = min((int)req->essid_len, IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE);
- memcpy(ssid[0].Ssid, req->essid, len);
- ssid[0].SsidLength = len;
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
- _status = rtw_sitesurvey_cmd(padapter, ssid, 1);
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
- }
- } else {
- if (wrqu->data.length >= WEXT_CSCAN_HEADER_SIZE &&
- int len = wrqu->data.length - WEXT_CSCAN_HEADER_SIZE;
- char *pos = extra + WEXT_CSCAN_HEADER_SIZE;
- char section;
- char sec_len;
- int ssid_index = 0;
- while (len >= 1) {
- section = *(pos++);
- len -= 1;
- switch (section) {
- if (len < 1) {
- len = 0;
- break;
- }
- sec_len = *(pos++); len -= 1;
- if (sec_len > 0 &&
- sec_len <= len &&
- sec_len <= 32) {
- ssid[ssid_index].SsidLength = sec_len;
- memcpy(ssid[ssid_index].Ssid, pos, sec_len);
- ssid_index++;
- }
- pos += sec_len;
- len -= sec_len;
- break;
- pos += 1;
- len -= 1;
- break;
- pos += 2;
- len -= 2;
- break;
- default:
- len = 0; /* stop parsing */
- }
- }
- /* it has still some scan parameter to parse, we only do this now... */
- _status = rtw_set_802_11_bssid_list_scan(padapter, ssid, RTW_SSID_SCAN_AMOUNT);
- } else {
- _status = rtw_set_802_11_bssid_list_scan(padapter, NULL, 0);
- }
- }
- if (!_status)
- ret = -1;
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_scan(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- char *ev = extra;
- char *stop = ev + wrqu->data.length;
- u32 ret = 0;
- u32 cnt = 0;
- u32 wait_for_surveydone;
- int wait_status;
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- if (!rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_NONE)) {
- /* P2P is enabled */
- wait_for_surveydone = 200;
- } else {
- /* P2P is disabled */
- wait_for_surveydone = 100;
- }
- while (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, wait_status)) {
- msleep(30);
- cnt++;
- if (cnt > wait_for_surveydone)
- break;
- }
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- if ((stop - ev) < SCAN_ITEM_SIZE) {
- ret = -E2BIG;
- break;
- }
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- /* report network only if the current channel set contains the channel to which this network belongs */
- if (rtw_ch_set_search_ch(padapter->mlmeextpriv.channel_set, pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig) >= 0)
- ev = translate_scan(padapter, a, pnetwork, ev, stop);
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- wrqu->data.length = ev - extra;
- wrqu->data.flags = 0;
- return ret;
-/* set ssid flow */
-/* s1. rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode() */
-/* s2. set_802_11_authenticaion_mode() */
-/* s3. set_802_11_encryption_mode() */
-/* s4. rtw_set_802_11_ssid() */
-static int rtw_wx_set_essid(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct list_head *phead;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode authmode;
- struct ndis_802_11_ssid ndis_ssid;
- u8 *dst_ssid, *src_ssid;
- uint ret = 0, len;
- ret = rtw_pwr_wakeup(padapter);
- if (ret)
- goto exit;
- if (!padapter->bup) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (wrqu->essid.length > IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE) {
- ret = -E2BIG;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE)) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- authmode = padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype;
- if (wrqu->essid.flags && wrqu->essid.length) {
- len = (wrqu->essid.length < IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE) ? wrqu->essid.length : IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE;
- memset(&ndis_ssid, 0, sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_ssid));
- ndis_ssid.SsidLength = len;
- memcpy(ndis_ssid.Ssid, extra, len);
- src_ssid = ndis_ssid.Ssid;
- spin_lock_bh(&queue->lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- pmlmepriv->pscanned = phead->next;
- while (phead != pmlmepriv->pscanned) {
- pnetwork = container_of(pmlmepriv->pscanned, struct wlan_network, list);
- pmlmepriv->pscanned = pmlmepriv->pscanned->next;
- dst_ssid = pnetwork->network.Ssid.Ssid;
- if ((!memcmp(dst_ssid, src_ssid, ndis_ssid.SsidLength)) &&
- (pnetwork->network.Ssid.SsidLength == ndis_ssid.SsidLength)) {
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE)) {
- if (pnetwork->network.InfrastructureMode != pmlmepriv->
- continue;
- }
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode(padapter, pnetwork->network.InfrastructureMode)) {
- ret = -1;
- spin_unlock_bh(&queue->lock);
- goto exit;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&queue->lock);
- rtw_set_802_11_authentication_mode(padapter, authmode);
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_ssid(padapter, &ndis_ssid)) {
- ret = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_essid(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- u32 len;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct wlan_bssid_ex *pcur_bss = &pmlmepriv->;
- if ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) ||
- (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE))) {
- len = pcur_bss->Ssid.SsidLength;
- memcpy(extra, pcur_bss->Ssid.Ssid, len);
- } else {
- len = 0;
- *extra = 0;
- }
- wrqu->essid.length = len;
- wrqu->essid.flags = 1;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_rate(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *a,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int i;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 datarates[NumRates];
- u32 target_rate = wrqu->bitrate.value;
- u32 fixed = wrqu->bitrate.fixed;
- u32 ratevalue = 0;
- u8 mpdatarate[NumRates] = {11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0xff};
- if (target_rate == -1) {
- ratevalue = 11;
- goto set_rate;
- }
- target_rate = target_rate / 100000;
- switch (target_rate) {
- case 10:
- ratevalue = 0;
- break;
- case 20:
- ratevalue = 1;
- break;
- case 55:
- ratevalue = 2;
- break;
- case 60:
- ratevalue = 3;
- break;
- case 90:
- ratevalue = 4;
- break;
- case 110:
- ratevalue = 5;
- break;
- case 120:
- ratevalue = 6;
- break;
- case 180:
- ratevalue = 7;
- break;
- case 240:
- ratevalue = 8;
- break;
- case 360:
- ratevalue = 9;
- break;
- case 480:
- ratevalue = 10;
- break;
- case 540:
- ratevalue = 11;
- break;
- default:
- ratevalue = 11;
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NumRates; i++) {
- if (ratevalue == mpdatarate[i]) {
- datarates[i] = mpdatarate[i];
- if (fixed == 0)
- break;
- } else {
- datarates[i] = 0xff;
- }
- }
- return rtw_setdatarate_cmd(padapter, datarates);
-static int rtw_wx_get_rate(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- u16 max_rate = 0;
- max_rate = rtw_get_cur_max_rate((struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev));
- if (max_rate == 0)
- return -EPERM;
- wrqu->bitrate.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- wrqu->bitrate.value = max_rate * 100000;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_rts(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- if (wrqu->rts.disabled) {
- padapter->registrypriv.rts_thresh = 2347;
- } else {
- if (wrqu->rts.value < 0 ||
- wrqu->rts.value > 2347)
- return -EINVAL;
- padapter->registrypriv.rts_thresh = wrqu->rts.value;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_rts(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- wrqu->rts.value = padapter->registrypriv.rts_thresh;
- wrqu->rts.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- /* wrqu->rts.disabled = (wrqu->rts.value == DEFAULT_RTS_THRESHOLD); */
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_frag(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- if (wrqu->frag.disabled) {
- padapter->xmitpriv.frag_len = MAX_FRAG_THRESHOLD;
- } else {
- if (wrqu->frag.value < MIN_FRAG_THRESHOLD ||
- wrqu->frag.value > MAX_FRAG_THRESHOLD)
- return -EINVAL;
- padapter->xmitpriv.frag_len = wrqu->frag.value & ~0x1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_frag(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- wrqu->frag.value = padapter->xmitpriv.frag_len;
- wrqu->frag.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_retry(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- wrqu->retry.value = 7;
- wrqu->retry.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- wrqu->retry.disabled = 1;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_enc(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *keybuf)
- u32 key, ret = 0;
- u32 keyindex_provided;
- struct ndis_802_11_wep wep;
- enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode authmode;
- struct iw_point *erq = &wrqu->encoding;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrpriv = &padapter->pwrctrlpriv;
- memset(&wep, 0, sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_wep));
