path: root/arch/tile/include/arch/mpipe_shm.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/arch/tile/include/arch/mpipe_shm.h b/arch/tile/include/arch/mpipe_shm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b3c4300e50..000000000000
--- a/arch/tile/include/arch/mpipe_shm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2012 Tilera Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- */
-/* Machine-generated file; do not edit. */
-#ifndef __ARCH_MPIPE_SHM_H__
-#define __ARCH_MPIPE_SHM_H__
-#include <arch/abi.h>
-#include <arch/mpipe_shm_def.h>
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
- * MPIPE eDMA Descriptor.
- * The eDMA descriptor is written by software and consumed by hardware. It
- * is used to specify the location of egress packet data to be sent out of
- * the chip via one of the packet interfaces.
- */
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- /* Word 0 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Generation number. Used to indicate a valid descriptor in ring. When
- * a new descriptor is written into the ring, software must toggle this
- * bit. The net effect is that the GEN bit being written into new
- * descriptors toggles each time the ring tail pointer wraps.
- */
- uint_reg_t gen : 1;
- /**
- * For devices with EDMA reorder support, this field allows the
- * descriptor to select the egress FIFO. The associated DMA ring must
- * have ALLOW_EFIFO_SEL enabled.
- */
- uint_reg_t efifo_sel : 6;
- /** Reserved. Must be zero. */
- uint_reg_t r0 : 1;
- /** Checksum generation enabled for this transfer. */
- uint_reg_t csum : 1;
- /**
- * Nothing to be sent. Used, for example, when software has dropped a
- * packet but still wishes to return all of the associated buffers.
- */
- uint_reg_t ns : 1;
- /**
- * Notification interrupt will be delivered when packet has been egressed.
- */
- uint_reg_t notif : 1;
- /**
- * Boundary indicator. When 1, this transfer includes the EOP for this
- * command. Must be clear on all but the last descriptor for an egress
- * packet.
- */
- uint_reg_t bound : 1;
- /** Reserved. Must be zero. */
- uint_reg_t r1 : 4;
- /**
- * Number of bytes to be sent for this descriptor. When zero, no data
- * will be moved and the buffer descriptor will be ignored. If the
- * buffer descriptor indicates that it is chained, the low 7 bits of the
- * VA indicate the offset within the first buffer (e.g. 127 bytes is the
- * maximum offset into the first buffer). If the size exceeds a single
- * buffer, subsequent buffer descriptors will be fetched prior to
- * processing the next eDMA descriptor in the ring.
- */
- uint_reg_t xfer_size : 14;
- /** Reserved. Must be zero. */
- uint_reg_t r2 : 2;
- /**
- * Destination of checksum relative to CSUM_START relative to the first
- * byte moved by this descriptor. Must be zero if CSUM=0 in this
- * descriptor. Must be less than XFER_SIZE (e.g. the first byte of the
- * CSUM_DEST must be within the span of this descriptor).
- */
- uint_reg_t csum_dest : 8;
- /**
- * Start byte of checksum relative to the first byte moved by this
- * descriptor. If this is not the first descriptor for the egress
- * packet, CSUM_START is still relative to the first byte in this
- * descriptor. Must be zero if CSUM=0 in this descriptor.
- */
- uint_reg_t csum_start : 8;
- /**
- * Initial value for 16-bit 1's compliment checksum if enabled via CSUM.
- * Specified in network order. That is, bits[7:0] will be added to the
- * byte pointed to by CSUM_START and bits[15:8] will be added to the byte
- * pointed to by CSUM_START+1 (with appropriate 1's compliment carries).
- * Must be zero if CSUM=0 in this descriptor.
