path: root/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/resets.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/resets.c')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/resets.c b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/resets.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b58f75b381e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/resets.c
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * Test for s390x CPU resets
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2020, IBM
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include "test_util.h"
+#include "kvm_util.h"
+#include "kselftest.h"
+#define LOCAL_IRQS 32
+struct kvm_s390_irq buf[ARBITRARY_NON_ZERO_VCPU_ID + LOCAL_IRQS];
+static uint8_t regs_null[512];
+static void guest_code_initial(void)
+ /* set several CRs to "safe" value */
+ unsigned long cr2_59 = 0x10; /* enable guarded storage */
+ unsigned long cr8_63 = 0x1; /* monitor mask = 1 */
+ unsigned long cr10 = 1; /* PER START */
+ unsigned long cr11 = -1; /* PER END */
+ /* Dirty registers */
+ asm volatile (
+ " lghi 2,0x11\n" /* Round toward 0 */
+ " sfpc 2\n" /* set fpc to !=0 */
+ " lctlg 2,2,%0\n"
+ " lctlg 8,8,%1\n"
+ " lctlg 10,10,%2\n"
+ " lctlg 11,11,%3\n"
+ /* now clobber some general purpose regs */
+ " llihh 0,0xffff\n"
+ " llihl 1,0x5555\n"
+ " llilh 2,0xaaaa\n"
+ " llill 3,0x0000\n"
+ /* now clobber a floating point reg */
+ " lghi 4,0x1\n"
+ " cdgbr 0,4\n"
+ /* now clobber an access reg */
+ " sar 9,4\n"
+ /* We embed diag 501 here to control register content */
+ " diag 0,0,0x501\n"
+ :
+ : "m" (cr2_59), "m" (cr8_63), "m" (cr10), "m" (cr11)
+ /* no clobber list as this should not return */
+ );
+static void test_one_reg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, uint64_t id, uint64_t value)
+ uint64_t eval_reg;
+ eval_reg = vcpu_get_reg(vcpu, id);
+ TEST_ASSERT(eval_reg == value, "value == 0x%lx", value);
+static void assert_noirq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_s390_irq_state irq_state;
+ int irqs;
+ irq_state.len = sizeof(buf);
+ irq_state.buf = (unsigned long)buf;
+ irqs = __vcpu_ioctl(vcpu, KVM_S390_GET_IRQ_STATE, &irq_state);
+ /*
+ * irqs contains the number of retrieved interrupts. Any interrupt
+ * (notably, the emergency call interrupt we have injected) should
+ * be cleared by the resets, so this should be 0.
+ */
+ TEST_ASSERT(irqs >= 0, "Could not fetch IRQs: errno %d", errno);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!irqs, "IRQ pending");
+static void assert_clear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_sync_regs *sync_regs = &vcpu->run->s.regs;
+ struct kvm_sregs sregs;
+ struct kvm_regs regs;
+ struct kvm_fpu fpu;
+ vcpu_regs_get(vcpu, &regs);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(&regs.gprs, regs_null, sizeof(regs.gprs)), "grs == 0");
+ vcpu_sregs_get(vcpu, &sregs);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(&sregs.acrs, regs_null, sizeof(sregs.acrs)), "acrs == 0");
+ vcpu_fpu_get(vcpu, &fpu);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(&fpu.fprs, regs_null, sizeof(fpu.fprs)), "fprs == 0");
+ /* sync regs */
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(sync_regs->gprs, regs_null, sizeof(sync_regs->gprs)),
+ "gprs0-15 == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(sync_regs->acrs, regs_null, sizeof(sync_regs->acrs)),
+ "acrs0-15 == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(sync_regs->vrs, regs_null, sizeof(sync_regs->vrs)),
+ "vrs0-15 == 0 (sync_regs)");
+static void assert_initial_noclear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_sync_regs *sync_regs = &vcpu->run->s.regs;
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->gprs[0] == 0xffff000000000000UL,
+ "gpr0 == 0xffff000000000000 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->gprs[1] == 0x0000555500000000UL,
+ "gpr1 == 0x0000555500000000 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->gprs[2] == 0x00000000aaaa0000UL,
+ "gpr2 == 0x00000000aaaa0000 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->gprs[3] == 0x0000000000000000UL,
+ "gpr3 == 0x0000000000000000 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->fprs[0] == 0x3ff0000000000000UL,
+ "fpr0 == 0f1 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->acrs[9] == 1, "ar9 == 1 (sync_regs)");
+static void assert_initial(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_sync_regs *sync_regs = &vcpu->run->s.regs;
+ struct kvm_sregs sregs;
+ struct kvm_fpu fpu;
+ vcpu_sregs_get(vcpu, &sregs);
+ TEST_ASSERT([0] == 0xE0UL, "cr0 == 0xE0 (KVM_GET_SREGS)");
+ TEST_ASSERT([14] == 0xC2000000UL,
+ "cr14 == 0xC2000000 (KVM_GET_SREGS)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(&[1], regs_null, sizeof([1]) * 12),
+ "cr1-13 == 0 (KVM_GET_SREGS)");
+ TEST_ASSERT([15] == 0, "cr15 == 0 (KVM_GET_SREGS)");