- key = erq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX;
- if (erq->flags & IW_ENCODE_DISABLED) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open; /* open system */
- authmode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = authmode;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (key) {
- if (key > WEP_KEYS)
- return -EINVAL;
- key--;
- keyindex_provided = 1;
- } else {
- keyindex_provided = 0;
- key = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyKeyIndex;
- }
- /* set authentication mode */
- if (erq->flags & IW_ENCODE_OPEN) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;/* Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled; */
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- authmode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = authmode;
- } else if (erq->flags & IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _WEP40_;
- authmode = Ndis802_11AuthModeShared;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = authmode;
- } else {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled;/* Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled; */
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open; /* open system */
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- authmode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = authmode;
- }
- wep.KeyIndex = key;
- if (erq->length > 0) {
- wep.KeyLength = erq->length <= 5 ? 5 : 13;
- wep.Length = wep.KeyLength + offsetof(struct ndis_802_11_wep, KeyMaterial);
- } else {
- wep.KeyLength = 0;
- if (keyindex_provided == 1) {
- /* set key_id only, no given KeyMaterial(erq->length == 0). */
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyKeyIndex = key;
- switch (padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKeylen[key]) {
- case 5:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_;
- break;
- case 13:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP104_;
- break;
- default:
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- break;
- }
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- wep.KeyIndex |= 0x80000000;
- memcpy(wep.KeyMaterial, keybuf, wep.KeyLength);
- if (!rtw_set_802_11_add_wep(padapter, &wep)) {
- if (rf_on == pwrpriv->rf_pwrstate)
- ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- goto exit;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_enc(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *keybuf)
- uint key;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_point *erq = &wrqu->encoding;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) != true) {
- if (!check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE)) {
- erq->length = 0;
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- key = erq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX;
- if (key) {
- if (key > WEP_KEYS)
- return -EINVAL;
- key--;
- } else {
- key = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyKeyIndex;
- }
- erq->flags = key + 1;
- switch (padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus) {
- case Ndis802_11EncryptionNotSupported:
- case Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled:
- erq->length = 0;
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
- break;
- case Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled:
- erq->length = padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKeylen[key];
- if (erq->length) {
- memcpy(keybuf, padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKey[key].skey, padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKeylen[key]);
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_ENABLED;
- if (padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype == Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen)
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_OPEN;
- else if (padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype == Ndis802_11AuthModeShared)
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED;
- } else {
- erq->length = 0;
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
- }
- break;
- case Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled:
- case Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled:
- erq->length = 16;
- break;
- default:
- erq->length = 0;
- erq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_get_power(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- wrqu->power.value = 0;
- wrqu->power.fixed = 0; /* no auto select */
- wrqu->power.disabled = 1;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_gen_ie(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- ret = rtw_set_wpa_ie(padapter, extra, wrqu->data.length);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_set_auth(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_param *param = (struct iw_param *)&wrqu->param;
- int ret = 0;
- switch (param->flags & IW_AUTH_INDEX) {
- break;
- break;
- break;
- /*
- * ??? does not use these parameters
- */
- break;
- if (param->value) {
- /* wpa_supplicant is enabling the tkip countermeasure. */
- padapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure = true;
- } else {
- /* wpa_supplicant is disabling the tkip countermeasure. */
- padapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure = false;
- }
- break;
- /* HACK:
- *
- * wpa_supplicant calls set_wpa_enabled when the driver
- * is loaded and unloaded, regardless of if WPA is being
- * used. No other calls are made which can be used to
- * determine if encryption will be used or not prior to
- * association being expected. If encryption is not being
- * used, drop_unencrypted is set to false, else true -- we
- * can use this to determine if the CAP_PRIVACY_ON bit should
- * be set.
- */
- if (padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus == Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled)
- break;/* it means init value, or using wep, ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled, */
- /* then it needn't reset it; */
- if (param->value) {
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open; /* open system */
- padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- }
- break;
- case IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG:
- /*
- * It's the starting point of a link layer connection using wpa_supplicant
- */
- if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) {
- LeaveAllPowerSaveMode(padapter);
- rtw_disassoc_cmd(padapter, 500, false);
- rtw_indicate_disconnect(padapter);
- rtw_free_assoc_resources(padapter, 1);
- }
- ret = wpa_set_auth_algs(dev, (u32)param->value);
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_set_enc_ext(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- char *alg_name;
- u32 param_len;
- struct ieee_param *param = NULL;
- struct iw_point *pencoding = &wrqu->encoding;
- struct iw_encode_ext *pext = (struct iw_encode_ext *)extra;
- int ret = -1;
- param_len = sizeof(struct ieee_param) + pext->key_len;
- param = kzalloc(param_len, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!param)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(param->sta_addr, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);
- switch (pext->alg) {
- /* todo: remove key */
- /* remove = 1; */
- alg_name = "none";
- break;
- alg_name = "WEP";
- break;
- alg_name = "TKIP";
- break;
- alg_name = "CCMP";
- break;
- default:
- goto out;
- }
- strscpy((char *)param->u.crypt.alg, alg_name, IEEE_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);
- if (pext->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_SET_TX_KEY)
- param->u.crypt.set_tx = 1;
- /* cliW: WEP does not have group key
- * just not checking GROUP key setting
- */
- if ((pext->alg != IW_ENCODE_ALG_WEP) &&
- (pext->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_GROUP_KEY))
- param->u.crypt.set_tx = 0;
- param->u.crypt.idx = (pencoding->flags & 0x00FF) - 1;
- if (pext->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_RX_SEQ_VALID)
- memcpy(param->u.crypt.seq, pext->rx_seq, 8);
- if (pext->key_len) {
- param->u.crypt.key_len = pext->key_len;
- memcpy(param->u.crypt.key, pext + 1, pext->key_len);
- }
- ret = wpa_set_encryption(dev, param, param_len);
- kfree(param);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_get_nick(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- if (extra) {
- wrqu->data.length = 14;
- wrqu->data.flags = 1;
- memcpy(extra, "<WIFI@REALTEK>", 14);
- }
- /* dump debug info here */
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_read_rf(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u32 path, addr, data32;
- path = *(u32 *)extra;
- if (path != RF_PATH_A)
- return -EINVAL;
- addr = *((u32 *)extra + 1);
- data32 = rtl8188e_PHY_QueryRFReg(padapter, addr, 0xFFFFF);
- /*
- * Only when wireless private ioctl is at odd order,
- * "extra" would be copied to user space.