- */
- uint_reg_t csum_seed : 16;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t csum_seed : 16;
- uint_reg_t csum_start : 8;
- uint_reg_t csum_dest : 8;
- uint_reg_t r2 : 2;
- uint_reg_t xfer_size : 14;
- uint_reg_t r1 : 4;
- uint_reg_t bound : 1;
- uint_reg_t notif : 1;
- uint_reg_t ns : 1;
- uint_reg_t csum : 1;
- uint_reg_t r0 : 1;
- uint_reg_t efifo_sel : 6;
- uint_reg_t gen : 1;
- /* Word 1 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /** Virtual address. Must be sign extended by consumer. */
- int_reg_t va : 42;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_0 : 6;
- /** Index of the buffer stack to which this buffer belongs. */
- uint_reg_t stack_idx : 5;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_1 : 3;
- /**
- * Instance ID. For devices that support automatic buffer return between
- * mPIPE instances, this field indicates the buffer owner. If the INST
- * field does not match the mPIPE's instance number when a packet is
- * egressed, buffers with HWB set will be returned to the other mPIPE
- * instance. Note that not all devices support multi-mPIPE buffer
- * return. The MPIPE_EDMA_INFO.REMOTE_BUFF_RTN_SUPPORT bit indicates
- * whether the INST field in the buffer descriptor is populated by iDMA
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t inst : 2;
- /**
- * Always set to one by hardware in iDMA packet descriptors. For eDMA,
- * indicates whether the buffer will be released to the buffer stack
- * manager. When 0, software is responsible for releasing the buffer.
- */
- uint_reg_t hwb : 1;
- /**
- * Encoded size of buffer. Set by the ingress hardware for iDMA packet
- * descriptors. For eDMA descriptors, indicates the buffer size if .c
- * indicates a chained packet. If an eDMA descriptor is not chained and
- * the .hwb bit is not set, this field is ignored and the size is
- * specified by the .xfer_size field.
- * 0 = 128 bytes
- * 1 = 256 bytes
- * 2 = 512 bytes
- * 3 = 1024 bytes
- * 4 = 1664 bytes
- * 5 = 4096 bytes
- * 6 = 10368 bytes
- * 7 = 16384 bytes
- */
- uint_reg_t size : 3;
- /**
- * Chaining configuration for the buffer. Indicates that an ingress
- * packet or egress command is chained across multiple buffers, with each
- * buffer's size indicated by the .size field.
- */
- uint_reg_t c : 2;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t c : 2;
- uint_reg_t size : 3;
- uint_reg_t hwb : 1;
- uint_reg_t inst : 2;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_1 : 3;
- uint_reg_t stack_idx : 5;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_0 : 6;
- int_reg_t va : 42;
- };
- /** Word access */
- uint_reg_t words[2];
- * MPIPE Packet Descriptor.
- * The packet descriptor is filled by the mPIPE's classification,
- * load-balancing, and buffer management services. Some fields are consumed
- * by mPIPE hardware, and others are consumed by Tile software.
- */
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- /* Word 0 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Notification ring into which this packet descriptor is written.
- * Typically written by load balancer, but can be overridden by
- * classification program if NR is asserted.
- */
- uint_reg_t notif_ring : 8;
- /** Source channel for this packet. Written by mPIPE DMA hardware. */
- uint_reg_t channel : 5;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_0 : 1;
- /**
- * MAC Error.
- * Generated by the MAC interface. Asserted if there was an overrun of
- * the MAC's receive FIFO. This condition generally only occurs if the
- * mPIPE clock is running too slowly.
- */
- uint_reg_t me : 1;
- /**
- * Truncation Error.
- * Written by the iDMA hardware. Asserted if packet was truncated due to
- * insufficient space in iPkt buffer
- */
- uint_reg_t tr : 1;
- /**
- * Written by the iDMA hardware. Indicates the number of bytes written
- * to Tile memory. In general, this is the actual size of the packet as
- * received from the MAC. But if the packet is truncated due to running
- * out of buffers or due to the iPkt buffer filling up, then the L2_SIZE
- * will be reduced to reflect the actual number of valid bytes written to
- * Tile memory.
- */
- uint_reg_t l2_size : 14;
- /**
- * CRC Error.
- * Generated by the MAC. Asserted if MAC indicated an L2 CRC error or
- * other L2 error (bad length etc.) on the packet.
- */
- uint_reg_t ce : 1;
- /**
- * Cut Through.
- * Written by the iDMA hardware. Asserted if packet was not completely
- * received before being sent to classifier. L2_Size will indicate
- * number of bytes received so far.