+ /* sync regs */
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[0] == 0xE0UL, "cr0 == 0xE0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[14] == 0xC2000000UL,
+ "cr14 == 0xC2000000 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(!memcmp(&sync_regs->crs[1], regs_null, 8 * 12),
+ "cr1-13 == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[15] == 0, "cr15 == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->fpc == 0, "fpc == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->todpr == 0, "todpr == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->cputm == 0, "cputm == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->ckc == 0, "ckc == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->pp == 0, "pp == 0 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->gbea == 1, "gbea == 1 (sync_regs)");
+ /* kvm_run */
+ TEST_ASSERT(vcpu->run->psw_addr == 0, "psw_addr == 0 (kvm_run)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(vcpu->run->psw_mask == 0, "psw_mask == 0 (kvm_run)");
+ vcpu_fpu_get(vcpu, &fpu);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!fpu.fpc, "fpc == 0");
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_GBEA, 1);
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_PP, 0);
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_TODPR, 0);
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_CPU_TIMER, 0);
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_CLOCK_COMP, 0);
+static void assert_normal_noclear(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_sync_regs *sync_regs = &vcpu->run->s.regs;
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[2] == 0x10, "cr2 == 10 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[8] == 1, "cr10 == 1 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[10] == 1, "cr10 == 1 (sync_regs)");
+ TEST_ASSERT(sync_regs->crs[11] == -1, "cr11 == -1 (sync_regs)");
+static void assert_normal(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ test_one_reg(vcpu, KVM_REG_S390_PFTOKEN, KVM_S390_PFAULT_TOKEN_INVALID);
+ TEST_ASSERT(vcpu->run->s.regs.pft == KVM_S390_PFAULT_TOKEN_INVALID,
+ "pft == 0xff..... (sync_regs)");
+ assert_noirq(vcpu);
+static void inject_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+ struct kvm_s390_irq_state irq_state;
+ struct kvm_s390_irq *irq = &buf[0];
+ int irqs;
+ /* Inject IRQ */
+ irq_state.len = sizeof(struct kvm_s390_irq);
+ irq_state.buf = (unsigned long)buf;
+ irq->type = KVM_S390_INT_EMERGENCY;
+ irq->u.emerg.code = vcpu->id;
+ irqs = __vcpu_ioctl(vcpu, KVM_S390_SET_IRQ_STATE, &irq_state);
+ TEST_ASSERT(irqs >= 0, "Error injecting EMERGENCY IRQ errno %d", errno);
+static struct kvm_vm *create_vm(struct kvm_vcpu **vcpu)
+ struct kvm_vm *vm;
+ vm = vm_create(1);
+ *vcpu = vm_vcpu_add(vm, ARBITRARY_NON_ZERO_VCPU_ID, guest_code_initial);
+ return vm;
+static void test_normal(void)
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ struct kvm_vm *vm;
+ ksft_print_msg("Testing normal reset\n");
+ vm = create_vm(&vcpu);
+ vcpu_run(vcpu);
+ inject_irq(vcpu);
+ vcpu_ioctl(vcpu, KVM_S390_NORMAL_RESET, NULL);
+ /* must clears */
+ assert_normal(vcpu);
+ /* must not clears */
+ assert_normal_noclear(vcpu);
+ assert_initial_noclear(vcpu);
+ kvm_vm_free(vm);
+static void test_initial(void)
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ struct kvm_vm *vm;
+ ksft_print_msg("Testing initial reset\n");
+ vm = create_vm(&vcpu);
+ vcpu_run(vcpu);
+ inject_irq(vcpu);
+ vcpu_ioctl(vcpu, KVM_S390_INITIAL_RESET, NULL);
+ /* must clears */
+ assert_normal(vcpu);
+ assert_initial(vcpu);
+ /* must not clears */
+ assert_initial_noclear(vcpu);
+ kvm_vm_free(vm);
+static void test_clear(void)
+ struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
+ struct kvm_vm *vm;
+ ksft_print_msg("Testing clear reset\n");
+ vm = create_vm(&vcpu);
+ vcpu_run(vcpu);
+ inject_irq(vcpu);
+ vcpu_ioctl(vcpu, KVM_S390_CLEAR_RESET, NULL);
+ /* must clears */
+ assert_normal(vcpu);
+ assert_initial(vcpu);
+ assert_clear(vcpu);
+ kvm_vm_free(vm);
+struct testdef {
+ const char *name;
+ void (*test)(void);
+ bool needs_cap;
+} testlist[] = {
+ { "initial", test_initial, false },
+ { "normal", test_normal, true },
+ { "clear", test_clear, true },
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ bool has_s390_vcpu_resets = kvm_check_cap(KVM_CAP_S390_VCPU_RESETS);
+ int idx;
+ ksft_print_header();
+ ksft_set_plan(ARRAY_SIZE(testlist));
+ for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(testlist); idx++) {
+ if (!testlist[idx].needs_cap || has_s390_vcpu_resets) {
+ testlist[idx].test();
+ ksft_test_result_pass("%s\n", testlist[idx].name);
+ } else {
+ ksft_test_result_skip("%s - no VCPU_RESETS capability\n",
+ testlist[idx].name);
+ }
+ }
+ ksft_finished(); /* Print results and exit() accordingly */