- */
- sprintf(extra, "0x%05x", data32);
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_write_rf(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u32 path, addr, data32;
- path = *(u32 *)extra;
- if (path != RF_PATH_A)
- return -EINVAL;
- addr = *((u32 *)extra + 1);
- data32 = *((u32 *)extra + 2);
- rtl8188e_PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, addr, 0xFFFFF, data32);
- return 0;
-static int rtw_wx_set_channel_plan(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 channel_plan_req = (u8)(*((int *)wrqu));
- if (rtw_set_chplan_cmd(padapter, channel_plan_req) != _SUCCESS)
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_get_ap_info(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- u32 cnt = 0, wpa_ielen;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- unsigned char *pbuf;
- u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
- char data[32];
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct iw_point *pdata = &wrqu->data;
- if (padapter->bDriverStopped || !pdata) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- while ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY | _FW_UNDER_LINKING)))) {
- msleep(30);
- cnt++;
- if (cnt > 100)
- break;
- }
- pdata->flags = 0;
- if (pdata->length >= 32) {
- if (copy_from_user(data, pdata->pointer, 32)) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- } else {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!mac_pton(data, bssid)) {
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(bssid, pnetwork->network.MacAddress, ETH_ALEN)) {
- /* BSSID match, then check if supporting wpa/wpa2 */
- pbuf = rtw_get_wpa_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], &wpa_ielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12);
- if (pbuf && (wpa_ielen > 0)) {
- pdata->flags = 1;
- break;
- }
- pbuf = rtw_get_wpa2_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], &wpa_ielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12);
- if (pbuf && (wpa_ielen > 0)) {
- pdata->flags = 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (pdata->length >= 34) {
- if (copy_to_user(pdata->pointer + 32, (u8 *)&pdata->flags, 1)) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_set_pid(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- int *pdata = (int *)wrqu;
- int selector;
- if (padapter->bDriverStopped || !pdata) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- selector = *pdata;
- if (selector < 3 && selector >= 0) {
- padapter->pid[selector] = *(pdata + 1);
- ui_pid[selector] = *(pdata + 1);
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wps_start(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_point *pdata = &wrqu->data;
- u32 u32wps_start = 0;
- if (!pdata)
- return -EINVAL;
- ret = copy_from_user((void *)&u32wps_start, pdata->pointer, 4);
- if (ret) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (padapter->bDriverStopped) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (u32wps_start == 0)
- u32wps_start = *extra;
- if (u32wps_start == 1) /* WPS Start */
- rtw_led_control(padapter, LED_CTL_START_WPS);
- else if (u32wps_start == 2) /* WPS Stop because of wps success */
- rtw_led_control(padapter, LED_CTL_STOP_WPS);
- else if (u32wps_start == 3) /* WPS Stop because of wps fail */
- rtw_led_control(padapter, LED_CTL_STOP_WPS_FAIL);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wext_p2p_enable(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
- enum P2P_ROLE init_role = P2P_ROLE_DISABLE;
- if (*extra == '0')
- init_role = P2P_ROLE_DISABLE;
- else if (*extra == '1')
- init_role = P2P_ROLE_DEVICE;
- else if (*extra == '2')
- init_role = P2P_ROLE_CLIENT;
- else if (*extra == '3')
- init_role = P2P_ROLE_GO;
- ret = rtw_p2p_enable(padapter, init_role);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- /* set channel/bandwidth */
- if (init_role != P2P_ROLE_DISABLE) {
- u8 channel, ch_offset;
- u16 bwmode;
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_LISTEN)) {
- /* Stay at the listen state and wait for discovery. */
- channel = pwdinfo->listen_channel;
- pwdinfo->operating_channel = pwdinfo->listen_channel;
- bwmode = HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20;
- } else {
- pwdinfo->operating_channel = pmlmeext->cur_channel;
- channel = pwdinfo->operating_channel;
- ch_offset = pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset;
- bwmode = pmlmeext->cur_bwmode;
- }
- set_channel_bwmode(padapter, channel, ch_offset, bwmode);
- }
- return 0;
-static void rtw_p2p_set_go_nego_ssid(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- memcpy(pwdinfo->nego_ssid, extra, strlen(extra));
- pwdinfo->nego_ssidlen = strlen(extra);
-static int rtw_p2p_set_intent(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- u8 intent = pwdinfo->intent;
- switch (wrqu->data.length) {
- case 1:
- intent = extra[0] - '0';
- break;
- case 2:
- intent = str_2char2num(extra[0], extra[1]);
- break;
- }
- if (intent <= 15)
- pwdinfo->intent = intent;
- else
- ret = -1;
- return ret;
-static int rtw_p2p_set_listen_ch(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- u8 listen_ch = pwdinfo->listen_channel; /* Listen channel number */
- switch (wrqu->data.length) {
- case 1:
- listen_ch = extra[0] - '0';
- break;
- case 2:
- listen_ch = str_2char2num(extra[0], extra[1]);
- break;
- }
- if ((listen_ch == 1) || (listen_ch == 6) || (listen_ch == 11)) {
- pwdinfo->listen_channel = listen_ch;
- set_channel_bwmode(padapter, pwdinfo->listen_channel, HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20);
- } else {
- ret = -1;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_p2p_set_op_ch(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
-/* Commented by Albert 20110524 */
-/* This function is used to set the operating channel if the driver will become the group owner */
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- u8 op_ch = pwdinfo->operating_channel; /* Operating channel number */
- switch (wrqu->data.length) {
- case 1:
- op_ch = extra[0] - '0';
- break;
- case 2:
- op_ch = str_2char2num(extra[0], extra[1]);
- break;
- }
- if (op_ch > 0)
- pwdinfo->operating_channel = op_ch;
- else
- ret = -1;
- return ret;
-static int rtw_p2p_profilefound(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- /* Comment by Albert 2010/10/13 */
- /* Input data format: */
- /* Ex: 0 */
- /* 0 => Reflush the profile record list. */
- /* 1 => Add the profile list */
- /* XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX => peer's MAC Address (ex: 00:E0:4C:00:00:01) */
- /* YY => SSID Length */
- /* SSID => SSID for persistence group */
- /* The upper application should pass the SSID to driver by using this rtw_p2p_profilefound function. */
- if (!rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_NONE)) {
- if (extra[0] == '0') {
- /* Remove all the profile information of wifidirect_info structure. */
- memset(&pwdinfo->profileinfo[0], 0x00, sizeof(struct profile_info) * P2P_MAX_PERSISTENT_GROUP_NUM);
- pwdinfo->profileindex = 0;
- } else {
- if (pwdinfo->profileindex >= P2P_MAX_PERSISTENT_GROUP_NUM) {
- ret = -1;
- } else {
- int jj, kk;
- /* Add this profile information into pwdinfo->profileinfo */
- for (jj = 0, kk = 1; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- pwdinfo->profileinfo[pwdinfo->profileindex].peermac[jj] = key_2char2num(extra[kk], extra[kk + 1]);
- pwdinfo->profileinfo[pwdinfo->profileindex].ssidlen = (extra[18] - '0') * 10 + (extra[19] - '0');
- memcpy(pwdinfo->profileinfo[pwdinfo->profileindex].ssid, &extra[20], pwdinfo->profileinfo[pwdinfo->profileindex].ssidlen);
- pwdinfo->profileindex++;
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
-static void rtw_p2p_setDN(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- memset(pwdinfo->device_name, 0x00, WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN);
- memcpy(pwdinfo->device_name, extra, wrqu->data.length - 1);
- pwdinfo->device_name_len = wrqu->data.length - 1;
-static int rtw_p2p_get_wps_configmethod(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- u8 peerMACStr[17] = {0x00};
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u8 blnMatch = 0;
- u16 attr_content = 0;
- uint attr_contentlen = 0;
- /* 6 is the string "wpsCM =", 17 is the MAC addr, we have to clear it at wrqu->data.pointer */
- u8 attr_content_str[6 + 17] = {0x00};
- /* Commented by Albert 20110727 */
- /* The input data is the MAC address which the application wants to know its WPS config method. */
- /* After knowing its WPS config method, the application can decide the config method for provisioning discovery. */