- */
- uint_reg_t ct : 1;
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. Used by the load balancer to
- * select the ring into which this packet descriptor is written.
- */
- uint_reg_t bucket_id : 13;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_1 : 3;
- /**
- * Checksum.
- * Written by classification program. When 1, the checksum engine will
- * perform checksum based on the CSUM_SEED, CSUM_START, and CSUM_BYTES
- * fields. The result will be placed in CSUM_VAL.
- */
- uint_reg_t cs : 1;
- /**
- * Notification Ring Select.
- * Written by the classification program. When 1, the NotifRingIDX is
- * set by classification program rather than being set by load balancer.
- */
- uint_reg_t nr : 1;
- /**
- * Written by classification program. Indicates whether packet and
- * descriptor should both be dropped, both be delivered, or only the
- * descriptor should be delivered.
- */
- uint_reg_t dest : 2;
- /**
- * General Purpose Sequence Number Enable.
- * Written by the classification program. When 1, the GP_SQN_SEL field
- * contains the sequence number selector and the GP_SQN field will be
- * replaced with the associated sequence number. When clear, the GP_SQN
- * field is left intact and be used as "Custom" bytes.
- */
- uint_reg_t sq : 1;
- /**
- * TimeStamp Enable.
- * Enable TimeStamp insertion. When clear, timestamp field may be filled
- * with custom data by classifier. When set, hardware inserts the
- * timestamp when the start of packet is received from the MAC.
- */
- uint_reg_t ts : 1;
- /**
- * Packet Sequence Number Enable.
- * Enable PacketSQN insertion. When clear, PacketSQN field may be filled
- * with custom data by classifier. When set, hardware inserts the packet
- * sequence number when the packet descriptor is written to a
- * notification ring.
- */
- uint_reg_t ps : 1;
- /**
- * Buffer Error.
- * Written by the iDMA hardware. Asserted if iDMA ran out of buffers
- * while writing the packet. Software must still return any buffer
- * descriptors whose C field indicates a valid descriptor was consumed.
- */
- uint_reg_t be : 1;
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. The associated counter is
- * incremented when the packet is sent.
- */
- uint_reg_t ctr0 : 5;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_2 : 3;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_2 : 3;
- uint_reg_t ctr0 : 5;
- uint_reg_t be : 1;
- uint_reg_t ps : 1;
- uint_reg_t ts : 1;
- uint_reg_t sq : 1;
- uint_reg_t dest : 2;
- uint_reg_t nr : 1;
- uint_reg_t cs : 1;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_1 : 3;
- uint_reg_t bucket_id : 13;
- uint_reg_t ct : 1;
- uint_reg_t ce : 1;
- uint_reg_t l2_size : 14;
- uint_reg_t tr : 1;
- uint_reg_t me : 1;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_0 : 1;
- uint_reg_t channel : 5;
- uint_reg_t notif_ring : 8;
- /* Word 1 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. The associated counter is
- * incremented when the packet is sent.
- */
- uint_reg_t ctr1 : 5;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_3 : 3;
- /**
- * Written by classification program. Indicates the start byte for
- * checksum. Relative to 1st byte received from MAC.
- */
- uint_reg_t csum_start : 8;
- /**
- * Checksum seed written by classification program. Overwritten with
- * resultant checksum if CS bit is asserted. The endianness of the CSUM
- * value bits when viewed by Tile software match the packet byte order.
- * That is, bits[7:0] of the resulting checksum value correspond to
- * earlier (more significant) bytes in the packet. To avoid classifier
- * software from having to byte swap the CSUM_SEED, the iDMA checksum
- * engine byte swaps the classifier's result before seeding the checksum
- * calculation. Thus, the CSUM_START byte of packet data is added to
- * bits[15:8] of the CSUM_SEED field generated by the classifier. This
- * byte swap will be visible to Tile software if the CS bit is clear.