- /* Format: iwpriv wlanx p2p_get_wpsCM 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (copy_from_user(peerMACStr, wrqu->data.pointer + 6, 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(peerMACStr[kk], peerMACStr[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- u8 *wpsie;
- uint wpsie_len = 0;
- __be16 be_tmp;
- /* The mac address is matched. */
- wpsie = rtw_get_wps_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &wpsie_len);
- if (wpsie) {
- rtw_get_wps_attr_content(wpsie, wpsie_len, WPS_ATTR_CONF_METHOD, (u8 *)&be_tmp, &attr_contentlen);
- if (attr_contentlen) {
- attr_content = be16_to_cpu(be_tmp);
- sprintf(attr_content_str, "\n\nM =%.4d", attr_content);
- blnMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (!blnMatch)
- sprintf(attr_content_str, "\n\nM = 0000");
- if (copy_to_user(wrqu->data.pointer, attr_content_str, 6 + 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_get_go_device_address(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- u8 peerMACStr[17] = {0x00};
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u8 blnMatch = 0;
- u8 *p2pie;
- uint p2pielen = 0, attr_contentlen = 0;
- u8 attr_content[100] = {0x00};
- u8 go_devadd_str[100 + 10] = {0x00};
- /* +10 is for the str "go_devadd =", we have to clear it at wrqu->data.pointer */
- /* Commented by Albert 20121209 */
- /* The input data is the GO's interface address which the application wants to know its device address. */
- /* Format: iwpriv wlanx p2p_get2 go_devadd = 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (copy_from_user(peerMACStr, wrqu->data.pointer + 10, 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(peerMACStr[kk], peerMACStr[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/05/18 */
- /* Match the device address located in the P2P IE */
- /* This is for the case that the P2P device address is not the same as the P2P interface address. */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &p2pielen);
- if (p2pie) {
- while (p2pie) {
- /* The P2P Device ID attribute is included in the Beacon frame. */
- /* The P2P Device Info attribute is included in the probe response frame. */
- memset(attr_content, 0x00, 100);
- if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device ID attribute of Beacon first */
- blnMatch = 1;
- break;
- } else if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device Info attribute of probe response */
- blnMatch = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* Get the next P2P IE */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(p2pie + p2pielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12 - (p2pie - &pnetwork->network.IEs[12] + p2pielen), NULL, &p2pielen);
- }
- }
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (!blnMatch)
- sprintf(go_devadd_str, "\n\ndev_add = NULL");
- else
- sprintf(go_devadd_str, "\ndev_add =%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X",
- attr_content[0], attr_content[1], attr_content[2], attr_content[3], attr_content[4], attr_content[5]);
- if (copy_to_user(wrqu->data.pointer, go_devadd_str, 10 + 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_get_device_type(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- u8 peerMACStr[17] = {0x00};
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u8 blnMatch = 0;
- u8 dev_type[8] = {0x00};
- uint dev_type_len = 0;
- u8 dev_type_str[17 + 9] = {0x00}; /* +9 is for the str "dev_type =", we have to clear it at wrqu->data.pointer */
- /* Commented by Albert 20121209 */
- /* The input data is the MAC address which the application wants to know its device type. */
- /* Such user interface could know the device type. */
- /* Format: iwpriv wlanx p2p_get2 dev_type = 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (copy_from_user(peerMACStr, wrqu->data.pointer + 9, 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(peerMACStr[kk], peerMACStr[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- u8 *wpsie;
- uint wpsie_len = 0;
- /* The mac address is matched. */
- wpsie = rtw_get_wps_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12],
- pnetwork->network.IELength - 12,
- NULL, &wpsie_len);
- if (wpsie) {
- rtw_get_wps_attr_content(wpsie, wpsie_len, WPS_ATTR_PRIMARY_DEV_TYPE, dev_type, &dev_type_len);
- if (dev_type_len) {
- u16 type = 0;
- __be16 be_tmp;
- memcpy(&be_tmp, dev_type, 2);
- type = be16_to_cpu(be_tmp);
- sprintf(dev_type_str, "\n\nN =%.2d", type);
- blnMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (!blnMatch)
- sprintf(dev_type_str, "\n\nN = 00");
- if (copy_to_user(wrqu->data.pointer, dev_type_str, 9 + 17)) {
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_get_device_name(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- u8 peerMACStr[17] = {0x00};
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u8 blnMatch = 0;
- u8 dev_name[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN] = {0x00};
- uint dev_len = 0;
- u8 dev_name_str[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 5] = {0x00}; /* +5 is for the str "devN =", we have to clear it at wrqu->data.pointer */
- /* Commented by Albert 20121225 */
- /* The input data is the MAC address which the application wants to know its device name. */
- /* Such user interface could show peer device's device name instead of ssid. */
- /* Format: iwpriv wlanx p2p_get2 devN = 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (copy_from_user(peerMACStr, wrqu->data.pointer + 5, 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(peerMACStr[kk], peerMACStr[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- u8 *wpsie;
- uint wpsie_len = 0;
- /* The mac address is matched. */
- wpsie = rtw_get_wps_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &wpsie_len);
- if (wpsie) {
- rtw_get_wps_attr_content(wpsie, wpsie_len, WPS_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME, dev_name, &dev_len);
- if (dev_len) {
- sprintf(dev_name_str, "\n\nN =%s", dev_name);
- blnMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (!blnMatch)
- sprintf(dev_name_str, "\n\nN = 0000");
- if (copy_to_user(wrqu->data.pointer, dev_name_str, 5 + ((dev_len > 17) ? dev_len : 17)))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_get_invitation_procedure(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- u8 peerMACStr[17] = {0x00};
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u8 blnMatch = 0;
- u8 *p2pie;
- uint p2pielen = 0, attr_contentlen = 0;
- u8 attr_content[2] = {0x00};
- u8 inv_proc_str[17 + 8] = {0x00};
- /* +8 is for the str "InvProc =", we have to clear it at wrqu->data.pointer */
- /* Commented by Ouden 20121226 */
- /* The application wants to know P2P initiation procedure is supported or not. */
- /* Format: iwpriv wlanx p2p_get2 InvProc = 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (copy_from_user(peerMACStr, wrqu->data.pointer + 8, 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(peerMACStr[kk], peerMACStr[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- /* Commented by Albert 20121226 */
- /* Match the device address located in the P2P IE */
- /* This is for the case that the P2P device address is not the same as the P2P interface address. */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &p2pielen);
- if (p2pie) {
- while (p2pie) {
- if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P capability attribute */
- blnMatch = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* Get the next P2P IE */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(p2pie + p2pielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12 - (p2pie - &pnetwork->network.IEs[12] + p2pielen), NULL, &p2pielen);
- }
- }
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (!blnMatch) {
- sprintf(inv_proc_str, "\nIP =-1");
- } else {
- if (attr_content[0] & 0x20)
- sprintf(inv_proc_str, "\nIP = 1");
- else
- sprintf(inv_proc_str, "\nIP = 0");
- }
- if (copy_to_user(wrqu->data.pointer, inv_proc_str, 8 + 17))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_connect(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- u32 peer_channel = 0;
- /* Commented by Albert 20110304 */
- /* The input data contains two information. */
- /* 1. First information is the MAC address which wants to formate with */
- /* 2. Second information is the WPS PINCode or "pbc" string for push button method */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 */
- if (pwdinfo->p2p_state == P2P_STATE_NONE)
- return ret;
- if (pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info == P2P_NO_WPSINFO)