- */
- uint_reg_t csum_seed_val : 16;
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. Not interpreted by mPIPE
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t custom0 : 32;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t custom0 : 32;
- uint_reg_t csum_seed_val : 16;
- uint_reg_t csum_start : 8;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_3 : 3;
- uint_reg_t ctr1 : 5;
- /* Word 2 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. Not interpreted by mPIPE
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t custom1 : 64;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t custom1 : 64;
- /* Word 3 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. Not interpreted by mPIPE
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t custom2 : 64;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t custom2 : 64;
- /* Word 4 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Written by the classification program. Not interpreted by mPIPE
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t custom3 : 64;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t custom3 : 64;
- /* Word 5 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Sequence number applied when packet is distributed. Classifier
- * selects which sequence number is to be applied by writing the 13-bit
- * SQN-selector into this field. For devices that support EXT_SQN (as
- * indicated in IDMA_INFO.EXT_SQN_SUPPORT), the GP_SQN can be extended to
- * 32-bits via the IDMA_CTL.EXT_SQN register. In this case the
- * PACKET_SQN will be reduced to 32 bits.
- */
- uint_reg_t gp_sqn : 16;
- /**
- * Written by notification hardware. The packet sequence number is
- * incremented for each packet that wasn't dropped.
- */
- uint_reg_t packet_sqn : 48;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t packet_sqn : 48;
- uint_reg_t gp_sqn : 16;
- /* Word 6 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /**
- * Written by hardware when the start-of-packet is received by the mPIPE
- * from the MAC. This is the nanoseconds part of the packet timestamp.
- */
- uint_reg_t time_stamp_ns : 32;
- /**
- * Written by hardware when the start-of-packet is received by the mPIPE
- * from the MAC. This is the seconds part of the packet timestamp.
- */
- uint_reg_t time_stamp_sec : 32;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t time_stamp_sec : 32;
- uint_reg_t time_stamp_ns : 32;
- /* Word 7 */
-#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- /** Virtual address. Must be sign extended by consumer. */
- int_reg_t va : 42;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_4 : 6;
- /** Index of the buffer stack to which this buffer belongs. */
- uint_reg_t stack_idx : 5;
- /** Reserved. */
- uint_reg_t __reserved_5 : 3;
- /**
- * Instance ID. For devices that support automatic buffer return between
- * mPIPE instances, this field indicates the buffer owner. If the INST
- * field does not match the mPIPE's instance number when a packet is
- * egressed, buffers with HWB set will be returned to the other mPIPE
- * instance. Note that not all devices support multi-mPIPE buffer
- * return. The MPIPE_EDMA_INFO.REMOTE_BUFF_RTN_SUPPORT bit indicates
- * whether the INST field in the buffer descriptor is populated by iDMA
- * hardware.
- */
- uint_reg_t inst : 2;
- /**
- * Always set to one by hardware in iDMA packet descriptors. For eDMA,
- * indicates whether the buffer will be released to the buffer stack
- * manager. When 0, software is responsible for releasing the buffer.
- */
- uint_reg_t hwb : 1;
- /**
- * Encoded size of buffer. Set by the ingress hardware for iDMA packet
- * descriptors. For eDMA descriptors, indicates the buffer size if .c
- * indicates a chained packet. If an eDMA descriptor is not chained and
- * the .hwb bit is not set, this field is ignored and the size is
- * specified by the .xfer_size field.
- * 0 = 128 bytes
- * 1 = 256 bytes
- * 2 = 512 bytes
- * 3 = 1024 bytes
- * 4 = 1664 bytes
- * 5 = 4096 bytes
- * 6 = 10368 bytes
- * 7 = 16384 bytes
- */
- uint_reg_t size : 3;
- /**
- * Chaining configuration for the buffer. Indicates that an ingress
- * packet or egress command is chained across multiple buffers, with each
- * buffer's size indicated by the .size field.
- */
- uint_reg_t c : 2;
-#else /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
- uint_reg_t c : 2;
- uint_reg_t size : 3;
- uint_reg_t hwb : 1;
- uint_reg_t inst : 2;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_5 : 3;
- uint_reg_t stack_idx : 5;
- uint_reg_t __reserved_4 : 6;
- int_reg_t va : 42;
- };
- /** Word access */
- uint_reg_t words[8];
-#endif /* !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) */
-#endif /* !defined(__ARCH_MPIPE_SHM_H__) */