- return -1;
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(extra[kk], extra[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- if (!memcmp(pnetwork->network.MacAddress, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- peer_channel = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- break;
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (peer_channel) {
- memset(&pwdinfo->nego_req_info, 0x00, sizeof(struct tx_nego_req_info));
- memset(&pwdinfo->groupid_info, 0x00, sizeof(struct group_id_info));
- pwdinfo->nego_req_info.peer_channel_num[0] = peer_channel;
- memcpy(pwdinfo->nego_req_info.peerDevAddr, pnetwork->network.MacAddress, ETH_ALEN);
- pwdinfo->nego_req_info.benable = true;
- _cancel_timer_ex(&pwdinfo->restore_p2p_state_timer);
- if (rtw_p2p_state(pwdinfo) != P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK) {
- /* Restore to the listen state if the current p2p state is not nego OK */
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_LISTEN);
- }
- rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(pwdinfo, rtw_p2p_state(pwdinfo));
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_GONEGO_ING);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->pre_tx_scan_timer, P2P_TX_PRESCAN_TIMEOUT);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->restore_p2p_state_timer, P2P_GO_NEGO_TIMEOUT);
- } else {
- ret = -1;
- }
- return ret;
-static void rtw_p2p_invite_req(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- int jj, kk;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- uint peer_channel = 0;
- u8 attr_content[50] = {0x00};
- u8 *p2pie;
- uint p2pielen = 0, attr_contentlen = 0;
- struct tx_invite_req_info *pinvite_req_info = &pwdinfo->invitereq_info;
- /* The input data contains two information items. */
- /* 1. First information is the P2P device address which you want to send to. */
- /* 2. Second information is the group id which combines with GO's mac address, space and GO's ssid. */
- /* Command line sample: iwpriv wlan0 p2p_set invite ="00:11:22:33:44:55 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 DIRECT-xy" */
- /* Format: 00:11:22:33:44:55 00:E0:4C:00:00:05 DIRECT-xy */
- if (wrqu->data.length <= 37)
- return;
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_NONE)) {
- return;
- } else {
- /* Reset the content of struct tx_invite_req_info */
- pinvite_req_info->benable = false;
- memset(pinvite_req_info->go_bssid, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
- memset(pinvite_req_info->go_ssid, 0x00, WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN);
- pinvite_req_info->ssidlen = 0x00;
- pinvite_req_info->operating_ch = pwdinfo->operating_channel;
- memset(pinvite_req_info->peer_macaddr, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
- pinvite_req_info->token = 3;
- }
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- pinvite_req_info->peer_macaddr[jj] = key_2char2num(extra[kk], extra[kk + 1]);
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/05/18 */
- /* Match the device address located in the P2P IE */
- /* This is for the case that the P2P device address is not the same as the P2P interface address. */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &p2pielen);
- if (p2pie) {
- /* The P2P Device ID attribute is included in the Beacon frame. */
- /* The P2P Device Info attribute is included in the probe response frame. */
- if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device ID attribute of Beacon first */
- if (!memcmp(attr_content, pinvite_req_info->peer_macaddr, ETH_ALEN)) {
- peer_channel = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- break;
- }
- } else if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device Info attribute of probe response */
- if (!memcmp(attr_content, pinvite_req_info->peer_macaddr, ETH_ALEN)) {
- peer_channel = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (peer_channel) {
- /* Store the GO's bssid */
- for (jj = 0, kk = 18; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- pinvite_req_info->go_bssid[jj] = key_2char2num(extra[kk], extra[kk + 1]);
- /* Store the GO's ssid */
- pinvite_req_info->ssidlen = wrqu->data.length - 36;
- memcpy(pinvite_req_info->go_ssid, &extra[36], (u32)pinvite_req_info->ssidlen);
- pinvite_req_info->benable = true;
- pinvite_req_info->peer_ch = peer_channel;
- rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(pwdinfo, rtw_p2p_state(pwdinfo));
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_TX_INVITE_REQ);
- set_channel_bwmode(padapter, peer_channel, HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->pre_tx_scan_timer, P2P_TX_PRESCAN_TIMEOUT);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->restore_p2p_state_timer, P2P_INVITE_TIMEOUT);
- }
-static void rtw_p2p_set_persistent(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- /* The input data is 0 or 1 */
- /* 0: disable persistent group functionality */
- /* 1: enable persistent group founctionality */
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_NONE)) {
- return;
- } else {
- if (extra[0] == '0') /* Disable the persistent group function. */
- pwdinfo->persistent_supported = false;
- else if (extra[0] == '1') /* Enable the persistent group function. */
- pwdinfo->persistent_supported = true;
- else
- pwdinfo->persistent_supported = false;
- }
- pr_info("[%s] persistent_supported = %d\n", __func__, pwdinfo->persistent_supported);
-static void rtw_p2p_prov_disc(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- u8 peerMAC[ETH_ALEN] = {0x00};
- int jj, kk;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct list_head *plist, *phead;
- struct __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
- struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
- uint peer_channel = 0;
- u8 attr_content[100] = {0x00};
- u8 *p2pie;
- uint p2pielen = 0, attr_contentlen = 0;
- /* The input data contains two information items. */
- /* 1. First information is the MAC address which wants to issue the provisioning discovery request frame. */
- /* 2. Second information is the WPS configuration method which wants to discovery */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05_display */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05_keypad */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05_pbc */
- /* Format: 00:E0:4C:00:00:05_label */
- if (pwdinfo->p2p_state == P2P_STATE_NONE) {
- return;
- } else {
- /* Reset the content of struct tx_provdisc_req_info excluded the wps_config_method_request. */
- memset(pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peerDevAddr, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
- memset(pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peerIFAddr, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
- memset(&pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.ssid, 0x00, sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_ssid));
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peer_channel_num[0] = 0;
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peer_channel_num[1] = 0;
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.benable = false;
- }
- for (jj = 0, kk = 0; jj < ETH_ALEN; jj++, kk += 3)
- peerMAC[jj] = key_2char2num(extra[kk], extra[kk + 1]);
- if (!memcmp(&extra[18], "display", 7))
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.wps_config_method_request = WPS_CM_DISPLYA;
- else if (!memcmp(&extra[18], "keypad", 7))
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.wps_config_method_request = WPS_CM_KEYPAD;
- else if (!memcmp(&extra[18], "pbc", 3))
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.wps_config_method_request = WPS_CM_PUSH_BUTTON;
- else if (!memcmp(&extra[18], "label", 5))
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.wps_config_method_request = WPS_CM_LABEL;
- else
- return;
- spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- phead = get_list_head(queue);
- plist = phead->next;
- while (phead != plist) {
- if (peer_channel != 0)
- break;
- pnetwork = container_of(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/05/18 */
- /* Match the device address located in the P2P IE */
- /* This is for the case that the P2P device address is not the same as the P2P interface address. */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(&pnetwork->network.IEs[12], pnetwork->network.IELength - 12, NULL, &p2pielen);
- if (p2pie) {
- while (p2pie) {
- /* The P2P Device ID attribute is included in the Beacon frame. */
- /* The P2P Device Info attribute is included in the probe response frame. */
- if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device ID attribute of Beacon first */
- if (!memcmp(attr_content, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- peer_channel = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- break;
- }
- } else if (rtw_get_p2p_attr_content(p2pie, p2pielen, P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, attr_content, &attr_contentlen)) {
- /* Handle the P2P Device Info attribute of probe response */
- if (!memcmp(attr_content, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN)) {
- peer_channel = pnetwork->network.Configuration.DSConfig;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Get the next P2P IE */
- p2pie = rtw_get_p2p_ie(p2pie + p2pielen, pnetwork->network.IELength - 12 - (p2pie - &pnetwork->network.IEs[12] + p2pielen), NULL, &p2pielen);
- }
- }
- plist = plist->next;
- }
- spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->scanned_queue.lock);
- if (peer_channel) {
- memcpy(pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peerIFAddr, pnetwork->network.MacAddress, ETH_ALEN);
- memcpy(pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peerDevAddr, peerMAC, ETH_ALEN);
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.peer_channel_num[0] = (u16)peer_channel;
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.benable = true;
- rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(pwdinfo, rtw_p2p_state(pwdinfo));
- rtw_p2p_set_state(pwdinfo, P2P_STATE_TX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ);
- if (rtw_p2p_chk_role(pwdinfo, P2P_ROLE_CLIENT)) {
- memcpy(&pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.ssid, &pnetwork->network.Ssid, sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_ssid));
- } else if (rtw_p2p_chk_role(pwdinfo, P2P_ROLE_DEVICE) || rtw_p2p_chk_role(pwdinfo, P2P_ROLE_GO)) {
- memcpy(pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.ssid.Ssid, pwdinfo->p2p_wildcard_ssid, P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN);
- pwdinfo->tx_prov_disc_info.ssid.SsidLength = P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN;
- }
- set_channel_bwmode(padapter, peer_channel, HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->pre_tx_scan_timer, P2P_TX_PRESCAN_TIMEOUT);
- _set_timer(&pwdinfo->restore_p2p_state_timer, P2P_PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
- }
-/* This function is used to inform the driver the user had specified the pin code value or pbc */
-/* to application. */
-static void rtw_p2p_got_wpsinfo(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo = &padapter->wdinfo;
- /* Added by Albert 20110328 */
- /* if the input data is P2P_NO_WPSINFO -> reset the wpsinfo */
- /* if the input data is P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PEER_DISPLAY_PIN -> the utility just input the PIN code got from the peer P2P device. */
- /* if the input data is P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_SELF_DISPLAY_PIN -> the utility just got the PIN code from itself. */
- /* if the input data is P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PBC -> the utility just determine to use the PBC */
- if (*extra == '0')
- pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info = P2P_NO_WPSINFO;
- else if (*extra == '1')
- pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info = P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PEER_DISPLAY_PIN;
- else if (*extra == '2')
- pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info = P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_SELF_DISPLAY_PIN;
- else if (*extra == '3')
- pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info = P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PBC;
- else
- pwdinfo->ui_got_wps_info = P2P_NO_WPSINFO;
-static int rtw_p2p_set(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- if (!memcmp(extra, "enable =", 7)) {
- rtw_wext_p2p_enable(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[7]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "setDN =", 6)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 6;
- rtw_p2p_setDN(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[6]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "profilefound =", 13)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 13;
- rtw_p2p_profilefound(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[13]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "prov_disc =", 10)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 10;
- rtw_p2p_prov_disc(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[10]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "nego =", 5)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 5;
- rtw_p2p_connect(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[5]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "intent =", 7)) {
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/03/23 */
- /* The wrqu->data.length will include the null character */
- /* So, we will decrease 7 + 1 */
- wrqu->data.length -= 8;
- rtw_p2p_set_intent(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[7]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "ssid =", 5)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 5;
- rtw_p2p_set_go_nego_ssid(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[5]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "got_wpsinfo =", 12)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 12;
- rtw_p2p_got_wpsinfo(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[12]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "listen_ch =", 10)) {
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/05/24 */
- /* The wrqu->data.length will include the null character */
- /* So, we will decrease (10 + 1) */
- wrqu->data.length -= 11;
- rtw_p2p_set_listen_ch(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[10]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "op_ch =", 6)) {
- /* Commented by Albert 2011/05/24 */
- /* The wrqu->data.length will include the null character */
- /* So, we will decrease (6 + 1) */
- wrqu->data.length -= 7;
- rtw_p2p_set_op_ch(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[6]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "invite =", 7)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 8;
- rtw_p2p_invite_req(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[7]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "persistent =", 11)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 11;
- rtw_p2p_set_persistent(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[11]);
- }
- return 0;
-static int rtw_p2p_get2(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- if (!memcmp(extra, "wpsCM =", 6)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 6;
- ret = rtw_p2p_get_wps_configmethod(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[6]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "devN =", 5)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 5;
- ret = rtw_p2p_get_device_name(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[5]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "dev_type =", 9)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 9;
- ret = rtw_p2p_get_device_type(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[9]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "go_devadd =", 10)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 10;
- ret = rtw_p2p_get_go_device_address(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[10]);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "InvProc =", 8)) {
- wrqu->data.length -= 8;
- ret = rtw_p2p_get_invitation_procedure(dev, info, wrqu, &extra[8]);
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_rereg_nd_name(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct rereg_nd_name_data *rereg_priv = &padapter->rereg_nd_name_priv;
- char new_ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
- if (rereg_priv->old_ifname[0] == 0) {
- char *reg_ifname;
- reg_ifname = padapter->registrypriv.if2name;
- strscpy(rereg_priv->old_ifname, reg_ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- }
- if (wrqu->data.length > IFNAMSIZ)
- return -EFAULT;
- if (copy_from_user(new_ifname, wrqu->data.pointer, IFNAMSIZ))
- return -EFAULT;
- if (0 == strcmp(rereg_priv->old_ifname, new_ifname))
- return ret;
- ret = rtw_change_ifname(padapter, new_ifname);
- if (0 != ret)
- goto exit;
- if (!memcmp(rereg_priv->old_ifname, "disable%d", 9)) {
- padapter->ledpriv.bRegUseLed = rereg_priv->old_bRegUseLed;
- rtl8188eu_InitSwLeds(padapter);
- rtw_ips_mode_req(&padapter->pwrctrlpriv, rereg_priv->old_ips_mode);
- }
- strscpy(rereg_priv->old_ifname, new_ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (!memcmp(new_ifname, "disable%d", 9)) {
- /* free network queue for Android's timming issue */
- rtw_free_network_queue(padapter, true);
- /* close led */
- rtw_led_control(padapter, LED_CTL_POWER_OFF);
- rereg_priv->old_bRegUseLed = padapter->ledpriv.bRegUseLed;
- padapter->ledpriv.bRegUseLed = false;
- rtl8188eu_DeInitSwLeds(padapter);
- /* the interface is being "disabled", we can do deeper IPS */
- rereg_priv->old_ips_mode = rtw_get_ips_mode_req(&padapter->pwrctrlpriv);
- rtw_ips_mode_req(&padapter->pwrctrlpriv, IPS_NORMAL);
- }
- return ret;
-static void mac_reg_dump(struct adapter *padapter)
- int i, j = 1;
- u32 reg;
- int res;
- pr_info("\n ======= MAC REG =======\n");
- for (i = 0x0; i < 0x300; i += 4) {
- if (j % 4 == 1)
- pr_info("0x%02x", i);
- res = rtw_read32(padapter, i, &reg);
- if (!res)
- pr_info(" 0x%08x ", reg);
- if ((j++) % 4 == 0)
- pr_info("\n");
- }
- for (i = 0x400; i < 0x800; i += 4) {
- if (j % 4 == 1)
- pr_info("0x%02x", i);
- res = rtw_read32(padapter, i, &reg);
- if (!res)
- pr_info(" 0x%08x ", reg);
- if ((j++) % 4 == 0)
- pr_info("\n");
- }
-static void bb_reg_dump(struct adapter *padapter)
- int i, j = 1, res;
- u32 reg;
- pr_info("\n ======= BB REG =======\n");
- for (i = 0x800; i < 0x1000; i += 4) {
- if (j % 4 == 1)
- pr_info("0x%02x", i);
- res = rtw_read32(padapter, i, &reg);
- if (!res)
- pr_info(" 0x%08x ", reg);
- if ((j++) % 4 == 0)
- pr_info("\n");
- }
-static void rf_reg_dump(struct adapter *padapter)
- int i, j = 1;
- u32 value;
- pr_info("\n ======= RF REG =======\n");
- pr_info("\nRF_Path(%x)\n", RF_PATH_A);
- for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
- value = rtl8188e_PHY_QueryRFReg(padapter, i, 0xffffffff);
- if (j % 4 == 1)
- pr_info("0x%02x ", i);
- pr_info(" 0x%08x ", value);
- if ((j++) % 4 == 0)
- pr_info("\n");
- }
-static void rtw_set_dynamic_functions(struct adapter *adapter, u8 dm_func)
- struct hal_data_8188e *haldata = &adapter->haldata;
- struct odm_dm_struct *odmpriv = &haldata->odmpriv;
- int res;
- switch (dm_func) {
- case 0:
- /* disable all dynamic func */
- odmpriv->SupportAbility = DYNAMIC_FUNC_DISABLE;
- break;
- case 1:
- /* disable DIG */
- odmpriv->SupportAbility &= (~DYNAMIC_BB_DIG);
- break;
- case 6:
- /* turn on all dynamic func */
- if (!(odmpriv->SupportAbility & DYNAMIC_BB_DIG)) {
- struct rtw_dig *digtable = &odmpriv->DM_DigTable;
- res = rtw_read8(adapter, 0xc50, &digtable->CurIGValue);
- (void)res;
- /* FIXME: return an error to caller */
- }
- odmpriv->SupportAbility = DYNAMIC_ALL_FUNC_ENABLE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-static void rtw_set_dm_func_flag(struct adapter *adapter, u32 odm_flag)
- struct hal_data_8188e *haldata = &adapter->haldata;
- struct odm_dm_struct *odmpriv = &haldata->odmpriv;
- odmpriv->SupportAbility = odm_flag;
-static int rtw_dbg_port(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- u8 major_cmd, minor_cmd;
- u16 arg;
- s32 extra_arg;
- u32 *pdata, val32;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
- struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &pmlmeext->mlmext_info;
- struct wlan_network *cur_network = &pmlmepriv->cur_network;
- struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
- pdata = (u32 *)&wrqu->data;
- val32 = *pdata;
- arg = (u16)(val32 & 0x0000ffff);
- major_cmd = (u8)(val32 >> 24);
- minor_cmd = (u8)((val32 >> 16) & 0x00ff);
- extra_arg = *(pdata + 1);
- switch (major_cmd) {
- case 0x70:/* read_reg */
- switch (minor_cmd) {
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0x71:/* write_reg */
- switch (minor_cmd) {
- case 1:
- rtw_write8(padapter, arg, extra_arg);
- break;
- case 2:
- rtw_write16(padapter, arg, extra_arg);
- break;
- case 4:
- rtw_write32(padapter, arg, extra_arg);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0x72:/* read_bb */
- break;
- case 0x73:/* write_bb */
- rtl8188e_PHY_SetBBReg(padapter, arg, 0xffffffff, extra_arg);
- break;
- case 0x74:/* read_rf */
- if (minor_cmd != RF_PATH_A) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0x75:/* write_rf */
- if (minor_cmd != RF_PATH_A) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- rtl8188e_PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, arg, 0xffffffff, extra_arg);
- break;
- case 0x76:
- switch (minor_cmd) {
- case 0x00: /* normal mode, */
- padapter->recvpriv.is_signal_dbg = 0;
- break;
- case 0x01: /* dbg mode */
- padapter->recvpriv.is_signal_dbg = 1;
- extra_arg = extra_arg > 100 ? 100 : extra_arg;
- extra_arg = extra_arg < 0 ? 0 : extra_arg;
- padapter->recvpriv.signal_strength_dbg = extra_arg;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0x78: /* IOL test */
- switch (minor_cmd) {
- case 0x04: /* LLT table initialization test */
- {
- struct xmit_frame *xmit_frame;
- xmit_frame = rtw_IOL_accquire_xmit_frame(padapter);
- if (!xmit_frame) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- if (rtl8188e_IOL_exec_cmds_sync(padapter, xmit_frame, 500, 0) != _SUCCESS)
- ret = -EPERM;
- }
- break;
- case 0x05: /* blink LED test */
- {
- u16 reg = 0x4c;
- u32 blink_num = 50;
- u32 blink_delay_ms = 200;
- int i;
- struct xmit_frame *xmit_frame;
- xmit_frame = rtw_IOL_accquire_xmit_frame(padapter);
- if (!xmit_frame) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < blink_num; i++) {
- rtw_IOL_append_WB_cmd(xmit_frame, reg, 0x00, 0xff);
- rtw_IOL_append_DELAY_MS_cmd(xmit_frame, blink_delay_ms);
- rtw_IOL_append_WB_cmd(xmit_frame, reg, 0x08, 0xff);
- rtw_IOL_append_DELAY_MS_cmd(xmit_frame, blink_delay_ms);
- }
- if (rtl8188e_IOL_exec_cmds_sync(padapter, xmit_frame, (blink_delay_ms * blink_num * 2) + 200, 0) != _SUCCESS)
- ret = -EPERM;
- }
- break;
- case 0x06: /* continuous write byte test */
- {
- u16 reg = arg;
- u16 start_value = 0;
- u32 write_num = extra_arg;
- int i, res;
- struct xmit_frame *xmit_frame;
- u8 val8;
- xmit_frame = rtw_IOL_accquire_xmit_frame(padapter);
- if (!xmit_frame) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < write_num; i++)
- rtw_IOL_append_WB_cmd(xmit_frame, reg, i + start_value, 0xFF);
- if (rtl8188e_IOL_exec_cmds_sync(padapter, xmit_frame, 5000, 0) != _SUCCESS)
- ret = -EPERM;
- /* FIXME: is this read necessary? */
- res = rtw_read8(padapter, reg, &val8);
- (void)res;
- }
- break;
- case 0x07: /* continuous write word test */
- {
- u16 reg = arg;
- u16 start_value = 200;
- u32 write_num = extra_arg;
- u16 val16;
- int i, res;
- struct xmit_frame *xmit_frame;
- xmit_frame = rtw_IOL_accquire_xmit_frame(padapter);
- if (!xmit_frame) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < write_num; i++)
- rtw_IOL_append_WW_cmd(xmit_frame, reg, i + start_value, 0xFFFF);
- if (rtl8188e_IOL_exec_cmds_sync(padapter, xmit_frame, 5000, 0) != _SUCCESS)
- ret = -EPERM;
- /* FIXME: is this read necessary? */
- res = rtw_read16(padapter, reg, &val16);
- (void)res;
- }
- break;
- case 0x08: /* continuous write dword test */
- {
- u16 reg = arg;
- u32 start_value = 0x110000c7;
- u32 write_num = extra_arg;
- int i;
- struct xmit_frame *xmit_frame;
- xmit_frame = rtw_IOL_accquire_xmit_frame(padapter);
- if (!xmit_frame) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < write_num; i++)
- rtw_IOL_append_WD_cmd(xmit_frame, reg, i + start_value, 0xFFFFFFFF);
- if (rtl8188e_IOL_exec_cmds_sync(padapter, xmit_frame, 5000, 0) != _SUCCESS)
- ret = -EPERM;
- /* FIXME: is this read necessary? */
- ret = rtw_read32(padapter, reg, &write_num);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0x79:
- {
- /*
- * dbg 0x79000000 [value], set RESP_TXAGC to + value, value:0~15
- * dbg 0x79010000 [value], set RESP_TXAGC to - value, value:0~15
- */
- u8 value = extra_arg & 0x0f;
- u8 sign = minor_cmd;
- u16 write_value = 0;
- if (sign)
- value = value | 0x10;
- write_value = value | (value << 5);
- rtw_write16(padapter, 0x6d9, write_value);
- }
- break;
- case 0x7a:
- receive_disconnect(padapter, pmlmeinfo->network.MacAddress
- break;
- case 0x7F:
- switch (minor_cmd) {
- case 0x0:
- break;
- case 0x01:
- break;
- case 0x02:
- break;
- case 0x03:
- break;
- case 0x04:
- break;
- case 0x05:
- rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, cur_network->network.MacAddress);
- break;
- case 0x06:
- {
- u32 ODMFlag = (u32)(0x0f & arg);
- rtw_set_dm_func_flag(padapter, ODMFlag);
- }
- break;
- case 0x07:
- break;
- case 0x08:
- break;
- case 0x09:
- break;
- case 0x15:
- break;
- case 0x10:/* driver version display */
- break;
- case 0x11:
- padapter->bRxRSSIDisplay = extra_arg;
- break;
- case 0x12: /* set rx_stbc */
- {
- struct registry_priv *pregpriv = &padapter->registrypriv;
- /* 0: disable, bit(0):enable 2.4g, bit(1):enable 5g, 0x3: enable both 2.4g and 5g */
- /* default is set to enable 2.4GHZ for IOT issue with bufflao's AP at 5GHZ */
- if (extra_arg == 0 ||
- extra_arg == 1 ||
- extra_arg == 2 ||
- extra_arg == 3)
- pregpriv->rx_stbc = extra_arg;
- }
- break;
- case 0x13: /* set ampdu_enable */
- {
- struct registry_priv *pregpriv = &padapter->registrypriv;
- /* 0: disable, 0x1:enable (but wifi_spec should be 0), 0x2: force enable (don't care wifi_spec) */
- if (extra_arg >= 0 && extra_arg < 3)
- pregpriv->ampdu_enable = extra_arg;
- }
- break;
- case 0x14: /* get wifi_spec */
- break;
- case 0x23:
- padapter->bNotifyChannelChange = extra_arg;
- break;
- case 0x24:
- padapter->bShowGetP2PState = extra_arg;
- break;
- case 0xdd:/* registers dump, 0 for mac reg, 1 for bb reg, 2 for rf reg */
- if (extra_arg == 0)
- mac_reg_dump(padapter);
- else if (extra_arg == 1)
- bb_reg_dump(padapter);
- else if (extra_arg == 2)
- rf_reg_dump(padapter);
- break;
- case 0xee:/* turn on/off dynamic funcs */
- if (extra_arg != 0xf) {
- /* extra_arg = 0 - disable all dynamic func
- * extra_arg = 1 - disable DIG
- * extra_arg = 6 - turn on all dynamic func
- */
- rtw_set_dynamic_functions(padapter, extra_arg);
- }
- break;
- case 0xfd:
- rtw_write8(padapter, 0xc50, arg);
- rtw_write8(padapter, 0xc58, arg);
- break;
- case 0xfe:
- break;
- case 0xff:
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-static int rtw_wx_set_priv(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *awrq,
- char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- int len = 0;
- char *ext;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_point *dwrq = (struct iw_point *)awrq;
- if (dwrq->length == 0)
- return -EFAULT;
- len = dwrq->length;
- ext = vmalloc(len);
- if (!ext)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (copy_from_user(ext, dwrq->pointer, len)) {
- vfree(ext);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- /* added for wps2.0 @20110524 */
- if (dwrq->flags == 0x8766 && len > 8) {
- u32 cp_sz;
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- u8 *probereq_wpsie = ext;
- int probereq_wpsie_len = len;
- u8 wps_oui[4] = {0x0, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x04};
- if ((_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE_ == probereq_wpsie[0]) &&
- (!memcmp(&probereq_wpsie[2], wps_oui, 4))) {
- cp_sz = min(probereq_wpsie_len, MAX_WPS_IE_LEN);
- pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie_len = 0;
- kfree(pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie);
- pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie = NULL;
- pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie = kmemdup(probereq_wpsie, cp_sz, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto FREE_EXT;
- }
- pmlmepriv->wps_probe_req_ie_len = cp_sz;
- }
- goto FREE_EXT;
- }
- if (len >= WEXT_CSCAN_HEADER_SIZE &&
- ret = rtw_wx_set_scan(dev, info, awrq, ext);
- goto FREE_EXT;
- }
- vfree(ext);
- return ret;
-static int rtw_pm_set(struct net_device *dev,
- struct iw_request_info *info,
- union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra)
- int ret = 0;
- unsigned mode = 0;
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- if (!memcmp(extra, "lps =", 4)) {
- sscanf(extra + 4, "%u", &mode);
- ret = rtw_pm_set_lps(padapter, mode);
- } else if (!memcmp(extra, "ips =", 4)) {
- sscanf(extra + 4, "%u", &mode);
- ret = rtw_pm_set_ips(padapter, mode);
- } else {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- }
- return ret;
-static iw_handler rtw_handlers[] = {
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWNAME, rtw_wx_get_name),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWFREQ, rtw_wx_get_freq),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWMODE, rtw_wx_set_mode),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWMODE, rtw_wx_get_mode),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWSENS, rtw_wx_get_sens),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRANGE, rtw_wx_get_range),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWPRIV, rtw_wx_set_priv),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWAP, rtw_wx_set_wap),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWAP, rtw_wx_get_wap),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWMLME, rtw_wx_set_mlme),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWSCAN, rtw_wx_set_scan),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWSCAN, rtw_wx_get_scan),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWESSID, rtw_wx_set_essid),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWESSID, rtw_wx_get_essid),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWNICKN, rtw_wx_get_nick),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWRATE, rtw_wx_set_rate),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRATE, rtw_wx_get_rate),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWRTS, rtw_wx_set_rts),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRTS, rtw_wx_get_rts),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWFRAG, rtw_wx_set_frag),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWFRAG, rtw_wx_get_frag),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWRETRY, rtw_wx_get_retry),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWENCODE, rtw_wx_set_enc),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWENCODE, rtw_wx_get_enc),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCGIWPOWER, rtw_wx_get_power),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWGENIE, rtw_wx_set_gen_ie),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWAUTH, rtw_wx_set_auth),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWENCODEEXT, rtw_wx_set_enc_ext),
- IW_HANDLER(SIOCSIWPMKSA, rtw_wx_set_pmkid),
-static const struct iw_priv_args rtw_private_args[] = {
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_CHAR | 0x7FF, 0, "write"
- },
- {
- },
- {
- SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV + 0x2, 0, 0, "driver_ext"
- },
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "apinfo"
- },
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 2, 0, "setpid"
- },
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "wps_start"
- },
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "channel_plan"
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- IW_PRIV_TYPE_CHAR | 64, 0, "pm_set"
- },
- {SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV + 0x18, IW_PRIV_TYPE_CHAR | IFNAMSIZ, 0, "rereg_nd_name"},
-static iw_handler rtw_private_handler[] = {
- NULL, /* 0x00 */
- NULL, /* 0x01 */
- NULL, /* 0x02 */
-NULL, /* 0x03 */
-/* for MM DTV platform */
- rtw_get_ap_info, /* 0x04 */
- rtw_set_pid, /* 0x05 */
- rtw_wps_start, /* 0x06 */
- NULL, /* 0x07 */
- NULL, /* 0x08 */
- NULL, /* 0x09 */
-/* Set Channel depend on the country code */
- rtw_wx_set_channel_plan, /* 0x0A */
- rtw_dbg_port, /* 0x0B */
- rtw_wx_write_rf, /* 0x0C */
- rtw_wx_read_rf, /* 0x0D */
- NULL, /* 0x0E */
- NULL, /* 0x0F */
- rtw_p2p_set, /* 0x10 */
- NULL, /* 0x11 */
- rtw_p2p_get2, /* 0x12 */
- NULL, /* 0x13 */
- NULL, /* 0x14 */
- NULL, /* 0x15 */
- rtw_pm_set, /* 0x16 */
- NULL, /* 0x17 */
- rtw_rereg_nd_name, /* 0x18 */
-static struct iw_statistics *rtw_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev)
- struct adapter *padapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(dev);
- struct iw_statistics *piwstats = &padapter->iwstats;
- int tmp_noise = 0;
- int tmp;
- if (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) {
- piwstats->qual.qual = 0;
- piwstats->qual.level = 0;
- piwstats->qual.noise = 0;
- } else {
- tmp_noise = padapter->recvpriv.noise;
- piwstats->qual.level = padapter->signal_strength;
- tmp = 219 + 3 * padapter->signal_strength;
- tmp = min(100, tmp);
- tmp = max(0, tmp);
- piwstats->qual.qual = tmp;
- piwstats->qual.noise = tmp_noise;
- }
- piwstats->qual.updated = IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED | IW_QUAL_DBM;
- return &padapter->iwstats;
-struct iw_handler_def rtw_handlers_def = {
- .standard = rtw_handlers,
- .num_standard = ARRAY_SIZE(rtw_handlers),
- .private = rtw_private_handler,
- .private_args = (struct iw_priv_args *)rtw_private_args,
- .num_private = ARRAY_SIZE(rtw_private_handler),
- .num_private_args = ARRAY_SIZE(rtw_private_args),
- .get_wireless_stats = rtw_get_wireless_stats,